Worst Goalkeeper

Ike Immel is the stand out goal keeper for me. I remember the Kippax arses clenched whenever the ball was passed back to him or he was under any kind of pressure.
Did anyone see Steve Fleet play? I never did as he only played 5 matches for City between 1957 and 1963 as he was kept out of the team by Bert Trautmann and Harry Dowd.
MaineRoadBlue said:
Ok, I win!

Can't believe nobody has beat me to this and it's so recent that nobody can use either 'I'm to young and never saw him play' or 'my memory is failing me as I get older'

Without doubt the worst goalkeeper ever ever ever to put on a City shirt

Marton Fulop

Never has such a useless oath been charged with providing our final line of defence. He appeared in the final games of 09/10 season due to Given's injury at Arsenal, and I kid you not my missus could have done better. Quite how he ever achieved supposed professional status as a keeper is a mystery to all but God.

I remember him in the Villa home game and he had even less confidence than his non existent ability; truly shocking.

He went on to play at other clubs including WBA and I remember him doing some howlers of biblical proportions in the Premier League last year too!
Played the last three games that season and put in some good performances. He kept us in the match against spurs who completely dominated us so to call him a useless "oath" is a very harsh statement. Despite it making no sense.
petrusha said:
The other one that strikes me as worth a mention is Kevin Stuhr Ellegaard. He's had a career in the game so must have improved, but he was dreadful when, as a young player, he first made our team. In the old days, before goalkeeper subs, you occasionally used to see an injured goalkeeper replaced by an outfield player, and the rest of the team usually used to quite obviously play to protect the replacement. Ellegaard with us circa 2004 is the only specialist goalkeeper whom I can recall making his teammates adopt the same approach.

I'm glad somebody mentioned Ellegard, his performance in the League Cup defeat at White Hart Lane in 03/04 was truly abysmal, he went down in slow motion for two of the goals and the shots weren't especially powerful. No wonder we were desperate to sign Arni Arason a couple of months later for the FA Cup replay.
I never rated Isaksson, always hated the way he launched his dive after the ball had gone past him. Unfortunately he's got over 100 international caps so shows what I know!

What about John Burridge? Is he still on our books?
Without doubt Joe Corrigan was the worst I had seen,for the first two years of his carer.Absolute bobbins and virtually shit in every department.
What a transformation in year three onwards.He shed a fucking load of weight and became a fans favourite,with fantastic displays that finally earned him an England call up.
So glad he knuckled down and on another note ref his displays.
I travelled to Bilbao in 1969/70 and managed to blag a night in the hotel where both the Team and fans were staying.After the match back in the Hotel, a fucking right commotion erupted.A guy in his 50`s had told poor Joe,he was a bag of shite.On that night Joe certainly wasn`t our best player and Joe let the old guy know,by giving him a fucking right wallop,closing this poor guys eye.
Next minute,hotel staff,police,City hierarchy,one and all were caught in the incident.Joe was lucky not to end up in the cells that night !!
Rascal said:
I saw Barry Siddalls debut away at Liverpool and nobody was even aware we had signed him

He got great support and it was the day that the "Barry Barry Barry" chant that later was used for Conlon started.

Cant remember the score as im an old twat

I was there - we were stood in the corner back then at Anfield - and remember being surprised when his name was mentioned pre-match. His City career details are on the history pages of BM with a photo of him with hair. He certainly had much less than this when he played for us: <a class="postlink" href="http://www.bluemoon-mcfc.co.uk/History/Players/Player.aspx?id=660" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.bluemoon-mcfc.co.uk/History/ ... spx?id=660</a>

After years of great 'keepers, especially Corrigan but also to some degree Williams, we had a spell of mediocrity in nets with desperate loans and signings including Mimms, Stowell, Siddall and Suckling. I didn't take to Suckling from the start when he announced why he was late on his first day. He said something like "I had to stop for directions and the guy I asked sent me to Old Trafford instead." Not a great way for a 'keeper to make his first impression.

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