When the promotion of individualism and the destruction of communities happens I am not sure what you really expected.
When the promotion of individualism and the destruction of communities happens I am not sure what you really expected.
When the promotion of individualism and the destruction of communities happens I am not sure what you really expected.
When the promotion of individualism and the destruction of communities happens I am not sure what you really expected.
When the promotion of individualism and the destruction of communities happens I am not sure what you really expected.
You voted for the people who have done this to the country. Destroying communities where people learn respect from their elders, they learnt values of the community, they acted in the interests of the community, the party you voted for destroyed all that and promoted rampant individualism.
The individual has learnt to look after themselves, because their are no guiding lights, their are no moral arbiters, their are no role models. All there is selfish pursuit of an illusory UK version of the American dream.
You voted for that, you voted for it and now you have the temerity to whinge about what you voted for.
Instead of being ashamed at what you voted for, you know seek scapegoats for your poor judgement. You have seen the country disintegrate around you but you still voted for them and you expect everyone who has suffered under the appalling rule of these cunts to feel sympathy for you. I am sorry Chippy lad, but you are reaping what you were sewn. I do feel sorry for you that you bought the nonsense spouted by the party you voted for, because it must hurt, you expected better, but you are just a useful idiot for the corrupt Capitalists raping and pillaging our country.