Your emotions/actions/whereabouts from 1-2 to 3-2

Was stood in 109 and felt sick when their second went in but there was still time then. As the time ticked away and people left we joked about remembering Gillingham but without much conviction.

I was going beserk over some of the stray shots, passes and crosses and thought Dzeko had equalised when Kenny diverted the shot with his foot. I was screaming at Lescott & Kompany to get forward so they could get on the end of the high balls we were pumping in.

As time ran out I explained what was going through my mind in my blog piece yesterday but after Dzeko did equalise it's just a bit of a blur. However watching the replay for about the eighth time, I remember absolutely screaming at De Jong to do something with the ball when he seemed to be just ambling forward aimlessly just before Aguero scored. And I literally mean screaming. Then the ball was in the back of the net again and the bloke in front just lifted me off my feet.
To witness that Sunday, what happened:

QPRs second went in, we hit the concourse in pieces. Needed a cig, deflated, depleted, "can't leave though, do not walk out now!"

Head in hands, in absolute pieces, near 109 when Dzeko scored.

Remembering how emotional it got when we played Gillingham.... Dickov a god. Remember Gillingham 99, THAT goal. "It can't happen again, it just can't, odds of it, it just can't. Please let it happen again!". It happened!!

Running and crying on the concourse after we Kun scores hugging a 18 stone, 6'7" bloke, crying like babies.

Seeing a 80 year old man welling up at the top of 105.

A young guy who it seemed was having a heart attack in 106 (hope he's okay like).

Running around like an headless chicken hugging everyone. Not wanting to go on the pitch coz I'm just ruining Lee and the staffs good work, yeah good samaritain me. Wish I had now, coz he wasn't that arsed in the end, WE WON.

That was City in 5 minutes. For all the blues here and gone, near and far this one is for us all. CITY4LIFE xx.
I was sat in the east stand thinking "Why god? Why?" lol couldn't stop thinking of the abuse i would've received had we lost or drew that game. At 2-2 for me it was a half hearted celebration coz i thought it was too late to get another. Then there were some rumours going around about Sunderland equalising. Some blues were junping up and down but we soon realised it was bullshit.... Then.... The best moment in my 20 years as a city fan... Aguero through.... Bang! Me and my little brother went beserk! Was hugging some guy next to me as well who i didn't even know... Nothing will ever beat that feeling. Like i said to my rag mates you may have won it 19 times but you most definitely haven't won one that has felt that good...
I was stood in the south stand with my brother and my lad who's 7.
When their second went in I sat down, head in hands my lad got down from his seat and put his arm around my shoulder.
Then I took a deep breath stood up and thought no we can do this, but that didn't last. The more time went on the more my mind drifted thinking how this was supposed to be one of the best days of my life. I was planning on going home and going straight to bed and hide. I said to my brother I can't cope with this. If I felt this way doing anything other than watching City I would have had to leave.
Dzeko scores and I didn't feel much different, I didn't celebrate my lad was going mental until I explained it wasn't enough.
Then Aguero scores it must have only been a second but felt like I just stood there for ages. We had already had a couple of cheers from hitting the side netting. But no it was a goal we had fucking done it.
I started throwing my lad up in the air and hugging him and our kid, then I realise he is crying because I hurt him throwing him up. He didn't cry long.
Then continue hugging anyone around me. And repeating we’ve done it we’ve fucking done it.
We watched everyone run on the pitch wasn't going to go on but my lad really wanted to so we left it until it looked safe. Strolled on got a few pics and went back to our seats. Glad we did got a great one of me and him with the score board in the background.
Watched it in Blue Anchor - TV not working with about 10-15 mins to kick off, few left and came back on with 10 mins gone - I said that need a piss and though if I went City would score and sure enough Zab obliged as I dipped the lad in the urinal - 2nd hald was gutted and few times said to guy beside me I'm leaving (at about 89 and 90 mins) we started chatting while watching game he kept saying stay stay and I'm glad I did as the last 5 mins were out of this world
I was sat in a pub in Blackpool, with too many Reds around for comfort, and they were full of it at 90 minutes. My girlfriend had just said shall we go but I muttered something like "no, I will see it out and then go!" I applauded Dzeko's goal, but could not raise a cheer. Then, when Aguero scored I went absolutely mental, running round the pub, damaged my hand on the ceiling, and damaged my voice by shouting so much it has still not fully come back! But, best of all was the faces of the United fans, sheer UTTER disbelief, ABSOLUTELY PRICELESS!!!
Colin Bell level 2, head between knees at times, head in hands, hands on name it.

The board went up, I said to the fella next to me 'not enough time'

Dzeko scores, I got excited briefly, then realised it made no difference.

I can't remember the chance being made, but I stood as Aguero dodged bodies, and then after he scored, I stood not on my seat, but on the back of my seat, hanging onto the barrier that separates the plebs from the boxes.
Hugged my missus, hugged some randoms, hugged everything I could reach.
I was sinking lower,and lower in my seat @ 2-1 Half heartedly cheered Dzekos goal and acted like a man posessed when Kun did his bit,anyone and everyone near me got jumped on!

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