Wow the hatred for our club is immense

machiavellian said:
Q8-Blue said:
didactic said:
People at work are frothing at the mouth. I have rags and dippers fuming at me saying that the only reason we are where we are is because we bought the best players in the world in every position (not true). When I mentioned that the scum has been buying the best for years the usual youth team argument was thrown in my face when I asked them to name the youth team players in the scum first team now alas super Evans and 100 goals a season Welbeck were bought up. When I mentioned Richards and how we payed less than Liverpool or Chelsea for players all shit broke loose and a friendly discussion turned to insults and curses with spit flying and shouting. None of it coming from my end.

Those who instigated the argument are now "too busy" to talk and "have mountains of emails" to read and reply to. Hahaha I love it success breeds envy my friends and we are now the most hated club in the country.

Bitter idiots, good job by showing the upper hand and not insulting them and therefore stooping to their level. We all know United and the Dippers have been spending like crazy but debating their fans will be futile, it'll only entrench them further in their state of bullheaded delusion.

Oh, speak of the devil.

Another gloryhunter throwing in his two penneth.

Wow you're still on about this....yes sorry i wasn't born in Manchester. Seriously if you can't deal with it then i feel so sorry for you.
The Scarlet Pimpernel said:
machiavellian said:
The Scarlet Pimpernel said:
Ok and how do you know this fellow is a gloryhunter as well? But surely we need some gloryhunters to add money to the coffers for this fair play business and fill the stadium on Champions League/Carling cup nights?? I do not like the way football is with all the money but it seems a little irrational to get on the backs of gloryhunters like you seem to be doing? Dont you think? If they are blues now then they are blues in my book and we will always have our core of loyal support that much we have proved over the years.

He 'chose' us after looking for a club after the World Cup.

Had some quite hilarious contributions to a long thread on the subject of our new fans, but I digress.

You'll have to excuse me, I just fucking hate gloryhunters. I'm not particularly typical around these parts though, so best just to ignore me.

Ignoring people is boring, where's the fun in that, I think I raise a valid point about the revenue side of the game etc... but understand where your dislike of gloryhunters comes from (hate is a bit strong wouldn't you say?) ;)

Nope, hate doesn't even do what I feel about them justice.

It was developed through an entire childhood of growing up in Manchester surrounded by gloryhunting fuckwitts with little or no passion for the game belittling and mocking City while reveling in the loosely associated achievements of United.

I went into great depth about why I feel the way I do in the aforementioned thread.

I see no reason why I should welcome such people to City now that we're an attractive proposition to those with such depraved, needy tendencies.

Like I said, probably best to ignore me.<br /><br />-- Wed Nov 16, 2011 8:22 pm --<br /><br />
Q8-Blue said:
machiavellian said:
Q8-Blue said:
Bitter idiots, good job by showing the upper hand and not insulting them and therefore stooping to their level. We all know United and the Dippers have been spending like crazy but debating their fans will be futile, it'll only entrench them further in their state of bullheaded delusion.

Oh, speak of the devil.

Another gloryhunter throwing in his two penneth.

Wow you're still on about this....yes sorry i wasn't born in Manchester. Seriously if you can't deal with it then i feel so sorry for you.

No worries pal.

I appreciate the pity, it's reciprocated.
funny how having bought their way to the top through slick business practice , united supporters now claim to be a traditional fan revenue based club , if they were that bothered about the glazers, why didnt they buy up shares when he started looking at buying the club.
let's face it they think they have a god given right to be able to buy all the best players
machiavellian said:
Q8-Blue said:
machiavellian said:
Like I said, probably best to ignore me.

Well at least you talk some sense.


If only you were as sincere.

Actually since you seem like a reasonable fellow and a Blue, i won't ignore you. Why can't you accept that everyone just loves City in different ways, some were lucky to be born in Manchester and some who were not choose a team and tend to stick with it. Not all foreign fans are glory hunters, but off course both local and foreign fans can be glory hunters. Generalizations rarely apply to everyone.

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