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The man has crafted some moments of pure genius and ecstacy for the club and us, the fans. On the flip side, he has also driven us to hard drink with his lax attitude to hard work at times. He will always have his doubters and lovers. Take todays game as the example. As many fans think he was man of the match as think we carried him.

He is Schrödinger's Yaya.
I like that. :-)
Love the reaction.

Suddenly one goal after two seasons of shit and he's superstar Yaya again, haha!!
"Two seasons of shit" is almost immeasurably harsh on a player who's still contributed to 27 goals in 71 games since August 2014 despite being played out of position by Pellegrini, who has no idea how to manage his ageing limbs and gradually deteriorating influence accordingly. Yaya's been fighting a losing battle with Pellegrini all season with regards to the role he plays in our side so to see him produce moments (and overall performances) like he did tonight was wonderful to see.
The man has crafted some moments of pure genius and ecstacy for the club and us, the fans. On the flip side, he has also driven us to hard drink with his lax attitude to hard work at times. He will always have his doubters and lovers. Take todays game as the example. As many fans think he was man of the match as think we carried him.

He is Schrödinger's Yaya.

"He is Schrödinger's Yaya" i don't think i've read a better description... the pundits being the radioactive particle(s) and the supporters the box...
cheers for that...
The best all round footballer i've seen, we all know he's at the fag end of his career but to all the moaners and bed wetters on this forum show him some respect, we wouldn't be where we are without him. Legend.
This may be his last season with City but I think he has a couple of magical moments left in him especially in Europe.

Frustrating player who seems lazy at times but his class and skill is undeniable.
Has anybody experienced any masturbation earth tremors yet. These geological incidents always used to get set off when Chavs And rags get great results in the knockout stages? And God forbid had it been Spurs getting the result we got tonight. I was beginning to think the Russian club had undergone a change of name to FC Rusty? Can anyone cast more light on this matter.

If it were United, the mass wanking would provoke a tsunami on the south east coast, sweeping away the towns of Brighton and Crawley and trashing Hastings beyond all recognition.

Anyway, the English jouno-hordes couldn't wait to slaughter us and get all that bitter and twisted bile out of them and it clearly left them in a bad mood.

How many times were we told that the Russian team were only just back from a long winter break. There is nothing wrong with mentioning this but not every five minutes and you just know they wouldn't be saying it if it were the rags out there or the spuds. Also, was the BBC commentator more exited about their goal than he was about any of ours?. He seems to have pleasured himself after Kiev scored only to delate when our third went in.

And fuck off Keane and Dixon.

Fuck right off you transparent twunts.
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Yet another crucial goal from him tonight.

I know he has his detractors, and you should listen the the Yaya haters around me, but he bangs them in when we need them.

I won't be surprised if he smashes one into the net on Sunday when we need it either.

OK, he's not as mobile as he was a year or so ago, but he has been a major part of our success these last few years, and I don't understand why he receives the criticism he does.

I've heard it all, he's lazy, he's got lead boots, he doesn't care, and all the rest of it, but for me, he is one of the greatest players I have seen pull on the shirt since the mid 60's, and just because he doesn't charge around the pitch like a headless chicken chasing lost causes, which some of those around me think makes a great player, doesn't detract from the simple fact his goals over the years have shaped our recent history.

I love the guy, and I will be sorry to see him leave.

He is on the wane, but he deserves our respect for his contribution over the years.
Love him, hate him.
But is there anyone who can conjure up goals like he has
done regularly for us.

I said a few weeks ago that I thought he had something left for us.
He is an absolute one off. It has been fantastic watching him and we should savour the time he is still with us.
When he does go I hope City do a 'best bits'' DVD because there have been so many.
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