I've also begun to realise that our nation is full of absolute twats. It's permeated with them. From silly things yesterday like me being stuck in the outside lane because some dickhead decides he wants to do 60 in a 70 limit, blocking the entire lane and then because I was stuck in the outside lane behind about 10 cars, trying to get left to make my turn off, another dickhead refuses to let me in after 1/4 mile of me indicating. And then when I push myself in - because I have to - he gives me the Vs. What an absolute twat.
Then at the supermarket, the woman with 3 loaves of the reduced bread under her arm sees me arriving about to take the remaining one, and snatches it away when my hand is like a foot away, leaving me with no bread. What a ****.
The country is jam packed with them. The tossers who truck up at these raves know full well they are illegal, but they have fuck all respect for the law and figure "well, what are the police going to do about it". It's a shite attitude. Maybe if they thought (a) they might actually get fined and (b) the fines were big enough, they might think twice about it.
Like I said to mosssideblue about his experience with a couple of pricks taking the piss out of his disability; negative experiences hold stronger emotions and memories for us than most positives ones. Feeling humiliated or angry is a stronger feeling than just feeling calm, normal, or even happy.
90% of the people on this island are people who leave you feeling calm, normal, and happy. The vast majority of people are nice, kind, normal people. It’s always the minority that ruin it for everyone else. It’s the 10% who are the ones who exasperate us. They’re a small group of people but they’re the ones who give us the stronger angry emotions that we overridingly remember.
It’s the actions of these pricks that are newsworthy n’all. So the dickheads breaking lockdown rules, racially abusing others, turning up to protests to attack the Police, abusing and attacking paramedics or Police officers simply turning up to help in a situation, littering and fly tipping etc. are what peaks peoples’ attention and what make news stories... Calm, happy, normal and everyday actions by the 90% are never in the news; nobody would be interested. So that leaves us with the skewed thought that everywhere is full of cunts.
But it’s not. Unlike how Bluemoon’s Politics Forum’s regulars try and portray; on the whole, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with our society. We don’t live in some unhinged country full of pricks, racists, homophobes, sexists, ageists, disability shaming, idiots!
Again, I’ve made a post that isn’t really about what this thread is about. Apologies!.. I do agree that Policing should be tougher where it’s really needed to be. Just thought I’d provide a bit of balance where your think there’s a permeation through the population of absolute twats, because there isn’t.