Yaya Toure - commits future to City (page 855)

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Re: Yaya Toure

de niro said:
M18CTID said:
de niro said:
I can't believe how many "blues" will accept a players behaviour regardless how much he harms the club just because he can play a bit. Is glory that important ffs. At best its rag like,at worst its dipper behaviour.


Bill, that behaviour you speak of reminds me of you wanting Tevez back in the fold a couple of years ago to help us in the title run-in, despite all the shit he stirred up ;)

tevez had a point.

You can't compare Yaya's idiotics to the Tevez case. Two very different scenarios.
Re: Yaya Toure

de niro said:
M18CTID said:
de niro said:
I can't believe how many "blues" will accept a players behaviour regardless how much he harms the club just because he can play a bit. Is glory that important ffs. At best its rag like,at worst its dipper behaviour.


Bill, that behaviour you speak of reminds me of you wanting Tevez back in the fold a couple of years ago to help us in the title run-in, despite all the shit he stirred up ;)

tevez had a point.

Some people might agree with him that Manchester is shit, city deserved to be laughed at on national TV, that playing golf is more important than city, that going to Portugal instead of training is a good idea or heading off to drink in Argentinian bars is acceptable when you are supposed to be at training etc etc etc but I am not sure who ! even Terry Christian would only agree with two or three of those!

Tevez had done so much wrong before Munich that he should not have been there and he did really disruptive bad things that hurt the team with actually not that great a contribution to out trophies ! It is not even comparible and even tevez is no Suarez!
Re: Yaya Toure

de niro said:
M18CTID said:
de niro said:
I can't believe how many "blues" will accept a players behaviour regardless how much he harms the club just because he can play a bit. Is glory that important ffs. At best its rag like,at worst its dipper behaviour.


Bill, that behaviour you speak of reminds me of you wanting Tevez back in the fold a couple of years ago to help us in the title run-in, despite all the shit he stirred up ;)

tevez had a point.

I don't think going on strike for several months reflects particularly well on him to be honest. Add in some of his behaviour prior to that and I think it's fair to say he took the piss.
Re: Yaya Toure

EalingBlue2 said:
TonyM said:
gordondaviesmoustache said:
The one where City fans now consider Liverpool fans to be more insufferable than united ones, perhaps?
Oh I get you. Sorry for misunderstanding. At least it gave me a chance to write something nice about my friend Ealing :-)
Why thank you sir!

As an incredibly stubbornly optimistic blue who even believed in defending Dabo and that things would come good under Pearce the only paradigm shift is that the future I believed in is now real!

The hate on Yaya dumbfounds me as he has not done 10% of what tevez and Barton has done negatively and he has done 10x more positively so I think I will wait and see what he , the club and the manager think before I hate on him.

I also don't seek to judge a man who grew up in very different shoes to mine, who dealt with the pressure of the league run in & World Cup build up as the main man in both whilst dealing with a death of a close one which I have seen screw up people both friends and colleagues in every day life. He may well be a bit of an arse , he may well be greedy , he may well be lazy (I meet dozens of who this is true every day) or he may just be emotionally drained, upset, put of tough and poorly advised - or most likely a bit of both.

But some of the hysterical nonsense on here is the stuff of James I witch trials or reds under the beds hysteria and really lacing in empathy, stoicism; perspective, humour or even any rational desire to protect the interests of City and that is strange.

Seems to me there is driven by rags like the Daily Mail this almost hysterical mentality to try and draw extreme views out on everything and that sober rational considered thought is now a dangerous and radical sin! Why let the facts get in the way of emotions?

Your last sentence can flipped the other way though and are many letting emotion blind them to the facts. I do not hate Yaya and don't feel as strongly as De Niro but I have to agree with a lot of what he says. When does any of this become Yaya's fault. His agent was on everything he could get on disrespecting the club and telling anyone who would listen Yaya might not be here next season. Yaya publicly backed his agent. The fiasco surrounding his brothers death, I really can't find the words to say how low I find that. For me it said a lot that the press didn't jump all over it. I thought it would cause a shit storm but nearly all the journalists seemed to find it strange and it didn't really become an issue. I understand grief but he has had time to smooth things a little regarding this but no just silence from Yaya. Maybe not from a football point of view but from a human point of view, I think what Yaya has said is worse than anything Tevez said. De Niro summed it up for me about 100 pages back in that there are ways of doing things, no one has any bad feeling towards Lescott or Barry because they went about their business like men. Can Yaya say the same? I look at him as a fantastic footballer but a poor excuse for a man.
Re: Yaya Toure

de niro said:
I can't believe how many "blues" will accept a players behaviour regardless how much he harms the club just because he can play a bit. Is glory that important ffs. At best its rag like,at worst its dipper behaviour.


Quite possibly the daftest thing you've ever posted, and that is saying something.
Re: Yaya Toure

People comparing Tevez or Yaya to Suarez need to shutup,
Completely different cases.

Liverpool dealt with the Suarez situation much better then we did with Tevez,
sure Carlos was caught on camera abroad on strike, we had to react but I don't think it should of been in public to extent it was.

Mancini went on record saying he will never play for the club again which was embarrassing, sure it was heat of the moment but at the same time it was idiotic.

All we know is that Luis kicked up a fuss to move away from Liverpool, we don't know how/which way he went about it.

I think Liverpool handled the situation very well, we didn't. We need to adapt the same mentally, we can all say "no one is bigger then the club" but the fact is we made Tevez move very difficult and I think a potential move by Yaya will just as ugly.

I laugh at posters on here "We chant his name week in/week out." To the majority of these high profile players they look at this sport as nothing more then a job.

If a player wants to go, no matter who he is. Then let him go.
Re: Yaya Toure

richball_PF55 said:
People comparing Tevez or Yaya to Suarez need to shutup,
Completely different cases.

Liverpool dealt with the Suarez situation much better then we did with Tevez,
sure Carlos was caught on camera abroad on strike, we had to react but I don't think it should of been in public to extent it was.

Mancini went on record saying he will never play for the club again which was embarrassing, sure it was heat of the moment but at the same time it was idiotic.

All we know is that Luis kicked up a fuss to move away from Liverpool, we don't know how/which way he went about it.

I think Liverpool handled the situation very well, we didn't. We need to adapt the same mentally, we can all say "no one is bigger then the club" but the fact is we made Tevez move very difficult and I think a potential move by Yaya will just as ugly.

I laugh at posters on here "We chant his name week in/week out." To the majority of these high profile players they look at this sport as nothing more then a job.

If a player wants to go, no matter who he is. Then let him go.

Sorry mate but you got that wrong, he goes when it's right for the club not when it's right for him personally, agreed all Footballers will do what's right for them and fuck us fans who have personal relationships with our club, but that's what we have contracts for and he is under contract for 2 years so the club decides when he can leave
Re: Yaya Toure

Andy Morrisons jock strap said:
richball_PF55 said:
People comparing Tevez or Yaya to Suarez need to shutup,
Completely different cases.

Liverpool dealt with the Suarez situation much better then we did with Tevez,
sure Carlos was caught on camera abroad on strike, we had to react but I don't think it should of been in public to extent it was.

Mancini went on record saying he will never play for the club again which was embarrassing, sure it was heat of the moment but at the same time it was idiotic.

All we know is that Luis kicked up a fuss to move away from Liverpool, we don't know how/which way he went about it.

I think Liverpool handled the situation very well, we didn't. We need to adapt the same mentally, we can all say "no one is bigger then the club" but the fact is we made Tevez move very difficult and I think a potential move by Yaya will just as ugly.

I laugh at posters on here "We chant his name week in/week out." To the majority of these high profile players they look at this sport as nothing more then a job.

If a player wants to go, no matter who he is. Then let him go.

Sorry mate but you got that wrong, he goes when it's right for the club not when it's right for him personally, agreed all Footballers will do what's right for them and fuck us fans who have personal relationships with our club, but that's what we have contracts for and he is under contract for 2 years so the club decides when he can leave

So you think the club should hold ransom someone who does not want to play there? You think that will have a positive effect on the dressing room?
A positive effect on future signings?

No one is bigger then the club.
Re: Yaya Toure

richball_PF55 said:
People comparing Tevez or Yaya to Suarez need to shutup,
Completely different cases.

Liverpool dealt with the Suarez situation much better then we did with Tevez,
sure Carlos was caught on camera abroad on strike, we had to react but I don't think it should of been in public to extent it was.

Mancini went on record saying he will never play for the club again which was embarrassing, sure it was heat of the moment but at the same time it was idiotic.

All we know is that Luis kicked up a fuss to move away from Liverpool, we don't know how/which way he went about it.

I think Liverpool handled the situation very well, we didn't. We need to adapt the same mentally, we can all say "no one is bigger then the club" but the fact is we made Tevez move very difficult and I think a potential move by Yaya will just as ugly.

I laugh at posters on here "We chant his name week in/week out." To the majority of these high profile players they look at this sport as nothing more then a job.

If a player wants to go, no matter who he is. Then let him go.

Oh dear me, the world really has gone mad. Liverpool players openly supporting Suarez after the racism alleagtions and then the club publicly bacjking him after he was ound the guilty, the club and fans publicly backing him after he bites the Chelsea players, the club and fans publicy backing hiom after his cheating diving antics ...and you call that handling the situation well!!!!! Your moral compass really is a bit skewwhiff if you are comparing this to the Ya Ya storm in a tea cup!
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