You will own nothing and be happy

Because they have their thinking caps on obviously.

Why is this guy wearing Michael Owen’s T-shirt ?
And GREEDY! It’s in our nature it’s wrong!
Not just in our nature. Across a lot of the entire life on Earth, living organisms seem to organise themselves into a societal hierarchy where individuals dominate others.

Even trees in a forest do this, one tree seems to force itself to become the dominating “Mother” tree within a group of trees. It spreads it’s roots deeper and wider to take up more water and spreads it’s branches up higher and wider towards better light positions than others and the other trees seem to secede to allow it to happen. Although the Mother tress do also share excess carbon allow other trees to still flourish for the benefit of the group, in times of crisis it would take over to survive over all the others.

Is it how all life naturally succeeds? Life on Earth appears to be genetically predisposed or be like this and is it the reason why life on Earth has successfully developed and evolved as it has? Without it, would life not be as evolved as it is? Would we still be single cell organisms living around vents in the oceans?
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Only time will tell boys and girls! I hope I am completely wrong and all you people who believe the lies you have been fed are right!
I will personally come and buy you all a pint and give you a big hug! Peace,love and happiness to you all and up the blues xxxx
So you created a new thread to continue spouting your same old, tired nonsense?
I found this thread title interesting as i pretty much do own nothing yet am as happy as ive ever been. A few years ago when i was 40 i packed up, sold everything and moved to Greece. This morning, like most mornings, i got up and walked down to the sea for a swim.Now im in a cafe watching the tide roll in, chat to a few tourists and later ill play a spot of poker on the crap old laptop i have.An alternative lifestyle really is possible if people really want it. When covid happened the rules were in place here but i noticed absolutely nobody followed them. Ive not once seen a police car here and in fact i very much doubt anybody even knows my surname here so im pretty much as free as can be. My only possesions are clothing, laptop and phone. Money doesnt make a person happy but freedom sure as hell does. The point of this waffle is because a v large part of me leaving the UK was my increasing anger that the Government. I met many of the MPs in my old line of work and didnt like the vast majority. They would in a meeting and id listen to them say blatant lies and ignore all facts as long as they were personally ok. I therefore left and effectively became ungovernable. Id suggest others do the same because its only going to get worse in the UK depressingly.
I found this thread title interesting as i pretty much do own nothing yet am as happy as ive ever been. A few years ago when i was 40 i packed up, sold everything and moved to Greece. This morning, like most mornings, i got up and walked down to the sea for a swim.Now im in a cafe watching the tide roll in, chat to a few tourists and later ill play a spot of poker on the crap old laptop i have.An alternative lifestyle really is possible if people really want it. When covid happened the rules were in place here but i noticed absolutely nobody followed them. Ive not once seen a police car here and in fact i very much doubt anybody even knows my surname here so im pretty much as free as can be. My only possesions are clothing, laptop and phone. Money doesnt make a person happy but freedom sure as hell does. The point of this waffle is because a v large part of me leaving the UK was my increasing anger that the Government. I met many of the MPs in my old line of work and didnt like the vast majority. They would in a meeting and id listen to them say blatant lies and ignore all facts as long as they were personally ok. I therefore left and effectively became ungovernable. Id suggest others do the same because its only going to get worse in the UK depressingly.
Did you buy anything in Greece?
Come on mate you can’t be that gullible that you swallow the whole ‘hey look at all these people dying of Covid 19,even the pm has got it but it’s ok he’s got a vaccine,) Matt Hancock crying,William Shakespeare here’s your vaccine,to be or not to be! Come on son you’re not that thick really are you

ffs, was a promising thread till i read this bollox
Did you buy anything in Greece
Other than the laptop and phone. No, nothing aside from food and clothing. oh and beer.. I rent a small place to live in as i figured no point in buying property as im hardly ever in it. Edit - Actually i did get a car at first but then sold it as realised not necessary here.
I found this thread title interesting as i pretty much do own nothing yet am as happy as ive ever been. A few years ago when i was 40 i packed up, sold everything and moved to Greece. This morning, like most mornings, i got up and walked down to the sea for a swim.Now im in a cafe watching the tide roll in, chat to a few tourists and later ill play a spot of poker on the crap old laptop i have.An alternative lifestyle really is possible if people really want it. When covid happened the rules were in place here but i noticed absolutely nobody followed them. Ive not once seen a police car here and in fact i very much doubt anybody even knows my surname here so im pretty much as free as can be. My only possesions are clothing, laptop and phone. Money doesnt make a person happy but freedom sure as hell does. The point of this waffle is because a v large part of me leaving the UK was my increasing anger that the Government. I met many of the MPs in my old line of work and didnt like the vast majority. They would in a meeting and id listen to them say blatant lies and ignore all facts as long as they were personally ok. I therefore left and effectively became ungovernable. Id suggest others do the same because its only going to get worse in the UK depressingly.
Fascinating story mate. So how long have you lived this life?
I am assuming that you were wealthy enough to fund this lifestyle or do you still work?
Do you ever consider moving to another country or is Greece now your home.
Sorry for being a nosy b. Just sounds so idyllic, there must be some downsides?
Btw. If you left a few years ago, things have got very significantly worse other than our magnificent blue boys.
Other than the laptop and phone. No, nothing aside from food and clothing. oh and beer.. I rent a small place to live in as i figured no point in buying property as im hardly ever in it.
In this new system, you can’t rent anywhere to live as there’d be no landlords. It’s a first come, first served type of policy.

I‘m not sure it’s been thought through very well.

Your lifestyle sounds lovely though!

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