
He doesn't work hard enough in the non-biggest games. Too often he'll stand and watch the oppositions play and we look open in midfield. Plays in fits and starts with the all in the non-biggest games too; at Villa last week, for example, he was great until the last twenty minutes where he went missing.

In the biggest games he looks like a top 5 in the world player, though.
OB1 said:
Zin 'messiah' Zimmer said:
This thread should go in the classics just for the doubters alone

He's the complete midfielder who now has fuel for his engine in the form of fern, 15+ this year looks a real possibilty, and should it happen we'll win one of the major 2 trophies, immense again from the big man!!!

The most complete footballer in the league.
the most complete footballer in the league................................my arse.................ya ya is a great footballer, and going forward can be absolutely devastating.......but unfortunately when we,ve not got the ball its the complete opposite he just can,t chase the ball back once lost.....and also for a footballer of his height....can,t win a ball in the air to save his life..............i would say he does border world class in some of the things he does.....but the complete footballer..........NO.....
paulgmurphyhumphries said:
Yaya is a ballwatcher. This contributes to the fact that defensively he is very poor. This only really shows up against the better teams , either away or in Europe. City will ultimately fail again this year if we continue to operate solely with him and fern in midfield. Maybe playing nasri and silva a little narrower will disguise his deficiencies.
I urge any of you to actually watch him as we defend his eyes never leave the ball for one second, he is continually drawn towards the ball. It is very naive .

However what a ball for the equaliser. It is a conundrum.

Yeah lets drop him.
Josh Blue said:
paulgmurphyhumphries said:
Yaya is a ballwatcher. This contributes to the fact that defensively he is very poor. This only really shows up against the better teams , either away or in Europe. City will ultimately fail again this year if we continue to operate solely with him and fern in midfield. Maybe playing nasri and silva a little narrower will disguise his deficiencies.
I urge any of you to actually watch him as we defend his eyes never leave the ball for one second, he is continually drawn towards the ball. It is very naive .

However what a ball for the equaliser. It is a conundrum.

Yeah lets drop him.
You've not read what he's posted, have you?
dwren said:
OB1 said:
Zin 'messiah' Zimmer said:
This thread should go in the classics just for the doubters alone

He's the complete midfielder who now has fuel for his engine in the form of fern, 15+ this year looks a real possibilty, and should it happen we'll win one of the major 2 trophies, immense again from the big man!!!

The most complete footballer in the league.
the most complete footballer in the league................................my arse.................ya ya is a great footballer, and going forward can be absolutely devastating.......but unfortunately when we,ve not got the ball its the complete opposite he just can,t chase the ball back once lost.....and also for a footballer of his height....can,t win a ball in the air to save his life..............i would say he does border world class in some of the things he does.....but the complete footballer..........NO.....

You sir must be joking !!!!!!!!

Video: A spontaneous Toure brothers chant brought traffic to a standstill in Sligo last night
So it got pretty mental in the middle of Sligo town in the early hours of this morning…
As if often the case in this country, the real craic on a night out in Sligo didn’t start until after the nightclub, when a huge crowd of revellers gathered outside Pure for a spontaneous rendition of a now famous and widely-known chant about the brothers Toure.
According to Denis O’Hara, who sent us in the video, the scenes below went on for about 30 minutes before it got a little out of hand when some over enthusiastic youths climbed atop a van and started jumping on the roof, with one of them even whipping off his top for good measure. It is Freshers’ Week so it was always going to be a bit livelier than usual.
At that stage, the Gardai arrived to restore some order to the situation and those present had to postpone their worship of Kolo and Yaya for another day.
Just you average mid-week night out in an Irish college town, eh?
vintiz said:
dwren said:
OB1 said:
The most complete footballer in the league.
the most complete footballer in the league................................my arse.................ya ya is a great footballer, and going forward can be absolutely devastating.......but unfortunately when we,ve not got the ball its the complete opposite he just can,t chase the ball back once lost.....and also for a footballer of his height....can,t win a ball in the air to save his life..............i would say he does border world class in some of the things he does.....but the complete footballer..........NO.....

You sir must be joking !!!!!!!!

I think its a very accurate assessment.
HellasLEAF said:
agree with those that say Yaya goes missing. going forward he's great, but if the ball is not in his general vicinity, Yaya is not exactly going to track it down.

He is definitely one of our luxury players, a player who struggles when things are not going our way.

This is what worries me about our midfield, a Yaya and Fernandinho partnership looks great when it's all going rosy for us, but when we have it tough we need a grafter in there with them to help build their spirits up if we are on a downer or stuggling to get a grip of the game.

Yaya likes to play, without the ball it's like having ten men at times.
I think part of the reason Fernandinho looks overwhelmed sometimes in games is because Yaya simply isn't going to work as hard as him which would take some of the weight off him. Excellent player though, one of the best in the league, he simply struggles when players get in behind him as he won't continue to rigorously track them like Fernandinho does. In a midfield 3 he'd probably not have to think about that, but we play with this 2 up top system so doubt we'll see that anytime soon.

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