Would you have Ronaldo?

That's the difference I guess.

Manchester United scout a young player, buy him for 12m, train him and turn him into a superstar.

Manchester City come along and spend 150m on the already established superstar.

For the price of 1 established Ronaldo, we could buy 12 raw talent Ronaldos and train them to play our way.
I wouldn't have him even if he was on a free transfer he has way too much history with the scum
squirtyflower said:
he's a great player

but it would churn my stomach if rocked up at CoMS in sky blue

(unless he was playing for Coventry City)
And it would churn my stomach too to see that gay scum twat playing for the home side at our stadium
Pigeonho said:
lee-mcfc said:
Ric said:
It won't happen, and I'm glad.

Obviously a player of his calibre would significantly improve the team, but regardless I would hate to see him in a City shirt.
a blue with sense!

and the site owner too!
Here, use this towel to wipe Ric's anus off your mouth.


The site owner talking shit on his own site ! No wonder you don't post often Ric ! :)
Just don't see what everyone is getting fretful about. If the guy comes it's because he wants to and because our club management want him to. Don't care who he has played for in the past and neither should anybody else, you lot saying "don't want him in blue" really need to punch yourselves in the face and realise that the guy is world class.

Who would you rather have positioning a free kick with 5 minutes left on the watch when we need a goal to win the league or any other trophy, probably the same guy that has been scoring goals all season and getting us to this verge of winning - ronaldo!!!!

Maybe we should re-sign andy cole or the Danish goalkeeper along with tevez. Stop moaning and put a smile on your faces that we are being linked to this caliber of player and not kenwyne jones!!!!!
Ric said:
It won't happen, and I'm glad.

Obviously a player of his calibre would significantly improve the team, but regardless I would hate to see him in a City shirt.

So he would 'significantly improve the team',but that isn't as important as whether you like him or not.
Sorry Ric,but that is the logic of the school playground,and the mentality that has held the club back for so long.
Anything that improves Manchester City is fine by me,and should be for anyone else who cares passionately about the club.
I am glad that you run this site and not the team if that's your attitude.

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