You know you're getting old when...

SharpDressedMan said:
mancityscot said:
yeh i am 15 and i'm amnt one for goin out to townwith mates, what do you do, have a look in shops, drink, got to houses. wheres the fun in that?

Well no because I have the option to go the nightclubs but I don't do it because I fucking hate stuff and get depressed very quickly

I'm sure once you get to my age you'll be able to appreciate it more than me

yeh i probably will. i mean a normal weekend consists of me mostly watching all of the live football there is too watch
Goin out into town wearing the clothes you just bought, to stare at all the girls who just like to look pretty to compete with one another?
Oh and get you to buy 'em a drink.
Pointless chatting them up as shouting is a big no no and the music is loud.

Nights out are played out and overrated... wasted loads of money on drink/coke/pill binges for what? just to meet other dodgey random dudes who are doin' the same thing.
Decent women won't go near sessioned guys.

Save myself loads of money now not bothering, lads i know in their 30's still going out week by week and they look a mess.
Says it all really.... watch a porno and think 'That bed looks really comfy'
Its not a case of getting old, surely its just normal? By the time i was 24-25 i'd got bored with and grown out of going to pubs and onto clubs every single weekend, these people in their 30's and 40's who still go out religiously every single weekend acting (and dressing) like 18 year olds i just find to be quite sad and embarrassing.
Manchester la la la la said:
1. You cant be arsed going out and would rather have a quiet night in with a few tinnies and a kebab, listening to your own tunes, saving 40/50 quid in the process...

please continue! lol

Nothing wrong with that mate, ive been doing this for years now. You go out and stand for 20 mins getting served, then you pay upto £3 a pint, then some twat wants yer bird and when he gets the Vs he then wants a scrap with you or his Mrs. gets jealous and starts a scrap with your own bird, or the said twats bird starts giving you the eye which leads to the twat wantin' a scrap with you, then the feckin Jukey/DJ starts belting out some utter shite like Snow Patrol or Kea*e or somert, then some twta wants a scrap in the taxi rank and then you get food poisoning from the dogmeat kebab, you wake up skint, rips in your new clobber and yer birds not talking to you becauae she blames you for starting the scrap because it was YOU that was givin' that bird the eye, aaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrgghhhhhhh!!!

Instead its Mary Ds,( i know you sometimes cue a little and pay upto £3 a pint but at least your with fellow Blues) game, home, munch, fridge(grog) tunes of your choice and a dance around the garden, maybe a bit of BMF depending how lashed you are, wake up next morning with your Bird, cash and your clothes all in good nick, then its down to the all you can eat Chinese for a top munch(no food poisoning btw- so far). So you carry on doing what you're doing la la la, as there are some proper nobs knockin' about these days man, bangin' all sorts of shite up there nose and carrying some aggressive weapon or other. Sorry, rant over.

The answer to your OP is having a bad hangover the morning after.

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