Yaya Toure apologises

If anyone is interested I would recommend reading the book "Legacy". It's about the All Black rugby team and talks about the principles of what it takes to be an All Black. One of thing it talks about is the notion of "No Dickheads". Character over talent wins every time. This is what is playing out at City with Yaya and I suspect Nasri and Joe Hart. All supremely talented players but thing about each one in turn, especially Yaya and Nasri. It's a cracking read and makes you understand the notion of what's needed to make a world class team. That doesn't include "dickheads" or agents who spout nonsense.
Interesting tactic from team toure getting his father to apologise, whilst his agent still gobs off and not a word from toure himself..
the moment he didn't come out and gag his agent over cake gate any respect I had for him went right out of the window. his silence i'm afraid left us no option but to believe the agent was indeed his voice. yaya could have killed all that stone dead. instead he kept quiet as his agent spouted more and more shite about our club and our owner. no cake, he was'nt respected and so on, what a load of shite. he had obviously engineered a move elsewhere on big bucks but instead of risking a "loyalty" payment he tried to upset the camp, we'd just won the league and despite pellers we were all on a high. he tried to hurt us at the very time we should have all been settled, happy and planning the following season. driven by greed he let his agent take the fallout so he is actually a coward too. I said at the time, and got pelters for it, that he was a ****, my opinion has never waivered. great player, wouldn't be where we are without him but totally tarnished his legacy by his own doing. city have played a blinder here, they have bided their time and struck, there's the reserves **** go play with them. he picked entirely the wrong club to fuck with. it also sends a message out to any other fucker who tries it on, you WILL come off second best.

Your longest post in years and i agree with every word.
the moment he didn't come out and gag his agent over cake gate any respect I had for him went right out of the window. his silence i'm afraid left us no option but to believe the agent was indeed his voice. yaya could have killed all that stone dead. instead he kept quiet as his agent spouted more and more shite about our club and our owner. no cake, he was'nt respected and so on, what a load of shite. he had obviously engineered a move elsewhere on big bucks but instead of risking a "loyalty" payment he tried to upset the camp, we'd just won the league and despite pellers we were all on a high. he tried to hurt us at the very time we should have all been settled, happy and planning the following season. driven by greed he let his agent take the fallout so he is actually a coward too. I said at the time, and got pelters for it, that he was a ****, my opinion has never waivered. great player, wouldn't be where we are without him but totally tarnished his legacy by his own doing. city have played a blinder here, they have bided their time and struck, there's the reserves **** go play with them. he picked entirely the wrong club to fuck with. it also sends a message out to any other fucker who tries it on, you WILL come off second best.

Al it of trust in what you say in your good post Bill. Maybe you have gone a bit over the top on your legacy stuff. Yay a will still be tempered as the most important player of the modern City era. Maybe he will be surpassed in time by Silva, Kompany, KDB or Stones but Yaya is a legend (and a greedy ****)!
That's where I differ from the vast majority on here. I don't care about off the field stuff, I just remember players for what they've done on the pitch. I don't even care how much they earn, as that's down to the club, if they want to pay someone £200k+ a week, then crack on.

Didn't someone post on here that Kompany had some deal in place with Real Madrid (?) if Mancini stayed? Might have been @SWP's back , but then again I could be doing him a disservice. Weren't a couple of the 'legends' involved in getting Mancini out the door?

For the life of me I really don't get why people give a shit what an agent says. As I've said before, just ignore the dick, he'll soon go away if no one listens.
My opinion too. Maybe we just aren't sensitive enough?
If anyone is interested I would recommend reading the book "Legacy". It's about the All Black rugby team and talks about the principles of what it takes to be an All Black. One of thing it talks about is the notion of "No Dickheads". Character over talent wins every time. This is what is playing out at City with Yaya and I suspect Nasri and Joe Hart. All supremely talented players but thing about each one in turn, especially Yaya and Nasri. It's a cracking read and makes you understand the notion of what's needed to make a world class team. That doesn't include "dickheads" or agents who spout nonsense.

Good post. However, the "no dickheads" ethos went on to the back burner when Tana Umaga tried to cripple Brian O'Driscoll.

The All Blacks are brilliant but their ethos is mainly to help themselves and respect for others isn't a priority. A bit like Yaya and Seluk in some ways
the moment he didn't come out and gag his agent over cake gate any respect I had for him went right out of the window. his silence i'm afraid left us no option but to believe the agent was indeed his voice. yaya could have killed all that stone dead. instead he kept quiet as his agent spouted more and more shite about our club and our owner. no cake, he was'nt respected and so on, what a load of shite. he had obviously engineered a move elsewhere on big bucks but instead of risking a "loyalty" payment he tried to upset the camp, we'd just won the league and despite pellers we were all on a high. he tried to hurt us at the very time we should have all been settled, happy and planning the following season. driven by greed he let his agent take the fallout so he is actually a coward too. I said at the time, and got pelters for it, that he was a c*nt, my opinion has never waivered. great player, wouldn't be where we are without him but totally tarnished his legacy by his own doing. city have played a blinder here, they have bided their time and struck, there's the reserves **** go play with them. he picked entirely the wrong club to fuck with. it also sends a message out to any other fucker who tries it on, you WILL come off second best.

This is exactly right.
He is a c*ntish little prick who has destroyed any legacy he has here.
Similar to tevez in many ways. I'd genuinely love to say all the things I remember him for but refusing to warm up and going on strike are the two main ones.
Yaya will always be remembered for cake-gate in my book.

I'm glad the club is hurting him; long may it continue.
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No pep doesn't have any balls regarding big players;
Getting rid of Ronaldinho, Deco, eto'o, Ibrahimovic, pig fucker, and (much more recently and closer to home) Hart were all very very easy decisions

The timing was right and perhaps made it easier but the point is it had to be done and pep did well and I am 100% certain YAYA has had many many talks behind closed doors and this mention in public won't have been the first he's heard of it.
Case in point Joe: that was all dealt with in house, the player was/is respectful and his agent hadn't mouthed off.
Both Joe and YAYA wanted out by pep but seemingly handled different, you have to ask, why is that?
In the book
Good post. However, the "no dickheads" ethos went on to the back burner when Tana Umaga tried to cripple Brian O'Driscoll.

The All Blacks are brilliant but their ethos is mainly to help themselves and respect for others isn't a priority. A bit like Yaya and Seluk in some ways

it talks about sweeping the sheds at the end of the game, eg everyone is equal and not above cleaning up their own mess. They might not be perfect but I disagree that they don't respect others.
In the book

it talks about sweeping the sheds at the end of the game, eg everyone is equal and not above cleaning up their own mess. They might not be perfect but I disagree that they don't respect others.

They may respect others but it's all about helping themselves first and foremost. That's competitive sport at the end of the day.

That said, Introducing the slit throat signal into the Hakka wasn't the high of sportsmanship.

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