Will we win the Prem / Title still possible (merged)

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Re: Title still possible

nijinsky's fetlocks said:
It's also possible that I can spend the afternoon in the bookies and win a fortune, then return home to find that Mrs Fetlocks has packed her bags, Natalie Sawyer chained herself to my bedposts naked and a kilo of uncut Charlie on the dressing table, but I'm not banking on it.

I reckon there's only 1 of those things that might happen mate.
Re: Title still possible

SuperYaya said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
It's also possible that I can spend the afternoon in the bookies and win a fortune, then return home to find that Mrs Fetlocks has packed her bags, Natalie Sawyer chained herself to my bedposts naked and a kilo of uncut Charlie on the dressing table, but I'm not banking on it.

I reckon there's only 1 of those things that might happen mate.

You're not wrong mate - I should have stopped at the word 'bookies'.
Re: Title still possible

Titles gone I'm afraid..went last week when that coward clattenberg failed to give us a pen and send the beaver off.
Re: Title still possible

mayo31 said:
Liverpool will do what we did in 2012, win the games that mattered at the end.

Norwich away is like when we went there and hammered them
Chelsea at home is like when we beat utd
Palace away like us at Newcastle
Newcastle at home like us v qpr

Said the same myself before the Liverpool game. I said if they get their noses in front and with the added confidence of beating us, the bookies' favourites, they would be unstoppable. They are a mission this season now, just like we were after United lost to Wigan and drew 4-4 at home to Everton.

"They always bottle it" is no argument. Andy Murray always bottled it until he won Wimbledon. There's always a first time for doing something, and just because their players have not won it before, does not automatically mean they never can. Look us in 2012 if you need more evidence.

The other factor is, it is entirely plain to me that the Premier League have decide that a Liverpool victory is good for their brand and worldwide revenues. Refs have been told/asked/begged/hinted at - deleted as you wish - to help all they can. There can be no other explanation for the continued lack of bookings and penalties against Skrytel, dives by Suarzez, kicking from Gerard etc etc etc. Our last 2 games tell you everything you need to know about how slanted they have made the playing field in their favour. City - and doubtless Chelsea too - get booked for coughing; Liverpool straight reds blatantly ignored.

It will take a miracle to stop them from lifting the trophy, a flipping miracle.
Re: Title still possible

we have to win 5 games now that's obvious....nothing else in our hands

and i am pretty sure this is THE ONLY SEASON that will allow for so many drop points to win the title....
Re: Title still possible

Challenger1978 said:
I hope to god we win the League, the fuckers in Liverpool are already acting like they've won the fucking thing. I shit you not the cunts have got the PL trophy on display in the Huyton Asda on Tuesday they're that convinced they've won it.
Ye. If not us then Chelsea, I hate Maureen like the rest but Fuck me if Liverpool win it, it will be written in books for the next 10,000 years.
Re: Title still possible

Liverpool draw with Norwich (a) and Chelsea (h) and Palace (a)
They beat Newcastle (h)

Chelsea draw with Sunderland (h) and Liverpool (a)
They beat Norwich (h) and Cardiff (a)

We win!
West Brom (h)
Palace (a)
Everton (a)
Villa (h)
W Ham (h)
Actually we could draw at Palace or Everton and still take the title...

City 86
Liverpool 83
Chelsea 83
Arsenal 77

I'm being light-hearted.
It is certainly unlikely but no miracles needed.
Re: Title still possible

I was gutted after Liverpool, and down after Sunderland, but I'm not sure why we're giving up so soon.

Our form isn't bad at all - Sunderland was the only dodgy result recently - it's not inconceivable at all that we win out from here.

If that happens Liverpool need to lose ONE game in four and we can overtake them on goal difference (we'll still likely be ahead if we win five).

If that happens Chelsea need to draw ONE game and we'll overtake them.

In 2011/12 with five games left we needed Utd to drop at least two points AND to beat them at the Etihad (and remember we played them 3 times at home in 2012 and they beat us twice, so this was not an easy task).

I realise that it's tough for us to win five in a row - but it's only a couple of weeks since we had a four match run of Stoke, Hull, Fulham and United.

I know we're relying on TWO teams to drop points, but we know one of them will as they play each other. So really we just need one game to go our way and Chelsea have had worse results than us recently (considering who they have played) while Liverpool have come very close to dropping points in three of their last four matches.

I think 86 points will more likely than not be good enough to win the league - and there's no reason to give up on that.
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