Yaya Toure - commits future to City (page 855)

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Re: Yaya Toure

Lancet Fluke said:
blue underpants said:
Tim of the Oak said:
Now a Talkshite special
They are slaughtering us, fuck em though

Just out of interest, why do they think we deserve to be slaughtered in all this? I am guessing it is Durham trying to generate angry callers as usual?

Angry or depressed callers I think. Claims we can't get Barkley because of our treatment of Rodwell. Well if Jack could stay for he would have played in plenty of games.

I still buzzing at being Champs again so won't be phoning in.
Re: Yaya Toure

I don't get why people think PSG have tapped him up, they are in the same boat as us in regards to FFP sanctions so for a start they can't increase their wage bill from what it is now and I would imagine they cant spend more than 49m like us.
Re: Yaya Toure

jay_mcfc said:
I remember how distraught we all were when SWP left. He was our only hope at the time and it felt like we were giving up. I personally felt worse when Anelka left, I know others had a poor opinion of him but for me he was the one true top class player we had before 2008. I was gutted.

Roll on to 2014 and we are in such a strong position that possibly our best player, player of the year, icon and guy who has dragged us over the line in various competitions acts like this and I can brush it off with a shrug of the shoulders. He will forever be tainted now but I will always love the guy for what he has done for us. But if we have to move on, fuck it and fuck him. I have 100% confidence that the club will do the right thing and that is all that matters at the end of the day. If he was 25 I might have a different opinion but I guess we weren't too far away from thinking about his replacement anyway.

I never liked Anelka as I thought he looked down on the club and made it out we should be honoured for him to play for us (which of course is what appears to be happening with Ya Ya. But that is an argument for another day.

I agree though with the sentiment in your second paragraph in that we should have confidence in our owners to do the right thing in the long run. They have not let us down yet.
Re: Yaya Toure

I am pretty sure his and his agent's main reason to do this disrespectful attack on the club/owner is to lower his price. They kinow we dont want to sell him or ask stupid high price.

We say it didnt work for Tevez and he he had to leave on our terms but in the end we got such a joke fee for him Juve still more than happy they got Tevez for the price we paid for Rodwell or less than Kolarov/Milner etc...
Tevez instantly became their top scorer...
Re: Yaya Toure

i8rags said:
I'm confused is this a request for cake, a pay rise a transfer, or just a cuddle.

He wants to be the centre of attention at the club. Just like Messi is the cente of attention at Barcelona.
Re: Yaya Toure

sam-caddick said:
I don't get why people think PSG have tapped him up, they are in the same boat as us in regards to FFP sanctions so for a start they can't increase their wage bill from what it is now and I would imagine they cant spend more than 49m like us.

Cavani's looking unsettled though. If Maureen or the rags want him, they'll pay a shit load which would allow PSG to go after big targets again.
Re: Yaya Toure

I think Barcelona's transfer ban has something to do with this, it kicks in next year so if Yaya does want to go back there it probably has to be now otherwise he will have to wait until their ban is over which by then he will be too old.
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