World Cup Semi FinalS

KippaxCitizen said:
Markt85 said:
KippaxCitizen said:
Notice how he stayed out on the field on his own crying? Was he upset? Or was he trying to show the crowd how "upset" he was, maybe to make them think "aww, look at David, he tried so hard and is so upset just like we are"...?

It was a marketing/propaganda ploy for me so the fans don't turn on the team and maybe to stop the public from rioting too much.

If you've just been stuffed and put in a pathetic performance, you skulk ff to the changing rooms in disgrace, not try and milk it on the pitch. Ulterior motives underlie all that crying.

I think a lot of the crying has been very "faux" throughout the World Cup and the holding up of the Neymar shirt was so cringeworthy it was almost like seeing Liverpool out in the WC.

you don't know unless your in that position

Oscar was beyond devastated and was trying to hide it

there Brazilian , football is there life. some of the crowd were in tears when they were 3-0 down. i think its unfair to personally abuse Luis for all this, he played sh*t, he lost it mentally and he knew it. it wasn't a lack of effort or not being bothered... it was shock, stage fright and losing all confidence. it happens in all sports to some of the very best.

it was him consoling Rodríguez last match, was Rodríguez crying all for show ? for these players the world cup is the pinnacle losing especially in the latter stages is life shattering

I'm not really persoanally abusing Luiz. It could well be that Scolari had a word with Thaigo Silva and when Silva went over to console Luiz he night have said "mate, stay out here crying on your own for a bit. we need to publicity for the good of Brazilian football and Brazil".

The **** shouldn't have been on the pitch at the end, he should have seen red for either of the 2 elbows he threw at Klose or for his spitting his dummy out in the second half and trying to leather the ball at Muller, the fact he missed the ball should have told Scolari something.
I lay the blame of last night's result at Scolari. Surely he HAS to go - strange team and even squad selection.


That team would not have lost 7-1 last night. Replace Dante with Thiago Silva and Bernard with Neymar and you have a very good team.

Scolari's loyalty to players like Fred, Paulinho, Gustavo and Maicon (all very average players) in the tournament have been odd.
I really hope our lads can knock out Holland tonight.

I do fear that because Argentina have been so reliant on Messi in this World Cup that if Holland can mark or even go as far as kick him out of the game then it could be goodnight Vienna for them.

Higuain, Lavezzi and Aguero have to step up tonight.

Demichelis has made Argentina look more defensively solid and organized but with Robben, who I believe to be the best player in the world on form at the moment, he has the ability to destroy any defence in world football currently.

Come on Argentina because I dread Van Gaal going back to United as a World Cup winner and it would be nice for the three City lads coming back as World Cup champions.
I just doubt it somehow.
Robben is on a roll, the Netherlands' defence looks solid, Argentina haven't really convinced until now any more than Brazil had until last night. I'd love to be proved wrong, but this may just be the first time in WC history that two European teams battle it out in the Americas for the trophy.
Argentina need to be cautious down their left. They have had Rojjo marauding up the field which would leave Robben a lot of freedom. If I was Argentina' manager I would instill defensive discipline down the left. If you can thwart Robben then the Dutch are half the team they have been so far.
Lovebitesandeveryfing said:
I just doubt it somehow.
Robben is on a roll, the Netherlands' defence looks solid, Argentina haven't really convinced until now any more than Brazil had until last night. I'd love to be proved wrong, but this may just be the first time in WC history that two European teams battle it out in the Americas for the trophy.
I would have agreed but for the Belgium game. They were still over reliant on Messi going forward but defensively they were excellent. Their organization and shape was impeccable. If they keep the same defensive discipline they should win (hoping)
Van Persie to bag a hat trick.
Robben to get MDM sent off.
Our boys to have a nice break and comeback without on injury.
Gers to hammer the Vans in final and shatter their confidence.
Ron Vlaar is out for Holland tonight I think, he has been pretty decent in this World Cup and is the only experienced defender they have I think, I could be wrong.

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