Yet More Tensions in the States...

There are as many lunatics in the police force state side as there are here (percentage wise)it's a huge country with a big population, having visited the U.S. many times and having family that live there I have never nor have my family over there had any trouble from the various police forces they have
But the ones in the UK don't have guns.
Hope you and the fambo are going ok Biggs lad..

I posted a topic not so long ago titled U S of HELL..Should have been U S HEIL..The response i got was citizens of the nazi state replying with pictures of lovely mountains and lakes lol.. it is a mess of a country as is pretty much every country on the planet due to certain agendas that i wont get into right now... humanity as we know it is fucked , we lost the end game,but it's ok, just keep playing with your crayons and balloon on a stick, all is good, nothing to worry about...last one out close the door and turn the light off..if you have any fingers left of course. Hitler didnt win the war as such, the dates just got moved around but the ending is pretty much the same as woulda been, just without more mass genocide.

I'm good, mate! You? I seem to remember you travelling the canal world.

Pretty sure that was you! LOL! Where you at, these days?

She tried to OD earlier in 2015 after losing a pregnancy. Little to see here IMO, just another case of people wanting blood after a white police arrests a black person.

Whilst you think it's just more racial 'aggravation' stirred up for no reason, there's actually a point where people start to react back. See the 'I Can't Breathe' campaign for starters moving on to sections of 'Black Lives Matter'.

The poor troubled lady clearly had some issues, but lost all sense of perspective killing herself over a traffic violation. That said, it is difficult to put oneself in the shoes of someone who has tried suicide

Troubled, she may have been. But the duty of care is down to the officer that ignored the warning sign in the information they were given. At this point, I'm assuming, of course, that testing for dope had come back positive? Surely there would have been records of self harm noted?

Why would someone dismiss the attempted suicide information? That's negligence, plain and simple.

As for the photo? Whilst it's hard to confirm her life status, at that point, it seems clear to me she's on the ground. The single tear down her left cheek means she was upright, moments before, but the shadows and the unnatural position of head rest points to her restraint or non-compliance of direction.

Whatever it is, it doesn't add up.
I'm not quite sure what people who don't comply with police orders think will happen next? Are the police supposed to shrug their shoulders and just say, "OK, you do what you think you should do"?!

In a society where there are more guns than people, and the Internet is rife with cops getting shot at traffic stops, the ONLY WAY to behave when stopped is with compliance and calmness. As soon as an officer feels under threat (reaching in your car, waving your hands around, moving towards his person or weapon, etc, etc, etc...) it can quickly escalate the incident, because then the person needs to be restrained.....and people don't like that! However, cops don't like people encroaching in their personal space, or moving in their direction aggressively, because they have a deadly weapon and other weapons that can disable. Cops don't like those used against them!

Listen, comply, and take it up with the judge. Roadside justice is a poor choice of venue, because too many cops have died, and almost every LEO I know has seen too many of those videos and doesn't want themselves to be the next victim. Regardless of what this cop may or may not have done right or wrong, he went home to his family. Many others in uniform have not! That doesn't excuse every incident, or abuse of power, but noncompliance can quickly turn deadly, so why do people do it???

I think I know, but those are just my own thoughts.
I'm not quite sure what people who don't comply with police orders think will happen next? Are the police supposed to shrug their shoulders and just say, "OK, you do what you think you should do"?!

In a society where there are more guns than people, and the Internet is rife with cops getting shot at traffic stops, the ONLY WAY to behave when stopped is with compliance and calmness. As soon as an officer feels under threat (reaching in your car, waving your hands around, moving towards his person or weapon, etc, etc, etc...) it can quickly escalate the incident, because then the person needs to be restrained.....and people don't like that! However, cops don't like people encroaching in their personal space, or moving in their direction aggressively, because they have a deadly weapon and other weapons that can disable. Cops don't like those used against them!

Listen, comply, and take it up with the judge. Roadside justice is a poor choice of venue, because too many cops have died, and almost every LEO I know has seen too many of those videos and doesn't want themselves to be the next victim. Regardless of what this cop may or may not have done right or wrong, he went home to his family. Many others in uniform have not! That doesn't excuse every incident, or abuse of power, but noncompliance can quickly turn deadly, so why do people do it???

I think I know, but those are just my own thoughts.

In 'normal' circumstances, I would agree with your entire post. But, your point is not a factor in lieu of the video in the original post.

It seems to me the cop is looking for an argument and is maybe casting his authority of a White MALE officer against someone he sees as inferior, in every way. He asks her a question and she replies, explaining why she's reacting the way she is. He IS passive aggressive in his responses. She poses no threat, in fact she complies with everything he asks for except getting out of the car. Why would she need to do this unless the 'officer' verbally expresses suspicion of DUI or is making an actual arrest?

He is merely actioning his dominance, especially as he lays hands on her to forcibly remove her from the car. I think you will agree he steps out of his job description, at this point. He is not afraid, but HE is irritated by her non-compliance. He knows she has no weapon, just a cigarette, which is why he does what he does and forfeits his own 'personal space' and invades hers. He compounds this, further, un-holstering his taser (not his firearm) in her direction.

I think none of his actions, after the 'cigarette' catalyst are straightforward and I think he's being a bully and using his uniform as a lawful reason to do so.

Maybe your post was in the general direction of cops vs civilians, but none of what you posted was relevant here.
Listen, comply, and take it up with the judge.

That sounds reasonable at first glance but why should a citizen surrender their rights just because a Police officer decides to exercise a power not granted to them by law?
That isn't non-compliance - that is defending liberty and civil rights.

At what point would a judge "take up" the issue of the abuse of rights? Was Sandra Bland given a fair and reasonable hearing before she was remanded in to custody?

Obviously not or she would never have gone to jail. Why did the judge not demand to see the Dash Cam during the hearing? Why is this not a standard practice in the legal system in Texas? If there is recorded evidence of the incident why does a judge not demand to see it? Had the video been shown it would have been clear that the arrest was ungrounded and unlawful and the trooper acted beyond his authority.

Do you think there will be any repercussions for the judge who sent Sanda Bland to jail and denied her her liberty? I don't.

Steven Thrasher has posted a good article in the Guardian about the non-effect of video recording of the Police.

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