wolves tossers

RyantheBlue said:
To be fair, you mention about how Warnock did it, Mccarthy and Warnock are different people, if it cost Mccarthy (which it probably wouldn't affect because to be fair they're first 11 would probably have got nothing) he wouldn't moan like a woman, he'd accept it and move on, and Warnock hardly did it either, he complained at other team's doing it :/

Warnock complained about the big boys putting weak teams out in champions league weeks , mainly liverpool but he chose his matches as well and got his belly tickled at scum and chelsea and a few others i remember him having 3 games in a week and playing a ridiculous line up , losing and shrugging his shoulders , that is why sharpe went balistic with him when they got relegated . Lets hope the same happens to wolves.
RobbieBrewer said:
They've just come off the back of a great win at the weekend and should have their tails up.
The rags have just got beat by Villa.
We're not even half way through the season yet!!What if MCarthy comes with an attacking line up,backed by their fans,they score early-who knows?
It might be the three points that keeps them up,or sends them on an unbeaten run like Burnley did after beating the rags.
MCarthys attitude is an insult to the 3000 poor sods who spent hard-earned freezing their bollocks off to back their side in a mdiweek match right near Christmas.Unforgivable.As it is-that is the worst and clearest case of a top-flight manager deliberately throwing the towel in before a match I've ever seen.An insult to the very integrity of the PL.
An utter disgrace.
Totally agree. Mcarthy should be hauled before the FA To explain. He effectively handed over 3 points to one team. He fielded ten different personnel to the team that played on Saturday. Only the goalkeeper held his place. He is keeping his strongest squad apparently for the crunch game against Burnley at the weekend. That’s got to be bringing the PL into disrepute.
What happens if the rags (God forbid) or Chelsea win the league with a few games to go....then either one of them plays a "youth team" against a team near the bottom who are in direct competition with Wolves for a relegation spot?How will MCarthy feel then?The game would be out of his hands-his chance to get the three points needed to survive thrown away in some feeble attempt to "protect" his squad.

It sets a dengerous precedent-makes a total mockery of the word "competition."
What his own players must think of him privately is beyond me.
He's basically told them "you're crap and you'll get hammered.Let's just not bother,eh?"

It's absolutely pathetic and desperately needs some sort of FA response.
teams have done this for years i dont blame him,blame the fa for not doing anything about this common practise.
uwe282828 said:
teams have done this for years i dont blame him,blame the fa for not doing anything about this common practise.


I don't remember anyone changing an ENTIRE outfield squad midway through the season.....straight after basically making what almost amounted to a "surrender speech" in the pre match press conference.
If they were in the FA cup final and comfortably mid table then I could sort of understand it-but Mcarthy has effectively rubbished the idea of a PL league competition.

I hope it bites him,rather than the Wolves fans,on the arse.

Saw it on SSN this morning, wolves fans singing 'where is our first team?' and '42 quid to watch the reserves'

You know what, the thing that takes the piss is that McCarthy was angry a couple of months back when they played the rags in the league cup and he thought they showed them too much respect. He said something along the lines of 'little old wolves players going to old trafford to have their bellies scratched and not upset the applecart', then he goes and does this!
You'd have to wonder if we'd all be whining if they had played a team like that against us ?
Tricky_Trev said:
I'd have done exactly the same if i was their manager. They would have lost no matter what team they played, so with a vital game at home to Burnley coming up at the weekend, why not spare you first 11 from playing 3 games in a week? It's games against the likes of Burnley that will decide their fate, not playing away at the rags.

fuckin good job he didn't adopt the same thinking at spurs wasn't it eh, because they'd be 3pts worse off than they are now!!
one of the reasons its so hard to break the top four monopoly,as half the league dont try to get a result against them.

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