Your emotions/actions/whereabouts from 1-2 to 3-2

was in row DD block 305 and just sitting with my head in my hands thinking it would have been easier if we had lost to Norwich, lost to Toon, even lost to the rags, but no, City will always find new ways to raise hope and then smash it to bits. Absolutely distraught and would have left if i had had the energy, the 5 minutes was held up and I said to one of my mates, the same as Gillingham at wembley but with no real conviction.
Silva crossed, Dzecko scored, and maybe, just maybe but again with no conviction, then one last attempt, ball into Mario who slips (scream that he was pulled down praying for a penalty), ball squirms to Sergio and the place goes wild, never before have I seen celebrations like this, and never again will i see celebrations like this, then the game re-starts and I watch the ref, he waves to the linesman on our side and I am in dreamland, the whistle goes and hugging everyone and anyone, the pitch is invaded, and PA is saying get off the pitch.
I need a smoke, down to the spirals, have a smoke and then back in to take photos of the presentation I never thought i would see, stay for about another fucknose how long, then to City Square, two pints and a sing son there, then to the townley for another pint, and to put my mate in a taxi, then to Mary D's another drink, taxi to hotel, another pint and then a phone call from another couple of mates and a taxi to Sasha's.
Sometime later I returned to the hotel i was staying at and woke up in my bed, still drunk but never had an inkling of a hangover
For the last weeks I have tried to keep my feet on the ground, not wanting to believe we could do it. We won the derby " united don't worry me, it's Newcastle that worry me" I repeated. We beat newcastle and then I state to all" I,m still on the fence..".we will either get beat or batter them" (again not daring to believe)......

1-0 I go ballistic
At 2-1 and 88 minutes I am heartbroken , my heads in my hands and muttering to myself "44 years and we fucked it up,44years and we fucked it up"
At 89 minutes my dad leaves and the programme In my hand is dropped to the floor.."
I sit there gutted....then it's 2-2 we all go mental and someone tells me the rags are drawing( I don't listen).....I sit there watching the game ( but not seeing it) the sergio answers our prayers.....pure theatre, pure joy, pure city absolutely brilliant. When eventually I see my dad he tells me he left as it upset him to see me so gutted.....FFA dad I am 46 and there was another 45000 who were as down as me....he should have stayed..... City till I die

The weird part was that yesterday I felt mute, mentally drained. I know I should have been buzzing butninwas mentally bolloxed...... Thank you city roll on next year
At 2-2 was sitting quite numb in colin bell looking into the sky. whilst looking up, i saw a cross made from airplane trails so, I thought what the heck, my lucky knickers are not working and god might be a blue today... So i said a little prayer and then did a cross.

Within the minute the last goal went in and we all went mental !
Totaly gone to the dogs at 1 2, at 3 2 i went in the Rangers end via 111 and had a love in with their fans, got meself back out and then went back in, the cops were sound and the Rangers fans where fkin lovin' it, scraggin me 'ed and tons of pats and well dons and man love, total insaniteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
When the Zaba's goal went in it was just pure relief but being City I always thought this wouldn't be the end of it!

When Mackie's goal went in I just dropped my head into my hands and just thought - why does it always have to be us? Clenching at my throat to hold in the tears!

As soon as I saw the 5 minute sign go up I said to everyone around me in the North Stand - "This couldn't be Gillingham could it??"

When Dzeko's goal went in I don't think I moved a muscle, just put my hands behind my head and looked up to the sky and prayed! As I saw the final attack starting up I saw de jong play into balotelli and before I knew it everything was slow motion and Sergio's shot hit the back of the net!

Then everything just went MENTAL - I ended up a couple of rows back and then I came back down to my Dad and I just found myself welling up and couldn't speak - all i could say was "we've done it" in disbelief!!
gmtx said:
at 2-1 down I walk out of the bar I'm sat in with my mate (a neutral- Wycombe Wanderers fan!) absolutely devastated, to the gloating of all the plastic rags in there. Walk down the road into a coffee shop and sit in there for twenty minutes trying to calm myself down and talk myself around - 'It's only football', 'It's just a game', 'What does it matter really?' - but still feeling like complete shit.

Leave and start to walk home- walk past the bar we were in before- mate says 'come on, shall we just go in and watch the last few minutes?'. I say 'no fucking way, we've thrown it away', but he's not having it, 'come on' he says 'they might have equalised, you never know', so he drags me in and it's the 88th minute and lo and behold, we're still 2-1 down 'What did I tell you?' I say glumly to my mate.

I'm sat there in silence, brooding, not really watching it. Then Dzeko equalises. A glimmer of hope maybe? I perk up a little, still not really believing it changes anything, but I'm at least following the action now. A few scum start to shift a little uneasily in their seats. News filters through about the United score.

De Jong. To Balotelli. To Aguero. Time slows down. I can almost hear screams and gasps of disbelief in the crowd. Then the place erupts! I go absolutely fucking mental, hugging my best mate- I owe him one big time, I wouldn't have been there to see it without him! Rags going crazy, one breaks a chair by hurling it across the bar, others head in hands, in tears.

Absolutely the most amazing few minutes of my life. Will remember forever!

Brilliant, had me laughing till I cried!
Day started off down the pub for the Celtic game, few beers with uncles and cousins - some Blues, Liverpool fans, a Spurs fan, all hoping for one thing from the day ahead. So we get a taxi up to Newtown to another pub to watch the City game, come in and of course the reds are out in numbers, but obviously there wasn't much noise till we came in. 

The games started and I had this gut feeling that things wouldn't be as easy as everyone was making it out to be, started getting banter going in the blue corner and when we went 2-1 down the reds made the most noise they made all day. 

From the start of the day I had been saying I want Balotelli to play, so when he came on I just knew we could do it - I went to the toilets and begged (inside my head) for my late Granda to intervene and give us one last push. Came back out, and within a few minutes Balotelli was pushing and we were getting closer. United fans started "Champions for the 20th time!" but I couldn't see it happening. 

Corner after corner, praying for something.. Someone to stick it in, DZEKO. City corner going crazy and the rags gone quiet again - not so confident now. The belief was amazing, emotions running higher than I've ever felt "Aguero for the late goal again!"

In all honesty, i thought Nasri blew it when he let the ball run out.. But ex-City man with a quick throw in, great! Wee chorus of blue moon starts up, swiftly followed by "you're only singing when you're winning to the rags". Their sitting squirming, not sure what to do..

Ball in to Balotelli, falls slips it through.. Adrenaline pumping, time slows down, Aguero on the ball, shoots - scores! Havoc breaks out, United fans standing in awe, chairs everywhere being through - hugging everyone and anyone near me when dad says "Never forget this day, this is history in the making!" Honestly, didn't stop bouncing and chanting for at least 20 minutes, couldn't believe it. 

Still sinking in at the moment, keep watching the extended highlights, reactions, everything I can to remind me of the feeling and each time I get goosebumps. Truly amazing day for all City fans. 
Having followed city for over 40 years there are only two goals we have scored that I have not celebrated, the first was Kevin Horlocks against Gillingham I was just angry they could make us suffer so much by giving us false hope & it happened again on sunday when Edin got the second I just sat in my seat & could not believe it would happen again, I had given up all hope,
I have never taken drugs but it surely cant be as good as the feeling I had at both wembley & in the stadium on sunday when those goals went in, for lightning to strike twice in two of the most important games in our history is just weird.
I hope someone makes a film about this season because if someone wrote the script it would be rejected as to far fetched but the thing is it actually happened.
In my usual seat, i just kept saying "it's gone' 'it's gone'. Then the lad who sits next to my daughter fucked off, he just muttered something about 'not handling it' then a voice from about 4 or 5 rows back shouted, "where you going, remember 99 we can still do this". It seemed to lift everyone around us. I wish i seen who it was, as they wouldn't need to buy a pint for fucking ages next season.....
I`m wiping away tears just reading this lot ...

Watched it in the Lodge pub in Dukinfield , good atmosphere 95 % Blues and only the City game on .
At 2-1 gutted , but plenty of time to sort it out . Then as time ticked away , I could only think of the shite coming my way from all the rags I know , devastated doesn`t do the feeling justice . Went for a piss and the other two blues in there agreed it was all over , we were fucked . Even when Dzecko scored I couldn`t get excited , a lot of cheers but for me it was all over , and worse still now we`d lost by a single goal ... typical City .

Then somehow they were showing the utd game finishing in the corner of the screen , they`d won and that was it , but then I saw Aguerro with the ball in the box and oh Fuckin` yes !! The place goes abolutely mental beer everywhere cheers screams hug kisses tears , the most amazing feeling in the world ever !

This was the best day of my life .

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