Your best away day/ trip ever???

Newcastle away, when Kk was manager, in the cup, tea time kick off, got there early etc etc. stuffed them really, but lost one nil- who got sent off for us, bit iffy!! Also losinf there the day England won the rugby world cup. misse dthe lasr train home after dancing the night away on that bloody boat with the revolving dance floor; most of the queue to get on it were singin 'blue moon'.

Norwich away, early 90's, just to turn up and see so many blues there early for a midweek.

Preston way in their end,

Blackpool away in the home end,

Forest and Blackpool at home but sat in the away end,

A dozen trips to the Fernhurst.

And many more already mentioned in this thread.
Nothing too special, but I went to watch City play Sheffield Wednesday a few years ago. Twas a warm sunny day, got held up in the traffic and just made it for the kick off. Going into the Leppings Lane end made me feel a bit uncomfortable, if I'm honest, and I then watched City concede 2 goals in not too many minutes.

I need'nt have worried as we went on to win 6-2.

Over the years, I have been to dozens of away games watching City, and the absolute certainty about the result is we will lose. I really don't pick my away games very well, even now.

So for me to see City score six goals away from home was just wonderful.

Like I said, it was nothing too special in the overall scheme of things, but that day will always live in my memory.

Six goals away from home, we won, and the sun was shining.
Gillingham, the scum when we beat them 2-1 were obviously very special and Blackburn 4-1 when we went up was brilliant it just had everything... coming from behind after it seemed it would never happen, returning to the prem at last and a pitch invasion whilst stood with all my mates who had suffered alongside me for so many years. I also love the fact that to get my ticket for the Blackburn game one of the stubs you needed was Wolves away. It was a horrible trip, it was a friday night it snowed and we got hammered 4-1, we got loads of shit off the wolves fans above us in the upper tier and our bus broke down on the way home. I remember thinking i wish id just stayed at home and watched it on the Sky but when it came to getting my Blackburn ticket it made it all worth while.

I also loved Burnley away 4-2 on the bank holiday monday when Goat got a hat-trick and Sheff Wed 6-2 was a brilliant away day and another Goater hat-trick. Oh and Villa away in the cup 6,000 blues travelling down on the sunday night, just when it all looked lost up popped Richards to send us wild, i remember signing all the way home and really believed the cup had our name on it.
Cold trafford 3-1 a rare George Heslop goal. Dennis 1-0.Newcastle again in 67 arriving back in Manc singing we are the champions at the top of my voice, turning a corner and meeting about 200 lads wearing red and white scarves. Sunderland fans. Nearly a clean underpants moment.
Bradford, Gillingham my lad wanted to leave , I said no, your a city fan, learn to suffer.
Standard Liege, Juventus, even though we lost. West Brom at in for nothing, scored a goal on the pitch, got paid £7 . (Long Story ). Blackburn cup 4-1 or 4-0. Remember being dumped about a mile from the ground and having to cross through a sewerage works , over an electrified railway line then shimmying across a pipe over a river.
Leicester away in the cup. Won 1-0 got in over the wall. Portsmouth in a friendly, arrived 3 days early (muppet ) pompey fans were great, fed and watered me .Got in for nowt .
Lockeren was brilliant, wonder if that forest near the ground has died with everyone using it as a toilet ?
Thanks for starting the thread, it brought back some great times.
We're City we're barmy we're off our ..................................
too many to mention but the ones that stand out are a 3-0 win at sheffield wednesday,david white scored 2,a 5-1 win at aston villa and a 4-2 win at bradford when paul stewart got a hat-trick.also a 1-0 win at charlton when the goat scored.
Would have to say it has to be Blackburn away when we won 4-1 to get promoted and we all stormed the pitch after it. Or my first Euro away game. Schalke away, was immense. Then again we had a brill time at Copenhagen, Aalborg and Hamburg as well so I'd say they are all equal.

Millwall away at the old Den in the 80's. Don't know about anyone else but I was shit scared about going. A few incidents before the game but the best thing about it was we came away with a win. If my memory served me right, Tony Adcock scored and we won 1-0. It was the most intimidating ground I've every been to, maybe on a par with Elland Road.
Old trafford last year, the build up to the game was all about how the city fans would ruin the day for those remembering Munich. I myself have been known to sing these songs in the past but in the weeks leading upto the game we all agreed to show our respects for frank swifts family if nothing else. We were amazing that day and I believe that inspired the players onto victory. I did all the European games last year and have to say hamburg was fantastic, this was also my 21st bday so despite losing 3-1 I had a fantastic day like the thousands of blues who made the trip. My fave away day is probably Blackburn, the fernhurst will be packed in august, can't wait
Plenty of those already mentioned.One I enjoyed not mentioned was Palace in 91.Last game of the season.6000 Blues,plenty in fancy dress,sun shining,Pitch invasion at the end.I climbed the 10ft fence only to see people streaming through an open gate.

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