Would you have Ronaldo at City?

yatesy94 said:
Of course, it's a no-brainer he'd attract millions of new fans from across the globe and generate us a shit load of cash. However I feel with our current set up the ex Barca boys will be looking closely at newly upcoming talent who may develop into the next Messi or Ronaldo. If it was to materialise however I don't think I'd stop grinning for about a month the rag muppets would implode.

Can you just imagine that? The Irwell/Ship Canal would be full!!
There has been other players who played for both clubs - Kiddo, Law etc..
lloydie said:
Pigeonho said:
lloydie said:
It's not a good point because there's a special relationship between City and the rags that will colour our opinions and no others which you seem incapable of grasping, wonder why.

As for the name calling, ...childish.
So are sarcastic comments.
And anyone city fan who doesn't want ronaldo because he used to play for united simply doesn't want what's best for the club. It's that simple.

What is best for the Club is a moot point but it is perfectly arguable that there are better strategies than signing Ronaldo and alienating a section of the fanbase. There are certainly better branding strategies than signing someone so closely associated with City's bitter rivals.
These aren't necessarily arguments that I would fully defend but they're valid arguments nonetheless.

As for the sarcasm, you spotted it, well done you.
If a section of the fanbase felt alienated at buying the 2nd best player in the world then more fool them.

I put my love of City ahead of my hatred for Utd.
Those verminous, syphilitic twats had no compunction about signing Billy Meredith despite his being associated ONLY with us. So why not?

Not that I'd ever expect it to happen, and I know it'd be about 100 years late, but I'd like to pay them back and snag "their" guy who happened to be one of the top 2 players in the world at the time.
Pigeonho said:
See there you're getting into the finer details of an actual move, whereas the entire thread is about would or would you not have him here. I've listed my reasons for having him here, reasons which are all based on why I would want a footballer of that calibre here.
If the move had legs and ronaldo made noises that it wouldn't be what he wanted but it happened anyway, then that's a while different matter and something that isn't to do with this thread. In its most simplistic terms the question is would you want ronaldo? And giving a simplistic answer it is a yes from me, and I find it hard to see why anyone wouldn't want him based on their simple reason of him having played for united, as that is just denying themselves the opportunity of enjoying one of the top two players in the world simply because he played for united years ago.
We have been linked with him and the op has posed the question "Would You Have Ronaldo At City?"

Surely everything I've laid out needs taking into account, prior to consideration, as it is that current situation that has driven the question?
No, nor am I remotely interested in claims he is a great player, what he most certainly is can best be summed up by the word c*nt.

He is not the kind of creature I ever want to see in a blue shirt, the same goes for the fat boy with the dodgy hair transplant, an if that means we never win another shiny pot then so be it, his kind dont play for a club, they play for the money, and I don't want anyone who does not pull the shirt on with pride and desire for the club and the fans.
blueonblue said:
No, nor am I remotely interested in claims he is a great player, what he most certainly is can best be summed up by the word c*nt.

He is not the kind of creature I ever want to see in a blue shirt, the same goes for the fat boy with the dodgy hair transplant, an if that means we never win another shiny pot then so be it, his kind dont play for a club, they play for the money, and I don't want anyone who does not pull the shirt on with pride and desire for the club and the fans.

Ragship aside for a minute, what exactly is it that makes you hate Ronaldo so much?

I hated him when he played for them, I'm totally indifferent now and would love to see him in our side.

He wouldn't be the first ex-rag to play for us so I really don't see the problem?
blueonblue said:
No, nor am I remotely interested in claims he is a great player, what he most certainly is can best be summed up by the word c*nt.

He is not the kind of creature I ever want to see in a blue shirt, the same goes for the fat boy with the dodgy hair transplant, an if that means we never win another shiny pot then so be it, his kind dont play for a club, they play for the money, and I don't want anyone who does not pull the shirt on with pride and desire for the club and the fans.

Thats ridiculous mate, how many players do you think pull on a shirt for pride in the club these days, very very few in my opinion.. Its about the Club, the players come and go as do the fans and the staff etc etc.. I couldnt give a monkey's who scores our goals, as long as we win, dont get me wrong, I respect your opinion but to say you would rather we didnt win a trophy again unless we have badge kissing heroes playing is fantasy... !

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