Your best away day/ trip ever???

urmston said:
Are abandoned matches allowed?

If so then it has to be the Denis Law backheeler at Old Trafford in 1974.

What fun to see our bitter relegated rivals taking things so badly as usual.

Oh yes what a fun day that was apart from trying to get out of the ground without laughing
Villa park semi-final against ipswich were brilliant that day has were the fans. best support i have seen by city fans that day.

yep my mate was on TV that day climbing up the fences.....good day
Modern times- Schalke, Hamburg, Aalborg & Sheff Wed 6-2 (my lad's first away game).

Black and white times- Blackburn 1-0 Baker 82?, Scum '74, Wembley '76, Stoke Boxing Day.
I have some great memories some of which have merged so much I can't remember the detail!
Do recall going to Newcastle with my dad for the famous 4-3. This involved getting him out of bed at 6-00 am and talking him into it. There was hardly any motorway in those days and it took ages in an Austin 1100 but it was worth it. That day was unbelievable. In the sense I don't think anyone who wasn't there will ever really believe the stories of those who were.

Then there was that time at West Ham when we got relegated. Me and my mate found a bus to take us to Upton Park from Fleet Street and we were crapping ourselves as West Ham had a reputation and we were wary of getting a smack. But it was the famous day when they applauded us all the way to the tube. Got back into London, went up to Walthamstow dogs and got home in Manchester about 3-40 am. Remember puking up somewhere at the back of Church Street...Probably the effect of beer plus breathing in some guy's pipe smoke all the way from Watford Junction.

More recently I remember a very enjoyable weekend in Norwich with two mates. We got beat (unusually at Norwich) but we had a good look around the city and lots of cheap bitter. Ended up in some obscure pub singing along with a folk singer. (Only in Norwich!)
Gillingham away Championship winning season. We made it into a European tour. 1 night in Lille, 1 night in Brugges, then back over on ferry saturday morning and into Gillingham for the game! Europe looked a way off those days so thought we may aswell get one in whilst we could. Good times!!

One of best goals ive seen live that day to, Ali B backflick for Goaters volley! and getting back in car for drive back up north to hear the news we signed Schmeichel!
Wembley 99 best feeling.

Blackpool in the cup mid eighties Lakey equalised with the last kick and it went mad. Remember legging it for the bus away from their fans.

Stoke was great but I remember a night match West Brom away that season, the look on the coppers faces as a blow up frankenstein and godzilla etc. arrived one by one, plus the cries of "I'm Spartacus" as the police were looking to arrest some fan.

True to form we lost both those games!
Blackburn promotion game. Was in their end but there were blues everywhere, and who can forget Kennedy running down the touchline to Royle? quality.
Leeds 1983 Parlane scored the winner in a very sweet 2-1 win for City. I had been exiled in Yorkshire since the age of eight and had learned to hate Leeds with a passion. We were force marched from the station to the ground that season and there was trouble the whole route.
On the way home it took all my diplomatic skills to prevent west yorkshires finest from forcing me on the football special back to Manchester. The police did not do negotiating with football fans in those days.
4times said:
Whats your best away day/trip lads over the years watching the blue army? Either the result or something that has made it special???

that is some question.

wembley 76
wembley 99
trawler trip
and a couple at the swamp circa late 60's when we twatted them.

i'd have to say the faroes, can't see that ever comimg off again:)

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