Your first derby memories

1967/68 at The Swamp.I was sat in the main stand and the bastards scored after one minute.Th rest is history as we went on to win 1-3 with even Big George Heslop scoring.Get in you fucking big Geordie Boy.
I had to catch the train back to Northwich and it kicked off big style at Warwick Road.Happy days indeed.
My first memory of a derby was getting beat 3-0 at home. I think Coppell might have scored a couple.

I remember the 1-1 at The swamp when reeves scored a great header.May have been around 80/81. Think that was one of my first always
Not my 1st but certainly an early favourite was seeing Nicholl (J) floating a delicious lob over Roach (C) for one of the best derby day og's I've seen.
Mcllroy actually scored at the North Stand end and United were 2 up at half time.
Summerbee's late equalizer made it 3-3, although the game was even more one-sided than some of the regular thrashings we gave to United in the late 60s and early 70s

The Mcclair equalizer made it 3-3 in 1990 Funny because we almost ended up losing a game that was arguably more one sided than the 5-1, the previous season.

Up until recently my favourite derby moments was the Keith Curle penalty at the swamp.

Whatever happened to the fan who Curle carried to the half way line?
I'm 25 and didn't start properly going to watch city until the 97/98 season. First derby was at Maine road in 2000, lost 1-0 to an early beckham free kick. Was a great atmosphere and the first time I truly realized that I hated the rag fans. Got our revenge a couple of years later at the last Maine road derby. Unbelievable day.
1968 as a whipper snapper. Was allowed to walk to the match on my own then as we lived near Platt Lane. Remember wearing with pride my City scarf that mum had knitted for me especially for the game. I was walking home and had this feeling I was being followed by a sole Rag supporter who I guess, wanted a souvernir, so I tied a feckin great knott in my scarf turning it into a tie. Went down a back street thinking he wont be so daft to follow me, but he did and he trapped me and demanded the scarf. Someone must have heard me squeeling and opened their back gate to see what was going on. Thankfully, he must have been a blue and threatened this lad to have his teeth made into a necklace. I have never seen a rag run so fast.

Said nothing to mum or dad or would not have been allowed to go again
1991 at Maine rd, I was 11 and hadn't been out of Belfast that much. It was 0-0 and my only memory from the match was McClair completely slicing the ball and the guy directly behind me shouting "AHHHHHH MCCLAIR YA FENIAN REJECT!!!" I completely shit myself as I am indeed a Fenian.

Too funny
ifiwasarichfan said:
Starting on the day that City's sub for the afternoon Bobby Owen got married when we beat the scum 1-0 with a Summerbee goal - I saw us win two maybe three trophies and four or five Derby's before that git of a first team coach we now employ scored two in an FA Cup match which we lost 3 - 0.

My childhood was blessed and the history section on Bluemoon is a wonderful thing !
. I was stood in the Stretford end that day, only ticket I could get, when the sides came out city ran to that end, to a chorus of id walk a million miles to the end your nose Mike summerbee, then a rendition of Francis lee as got vd hallilooya, to which franny looked into his shorts shook his head, then the usual Mike doyles a basterd, to which Mike waved to them and blew them a kiss, during the game after buzzer had scored with I think with his head he turned to the scum and pointed to his nose, top players top characters a side forever in my heart and memory.
My 1st was 1967 at Maine rd when Colin scored then Bobby wrapover charlton scored 2 all in the 1St half, I remember Stan Bowles and kiddo fighting each other near the kippax side and their being a big brawl between the fans their was no segregation, but the return at Trafford was the one that won city the league in my eyes.
First Derby was the 2-2 in 75. Didn't realise that Nicholl had lobbed Stepney for the first goal, thought Joe Royle had managed to get his foot to it for a speculative shot. Memories are Royle's left foot equaliser with his socks rolled down for 2-2 and the schoolboy humour the next week after Gerald Sinstadt called David McCreary 'McQueery' on the big match.

My Next Derby was the league cup Bell injury game, so that sticks in the mind more.

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