Yaya Toure apologises

I have no objection to an ultimatum being given to Yaya but you bring him in and speak to him in person preferably with his agent there rather than announce it at a press conference.
But we don't know what has gone before. Maybe we have been diplomatic and over allowed his piss-takey behaviour. I'm not going to stress about this in the slightest. Pep has made a stand, and I stand right behind him.
Ssn discussing it, and generally on peps side. But having an argument here with a colleague , Pep never said apologize to pep , he said apologize to man city correct? Media spin now seems to be pep wants a personal apology
Firstly apologize to the club, then to the players and then to the 'trainer' as he stated.
Great stance by Pep. The club should not tolerate sniping by gobshite agents. Yaya should have the balls to tell his agent to zip it but I suspect that he has always been happy for him to make his comments via the media.
As has been said in previous posts, Yaya is now yesterday's man. His influence as a player has waned and thus his power within the club. If Yaya can't get into League Cup team then he is clearly on the way out. It is assumed that he was given the chance to ship out during the summer but chose to stay put. Obviously, he either likes his current situation or no-one came up with a better offer to move on. The man has been a tremendous asset to the club and scored goals at key moments as the Blue Moon has risen. It would be nice to see him either (a) stay put, wind his neck in, put a shift in and be a team player or (b) keep his trap shut and move on with some dignity. It is nice to see that the club are now taking a no-shit attitude and I hope that extends to the media too.
A manager only has so much power in the grand scheme of things. The club is a business so the better the player the more power they have.

I don't look at Mancini as being weak at all and Tevez came back.

Tevez was a similar situation. Tevez was told that he would be allowed back if he apologised to the club & teammates. Eventually he did and he came back. Seluk should have issued a non-apology apology which would have made it more uncomfortable for the club and Pep. Instead he shouted his mouth off. This is also about Txiki as much as Pep and goes way back to the Barca days. Yaya is unlikely to disown Seluk in my view so it will rumble on until Yaya leaves.

Seluk should have played this a bit smarter. But then a smarter agent would have kept his mouth shut in the first place.
If Yaya speaks up, the problem will be solved. If he doesn't, he is effectively backing his agent over the club. Obviously he can have a few days to talk/argue with Slug but he has two options: get Slug to apologise, or if he won't, then Yaya should make it clear Slug isn't speaking on Yaya's behalf. It's easy enough. But if he doesn't then he either agrees or hasn't got the balls to stand up to him. Even if he said 'it's not fair, Seluk doesn't speak for me, why should I suffer?' that hits the ball back to Pep & he has to justify it. If he says nothing then he's got no excuse.

Either way, Pep has put the onus on him to make it clear where he stands, so it's in the open now.
Very satisfying to know that the manager has proper control of a group of players and is turning them all into a team,which is his and their job to do.
Surely this is what all clubs should be doing with the parasitic agents. Stop bleating and moaning all the time and let's talk in private and sort. We are in a stronger position though than a few seasons ago when we needed Yaya more than we do now.

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