Your emotions/actions/whereabouts from 1-2 to 3-2

Was at a red dipper mates as the ticket that I had used for every game this season had been taken away from me by my mate and given to his dad so that he could come to "his first game this season" (do not go there)

He was worse than me and for some reason I just kept on telling him "we can still do this, they are down to 10 men" Went nuts as Kun hit the winner but went even more nuts the moment I saw QPR just boot it off at the restart and realised that they were not going to try and that we had just won the Title.
I don't know where I was at 2-2, I was just stood still whilst people were celebrating around me. 3-2 was just carnage.
I was at my daughters house with my wife and 2 grandsons,at 1-2 i was pacing the livingroom thinking,no,no,no,please city not this,unknown to me my wife and daughter had bought a few bottles of beer for me in the event we did it (i gave up drink 20 years ago,so this was a bit unusual to say the least) anyway they were in the kitchen at the fridge putting the bottles of beer into a plastic bag ready to throw them in the bin when the first goal went in,so changed their mind and came back into the living room,then of course all hell broke lose-i swear i let a primal scream out of me that could be heard in Manchester and took off round my daughters house like a man on fire ! frightened the life out of my young grandson ! when the final whistle went my wife and daughter brought in the ice cold beers and said "you deseve this get it down your neck" and i did ! and with tears streaming down my face i looked upwards and thanked god from the bottom of my heart for my family and my team and fellow supporters, i am 53 and have supported city since the age of 7 and i will never forget that feeling on sunday,never. PS i am still of the booze........................well untill we do it all again next year !!
East stand 102, When QPRs second goes in it's like a physical kick in the gut, I sit down and bury my face in my scarf. I look up at the clock, still plenty of time to go, we can still do this, come on!

But as the minutes tick away a growing sense of panic and anxiety takes over. I can't sit or stand still, fingernails and the skin around them shredded. I start to lose the energy to stand up with the crowd when we go on the attack, I just sit and look at the floor, listening to the frustration of everyone when it comes to nothing. 10 minutes left... 5 minutes...the board goes up, 5 minutes added time.

We've used all our luck up at Wembley in 99, it's not going to happen again, no way. I imagine the headlines, Facebook, the tweets, Jeff Stelling, Gary Fucking Linekar beaming his smug jug-eared face on MOTD (not that I would be watching anything, reading any papers, or going on the internet for days of course).

Then Dzeko leaps to make it 2-2. I let out a half-hearted 'come on!' Then a rumour goes around that Sunderland have equalised. Everyone is looking around with a hopefull look on their face, who said that, who's got a radio? A lad behind me phones someone "answer the fucking phone... whats the United score?...Oh, still 1-0"

Then, what happens next will stay with me forever. Time slowed as Aguero side stepped the challenge, 'he could have gone down there!' I think for a split second before... Bang! The net bulges, complete mayhem! A tangle of arms and legs jumping and bouncing, a deep primal scream coming from deep within, shins shredded on seats. The players celebrate in a pile in front of us.

I imagined I'd cry like a baby if we ever won the title. I was too shocked and exhausted to cry at the ground. The tears came watching it all again at home. It still hasn't sunk in completely. I still ache.
Oh man.... where do i start,drinking all day. got to Mary D's 30mins before K.O as i had no tickets for game, que was massive and was not going to get it.
greased the palms of the carpark door staff to let me in.
first 15 minutes of the game at Mary D's missed due to someone not being able to turn tvs on.... :-/
watched the rest of the game upto 10 mins to go. that was it, no more city for me, sat outside in smoking bit hands on head. things got worse as i thought about the consequences of work, friends, life etc. thats it, going to meet our kid at corner of souviner shop. As i left i heard a raw, more like a QPR had won the game raw, tears in my eyes, looking upwards i carried on walking as my phone was vibrating in my pocket unrelentlsly. i thought 'thats it' QPR have won....
just as i approached the steps by the away end, an almighty raw happened, city must of scored? is it must be a equaliser? have sunderland scored?i dont know!?!the dibble come running over to shut the gates at the bottom of the steps and tried shutting them forming a police line, in a state of euphoric disspear i broke through and legged it... the first clue was when i saw a 40 odd year old man do a Klinsman dive on the tarmac, i ran upto a gate and the female steward confirmed CITY HAVE WON 3-2!!! well, the next 6/7 minutes of my life is still a blur, and could only be described as madness. when i came out of that whatever it was, i was halfway around the otherside of the ground and spotted loads of blues climbing the spirals, well bugger it, legged my mate up and about 5 other blues, then got up myself and enjoyed the finale.
I ashamed to admit I had to get up and walk to the bar at 2-2 with what seemed like our premier league dreams up the swany. I only lasted a few mins until I went back to my seat and I’m really glad I did. The view from top of east stand when everyone invaded the pitch was madness but it was like 99 all over again, I cried my eyes out stood there watching our lads celebrate with the trophy. Was a long time coming for the best team and loyalist fans in the land, and the entire world.
Got into mary d's after queuing up forever about 20 mins into the match, fast forward to 70th minute onwards and i kept losing the energy to stand up, just knelt down with my head in my hands surrounded by everyone stood up, my mate kept pulling me up and saying 'stand up' but i felt like i'd just been delivered a hayemaker, doing that stumble you find yourself doing after 40 pints, i just couldn't believe it, the lowest of lows.

i remember looking at the clock, 88 minutes and defiantly joining in the singing of 'we never win at home and we never win away' and just being so despondent it was unreal, but i was still faintly singing and an 18 year old lad next to me just looked at me and said 'we've fucked it, we've absolutely fucked it' and i just said we've got to pick ourselves up and go again next year.

didn't celebrate edin's goal, i was just too despondent and heartbreakingly gutted, absolutely gutted. i remember turning to the lad again and him saying 'it's too late, all come too late' and i agreed.

then sergio.

i don't remember ANYTHING about the goal, i just remember carnage, beer, bodies everywhere, the range of emotions i'd just been through completely gripped me and i was crying my eyes out just being thrown around a little area from body to body. absolutely insane.
Sat in 241 with bro-in-law and two nephews. At 85 mins i turned to the oldest nephew and said "no way are we going to score two in 5 mins". It got to 90 mins and I put my head in my hands and thought of all the grief I would get. Then Silva took the corner and Dzeko scored. I was deliorously happy, but still questioned our ability to score another. I put my radio earpiec in to hear the words (it's all over at the Stadium of Light and Ushited have won 1-0). There is about a 2 second delay on the digital feed and as the words were said, I looked up, the ball was fed to Aguero, he beat Ned, shot and scored. I immideiatly looked at the ref and lino and they didn't rule it out for offside, a foul, etc and then let out an almighty roar - well in truth kept shouting yes, yes, yeaaahhh. Gave my nephews and bro-in-law a hug and looked over to my mate in 240 who was jumping up and down with his sone and just smiled and shook my head. Typical City, to make us suffer. But at leasted the Rags suffered more!<br /><br />-- Tue May 15, 2012 1:07 pm --<br /><br />Just given my story - now my 14 year old lads.

He was away with school in Paris (bad weekend to do this). He was at Montmatre and they obvioulsy were left by the teachers to wander about. He said to his mates, "let's find an Irish pub, they always show the footy" (a chip off or what). He watched it go from 1-1 to 2-1 then they had to go in to "a church" which in fact was Sacre Coeur. Whilst in there he said the sun suddenly shone thru a window on him which he laughingly said to his mates was a devine sign. They left the church and as he got outside he receive a text from my wife to say we won 3-2. He just cried!
Where the hell do I start. We met in Crown Point Denton for a brekkie feeling quietely confident of the day ahead. We descend on to town into Shambles and after a few beers the adrenelin is kicking in. Once at the ground I suddenly became a nervous wreck, the confidence had just drained from me and the longer the first half went on without scoring, the anxiety had creeped in. Then up step Pablo, a massive weight was lifted off our shoulders and I could start to relax. I honestly couldn't see where a Rangers goal would come from. Half time Im nice and calm and suddenly realise 45 mins from glory. Im ecstatic and cant see us faltering. Then out of nowhere Cisse bangs in the equaliser, I suddenly get anxious again but still have faith. Joey gets sent off and I thought its only a matter of time before we get another goal, then it suddenly becomes our worst nightmare, the utter dejection I felt when there 2nd went in was an experience I never want to feel again, I was mourning and couldn't grasp the idea of them celebrating and our party being smashed to pieces in front of our very eyes, truly horrendous feeling. I was uttering to myself, lets get one before the 80 minute mark and we have a chance, then as the clock ticked down it dawned on me it was over (we had run out of ideas). Then step up Dzeko, I never even cheered the goal, thinking it was too late, exactly the same feeling as Horlock scoring at Wembley.

Then all I remember is Aguero taking a side step and the rest is a blur, it was pandemonium. Next minute im on the pitch and as much as I hate him Ferdinand walked past me and I end up hugging him. I was too shocked for tears. After the celebrations we went Albert Square then on to the City party in that warehouse place. Typing this im still in dreamland but I have the coming down feeling like Boxing day when your a kid and xmas has passed or when you have come back from a great trip abroad. Ive been on that much of a high I dont want it to end
Kept pretty calm even at 2-1 as I thought we had the fire power to come back and my kids both seemed OK and the noises made in the family stand were still pretty positive ...................... Although that did start to change as time drifted by and the tension started to increase. Kept telling myself and the kids that we'd be OK, that this team had fought back well against the rags in the FA cup and against Sporting in the Europa. And my oldest lad (12) pointed out that we lost/didn't win or go through in those games and I just piped up something like 'third time lucky then' and tried not to make eye contact with him because of us might blub. The pressures getting to everyone and the negative comments are coming at a faster pace now with Carlos and Nasri getting most of the stick and one of the kids in the row in front completely loses it and his dad takes him out.

I chat with the guy to the side of me and then as the substitutions happen and make no immediate impact the real doubt starts to kick in. I reassure the 7 year old that there's still time although at this stage I don't believe that now.

We're getting close as Kenny saves from Dzeko and Mario. There seems to be loads of corners and possession but no joy. We're behind the goal and I could see Dzeko find space and contact with the ball heading it down and out of kenny's reach .... this was such a relief and although running out of time seemed to energise everyone around us ... over the next few minutes the game become a bit of a blur I remember giving Nasri some stick for letting the ball go out and then the game seemed to speed up as the pass came through to Balotelli and onto Sergio and as he skipped over the defender and went to hit it ..... the despair just turned to JOY.

It still hasn't totally sunk in but boy does it feel good!

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