Wolves (H) - Post-Match Thread

Yep, can't keep arguing, got to look forward to our 0-0 against Brighton on Wednesday :D

Don't quite understand why you think I'm bitter about anything, we go into games against you expecting to lose. I haven't defended our time-wasting, I haven't claimed we weren't incredibly negative as many, including Pep, have said. We are.

I've shown with stats (when the posts come through) that we're no different to all other mid-table teams against your excellent side at the Etihad and I came on the forum to question why your fans have turned into such football snobs considering where you've been. You've seen your side go to Old Trafford, Highbury and Anfield and do fuck all (on occasions), and they looked down on you in the same shitty way I feel you have done to us on this thread, which is poor.

So, point has been made, many of you don't agree, fine, so won't keep repeating myself.

Anyway, despite the negative comments to Wolves I do hope you smash Leeds tonight and go on to win the league, like most of our fans who have no time for the other two clubs you're realistically competing with.
Is this wolvesfan1 for real?? Comes across as a bitter little shit defending the indefensible. Only an utter moron would spend so much time trying to justify the absolute shite Wolves gave us on Saturday.
Wonder if there’s a wolvesfan2 ?
To be fair I don't think he's a moron I think he is passionate about his team. Nothing wrong with that.

Yes all they did was defend and waste time but let's face it coming to the Etihad with the players we have it's not exactly a level playing field is it. And then you go down to 10 men.

It's easy to dismiss him as a thick moron but he is merely sticking up for his team as I know there are many passionate City fans who would do the same if we lost to say United in that manner..... ie. By a dodgy penalty.
Let's argue with him about stats and fouls etc but let's not start name calling.
Wolvesfan1 has left the building……what was that all about? More time wasting from the Wolves.
Apparently we are “football snobs”. Pep must be Lord Snooty.
Anyway, despite the negative comments to Wolves I do hope you smash Leeds tonight and go on to win the league, like most of our fans who have no time for the other two clubs you're realistically competing with.
If you mean united, we long since stopped competing with them mate.

As for the fouls that you didn't commit in that first half, and using "the stats" to prove it, were you at the bar all half ? Missing the utterly corrupt (and totally unfit and useless Moss) give us nothing until Jimenez had the complete brain fart. There were 3 fouls in the first 5 minutes ignored, 2 of which were probably booking worth.

As per usual every foul against us was a "tackle", and every tackle we made was a foul, and its exactly why Moss totally lost control of the game for the last 15 minutes of the first half, he'd let your lot get away with so much, your players thought they could do anything they wanted, including Jimenez, which to me was hilarious. He had to be booked for the foul, because Moss would have looked corrupt having booked 2 of ours for similar, what he did afterwards was down to Moss losing control of the game, and Jimenez losing control of his brain, despite being asked twice to move away, and it wasn't even in a threatening area of the pitch.
To be fair I don't think he's a moron I think he is passionate about his team. Nothing wrong with that.

Yes all they did was defend and waste time but let's face it coming to the Etihad with the players we have it's not exactly a level playing field is it. And then you go down to 10 men.

It's easy to dismiss him as a thick moron but he is merely sticking up for his team as I know there are many passionate City fans who would do the same if we lost to say United in that manner..... ie. By a dodgy penalty.
Let's argue with him about stats and fouls etc but let's not start name calling.
OK - ‘passionate deluded Wolves fan’. Who did he think he was going to convince?
That's the classic these opposition fans come out with. I recall wolves getting attendances as low as 4000 in the 80s ! We've been one of the best five supported clubs in the history of English football yet they come out with this. As for dodgy decisions we all remember the Bolly handball a couple of seasons ago !!

I had a flag made for these type of chants about where we have been when shit.

will try put it up in CB tier 3 tomorrow night
I hope it includes Molineux as one of the places where we were when we were shit.
That's the classic these opposition fans come out with. I recall wolves getting attendances as low as 4000 in the 80s ! We've been one of the best five supported clubs in the history of English football yet they come out with this. As for dodgy decisions we all remember the Bolly handball a couple of seasons ago !!
To be fair (and I am bound to try to partly justify it), Wolves absolute decline coincided totally with the Thatcher years and massive economic decline. Like elsewhere, Wolverhampton was decimated, especially its steel industry and its mining nearby (Cannock coalfield). People tend to think its always the north, but Wolverhampton is always right up there with Liverpool and Hull for very high unemployment rates, it stood at 37% in St Peters Ward (Molineux) in 1983. Just last week it was named yet again as the city/town with the highest youth unemployment in the UK, and 2 of its 3 constituencies being 2nd and 3rd worst in the UK regards the % of young people with no educational qualifications (Wolverhampton NE 36%, Wolverhampton SE 33% - with only a constituency in Birmingham being higher at 37%). This won't surprise you based on the originality of our fans songbook (:_. BTW, I know Manchester knows all about hardship - so no lessons intended.

But the worst of it was that the economic decline in the 1980s coincided with our decline and that was critical - our owners The Bhatti's just vanished, they were somewhere in Saudi but just deserted their responsiblities, to the point that no season tickets were printed...........the old joke was that even the milk bill went unpaid. That was the year no one could buy any season tickets, though I doubt many would have been sold, but that is why we got 4000 gates in 1986. You had 2 choices, pay on the turnstile to go in the 'crumbling' South Bank, or the Steve Bull stand that was 200 metres from the pitch. We tumbled from the top flight to bottom of Division 3 in consecutive seasons, and that last season is when we got 4000 crowds. But that is over 30 years ago and many Wolves fans today weren't even born then or were too young to influence those gates. Incidentally, when we got new owners in division 4 in 1988 we averaged 9855 and our highest gate in Division 4 that season was 19962. City were in Division 2 that year and averaged 19472 which is very credible for the time period. City fans have stuck with their team. But when City went through their real dip down to Division 3 in the late 90s the recession was well and truly over and gates everywhere had recovered.

So it is difficult to compare apples and pairs - gates everywhere were dreadful in the mid-late 1980s..........Villa average in the Division One 15000 in 1986, Chelsea average Division Two 12000 1983, Leeds average division Two 1986 13000, Leicester average Division Two 12000 1983, Newcastle average Division Two 16000 1982, Sheff Utd average 1987 Division Two 9000, Sunderland average 1987 Division Two 13000, WBA average 1987 Divsion Two 9000, West Ham average Division One 18000 1985, Spurs average Divsion One 1986 20,000 etc etc. But none went from Division One to Division 4 in consecutive seasons and I bet all those could buy Season Tickets.

But yes, I get that those gates will be held against us and the 1980s was a poor time to be in Wolverhampton - shit football team, no season tickets available, absolutely no jobs. We were nearly always a division 2 team in the 90s and averaged 22-28000. Since 2001 I think we sell out 95% of home games.

More recently when we did a double relegation to Division 3 just over six years ago gates held up quite well, we averaged 19800 in the 3rd tier with very few away fans. Now we average 30,000 (current capacity) so have attracted 7000 new home fans on average. Every club attracts new fans, I think we would average around 40,000 if we had the ground and input City have had, maybe more. All hypothetical of course, but that is a stark contrast with 4000 who kept on going during the dark days of the Bhatti's (and yes I have "I was at Chorley" t-shirt who duly beat us 3-0 in the Cup that dreadful year). It is a blot on our our history and we came within 6 minutes of liquidation that year.

I totally get that people remember our low gates and say 'abandoned' their team, but I just wanted to give it full context because the circumstances were extreme, though I understand it will be of little interest to most City fansand so I apologise for that.
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