Would you prefer Spurs or Liverpool win the CL ?

1. Spurs
2. Spurs and on and on

I will be unable to turn sky sports on till August if the dippers win it.
They will probably even drop it into the Tour de France that some none descript guy on some cycling team went to school with VVD auntie! Or that Australia cricket whites were hand stitched by some bloke who knew Robertsons family before they went to Australia in 1463 on the Mary Rose or some shite........

SPURS.....all day long.
Haven't spurs got a decent record in finals? its usually semi's they struggle with.

Yes they have in the past, but not this current outfit. I was referring to big games in general. Hopefully last night has turned the corner for them. They almost bottled it against us when they were 3-1 up on aggregate and had to rely on a dodgy VAR in the end. Maybe their name is on the cup ?
Just ban the ****. If he's not on here, more chance he might go and get the psychiatric help he so badly needs.
Unfortunately,i suspect he is a Blue.....but a relatively new one,who's thoughts and expectations will always be at loggerheads with supporters who have grown up City.We can only try and educate this 'new breed' as our success will always encourage their ever increasing presence.
Spurs for me, I personally like Poch better than the cult-cheerleader Klopp. Cannot stand how arrogant and 2-faced as a supporters base and club Liverpool are.

Spurs all day for me
Spurs getting to the final has made me feel pretty chipper for a number of reasons;

1) it gives the media a dilemma in that they can't go full dipper
2) it shows at a glance that success in the CL has fuck all to do with being the best team in Europe
3) outside of the Spurs and Liverpool supporters, no-one will give a shit who wins it. Essentially, it's a glorified FA Cup final played abroad
4) no-one can attempt to argue that "this is the weakest PL ever" as they usually do if we're doing well.
5) any great footballing spectacle is diminished by Liverpool supporters being involved

So, all in all, things are good and we just need to see to our own business.
Spurs, I've deleted Facebook because I can't stand the naueasiating dipper bullshit. Actually found there are a lot of additional benefits to not having facebook in the process!
Tis like being asked which STD you'd prefer.

If we win our remaining 2 games, the CL Final could be played in my back garden and I wouldn't bother to give it a second glance.

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