you ever seen a ghost

The last house we lived in had belonged to my grandfatherand we had doors closing/opening,shower turning on at night,kids being woken up by someone pressing on their chests but they werent scared.Stuff constantly moving around.No problems in this house and the people that bought ours had the house blessed and no problems after that.
I've never actually seen a ghost , but a day after my mum died i was alone in the house in the small hours (in the kitchen) when somebody or something picked up or rolled a kids toy rubber wheel (filled with small balls) in the living room causing a loud shaking sound that really startled me , and sent a cold shiver down my spine ........ when i sheepishly crept back into the living room to check out the noise , the toy wheel was in exactly the same place it had silently been in all day ....

but i definetely heard the noise of it being shaken or rolled.
Shadz69 said:
The last house we lived in had belonged to my grandfatherand we had doors closing/opening,shower turning on at night,kids being woken up by someone pressing on their chests but they werent scared.Stuff constantly moving around.No problems in this house and the people that bought ours had the house blessed and no problems after that.

Or because they had the house 'blessed' had convinced themselves nothing was there.
bm,i'm with ye on the mum thing mate.
a few times i've felt "she's there" near me,
my mum passed away in 2000,but about 5/6 times i've felt something.

Yeah , i can well believe that ....

i take some convincing about ghosts/spirits , as i have never really encountered anything 'untowards' before .. but what happened that night really startled me , i went ice cold ......... and to be honest after it had happened i couldn't get to bed quickly enough.

My missus also claimed that an 'icy blast' had passed over her head as she lay in bed just before i got there.

My sister and brother both encountered odd things happening in their houses on the following night.
I don't believe in the afterlife, but I do have a couple of stories.

I'll start with the first ghost story my dad has told me.
There was one time when I was just learning to talk and walk, and I had a plastic telephone as a toy. I was babbling along with myself, and I stumbled out into the garden mid-sentence. My dad, who was hanging out the washing, asked me who I was talking to, and I simply replied "Burton"; said "Burton" was the old man who had died in the house before we bought it. I had no idea who "Burton" was, or that he'd ever lived in the house I now I lived in.

Personally, I think I said "Burton" because I may have seen it on a piece of paper, or heard my parents discussing it while I was around.

I'll finish with the second ghost story my dad told me.
When my dad was 22, he in involved in a car crash that left one out of his party of four in need of weeks of hospital treatment.

But anyway, when the car crashed, my dad was knocked out and sent into a state of mind where everything was blank. He turned around and noticed a man standing over him. He was dressed in Victorian clothes, and he was quite fat. He leant over to my dad and apaprently said "Are you alright?" That's where it ends.
I try to distance myself from it all. Never seen a ghost, don't want to, don't believe in them, but I do believe in God which is probably quite unusual if I'm not into the spirty stuff.

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