Won't somebody please think of the children?

OP..... i can see just where you are coming from
and yes some replies are right
but talk to them about the good/bad old days
standing in the kippax screraming "we love you city" for an hour non stop when getting torn apart
cold wet days with no hope what so ever of winning an away game never mind a title or trophy
tell them avout the number of times city have "turned the corner" and then fallen apart.....again
lets hope some of it sinks in
but unfortunately for this new generation it may turn out to be a different experience as a city fan
in a way its sad to see "the good old days" gone.... at least for now
those tough times taught us humility and self sacrifice and taught us how to laugh at ourselves and not be too arrogant
fans young and old should remember those days well when we have a bad day at the office
those days made city the club it is and the club that i have loved for over 30 yrs and certainly city fans wouldn't be what they are without those experiences and i wouldn't change a thing.....ok maybe one or two !!

ChesterRdBlue said:
I'm nearly 28 and growing up supporting City when I did helped to build character, I'd imagine that I would be much more of a twat if I had supported that lot. I might make my kids support someone else to help them in later life. Saying that, being a City fan, I'm not yet convinced that this isn't a sick joke and we'll find ourselves back in division 2 in 5 years.
so true, im 20 and still when i watch our games have to wrap my head around the fact we have aguero, silva, yaya toure etc playing for manchester city, definitely appreciate it more than rags my age who would never have even experienced a squad that wont challenge for the title
ChesterRdBlue said:
I'm nearly 28 and growing up supporting City when I did helped to build character, I'd imagine that I would be much more of a twat if I had supported that lot. I might make my kids support someone else to help them in later life. Saying that, being a City fan, I'm not yet convinced that this isn't a sick joke and we'll find ourselves back in division 2 in 5 years.

i keep waiting for breaking news that a car engine that runs on water has been developed
then the sheikh's world crumbling
and then finding out that the swamp really is a swamp and they are sitting on 25 billion gallons of fresh water ideal for car fuel
then i wake up sweating and panting haha
Impeccable said:
SteWadda said:
So they haven’t seen us lose at home once in fact they haven’t even seen us draw at home. They have seen us win the FA cup and sit on top of the league for most of this season.

Do they not go to cup games at home?

No it was hard enough finding the money to buy them season tickets.
SteWadda said:
Chungo said:
OP when people say we didn't win the cup the right way or we are not challenging for the title the right way it confuses me it really does. Surely the right way is to win football matches? I don't get it. I don't remember when we turned up and started playing basketball?

The right way to win things is to win football matches. (fairly)

I'm with you on this.

I just meant I wasn't one of these people saying I would prefer we did it "the right way".

Good and those people are just upset that our 11 players that are on the pitch against their 11 players (this is the right way to play isn't it 11 v 11?) have more slightly more skill and talent and therefore a given a marginally larger salary.
iwastherein81 said:
ChesterRdBlue said:
I'm nearly 28 and growing up supporting City when I did helped to build character, I'd imagine that I would be much more of a twat if I had supported that lot. I might make my kids support someone else to help them in later life. Saying that, being a City fan, I'm not yet convinced that this isn't a sick joke and we'll find ourselves back in division 2 in 5 years.

i keep waiting for breaking news that a car engine that runs on water has been developed
then the sheikh's world crumbling
and then finding out that the swamp really is a swamp and they are sitting on 25 billion gallons of fresh water ideal for car fuel
then i wake up sweating and panting haha
petrol is such a small amount amount of profit compared to other uses like plastics so i wouldn't worry about it if i was you
Education is the only solution. You owe it to your kids not to let them become spoilt. YouTube makes this easier than ever. Show them Alan Ball. Show them Stoke. Show them Pollock's own goal.
SteWadda said:
SB Blue said:
My boys are 8 & 10, 2nd and 3rd year ST holders so have seen a bit more. Sky Premier League years show, years 96 through to 2005 are good to teach them about where we've come from - we were either sh*t or don't even feature as we were in the lower divisions.
They were both Junior blues from a few days old, City is in their blood, if we ever go back to being rubbish they'd still be sat right beside me.

I have show them videos of the city of old, but the problem is they don't sell a citys worse games or a remember when we were crap DVD. Any dvd or even video I have shown them show city scoring goals and the best bits of a season.


Dragons den? gap in the market there
shawgorbie said:
petrol is such a small amount amount of profit compared to other uses like plastics so i wouldn't worry about it if i was you
Not to mention money from other investments. Sheikh Mansour earned more from buying shares in Barclays than money so far 'lost' in City.
wen my liam was younger he followed me obviously,for yrs i was up and down maine road hes 13 now 1st game took him was wba at eastlands, wanted to come home as too many ppl for him, got him 2 stay for most of game, didnt miss much was 0-0 iirc, hes now 13 and grown up seeing me rant and rave, but hes seen decent times, but i always show him the history of club and what his dad went through for 30 plus yrs, how many times ive shown my biggest heartbreak the 81 final god only knows, but he knows where we come from, he had yrs of kids taking piss cause hes a blue, but now hes the one that can say"ha ha" he had biggest grin i ever seen when we thrashed the rags, was so happy coming home from skool that week.
may not be able to go 2 games cause of not working for yrs, but he understands that, hopefully a ticket for swans will get him his 2nd game. hes a big fan of the mick windmill,lol.
hes grounded and will stay that way plus he gets a new shirt every birthday with liam on back as he requests,lol

ctid both of us

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