Yet More Tensions in the States...

Glad I don't live there. Beautiful country. Great people but too many lunatics in the police forces.
Hope you and the fambo are going ok Biggs lad..

I posted a topic not so long ago titled U S of HELL..Should have been U S HEIL..The response i got was citizens of the nazi state replying with pictures of lovely mountains and lakes lol.. it is a mess of a country as is pretty much every country on the planet due to certain agendas that i wont get into right now... humanity as we know it is fucked , we lost the end game,but it's ok, just keep playing with your crayons and balloon on a stick, all is good, nothing to worry about...last one out close the door and turn the light off..if you have any fingers left of course. Hitler didnt win the war as such, the dates just got moved around but the ending is pretty much the same as woulda been, just without more mass genocide.
Glad I don't live there. Beautiful country. Great people but too many lunatics in the police forces.
There are as many lunatics in the police force state side as there are here (percentage wise)it's a huge country with a big population, having visited the U.S. many times and having family that live there I have never nor have my family over there had any trouble from the various police forces they have
The poor troubled lady clearly had some issues, but lost all sense of perspective killing herself over a traffic violation. That said, it is difficult to put oneself in the shoes of someone who has tried suicide
The poor troubled lady clearly had some issues, but lost all sense of perspective killing herself over a traffic violation. That said, it is difficult to put oneself in the shoes of someone who has tried suicide

Hiya mate.. could you tell me how on earth you can tell that the lady had issues? or did you mean ISSUES with the 'orrible nazi that stopped her? maybe she had had enough of this life, this realm, this dimension as we know it and could only see the world/her country/her state getting worse and decided to opt out instead of being led by the nose to the abattoir for another 30 or so years... and who is to say she has issues or in anyway wrong for taking THAT option? I am not being in anyway funny btw 'blue' as i come in peace of course and was just expressing MY take on things.
She tried to OD earlier in 2015 after losing a pregnancy. Little to see here IMO, just another case of people wanting blood after a white police arrests a black person.

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