Your unsung hero of the season...

look how shit defensively we were when Lescott was out, even when Kompany come back we were all at sea until Lescott returned. He is a fucking rock and i have sung his praises endlessly.
If we talk about really unsung though it has to be Barry, just like a little dynamo connecting midfield defense and attack but you dont even realise he is
Lescott without a doubt remember people taking a instant dislike to him as he was seen as most peoples reason why we sold Dunnie always said he is better than Dunnie been proven over last 18 months also Barry has been superb this season & Zabaleta has never let us down
cleav said:
i guess "unsung" is subjective, but i would have to say Lescott, Barry and Clichy. i think, in any sport, defenders are the easiest to overlook and take for granted...but those guys have been rocks as of late. barry, specifically, i was not a very big fan of coming into the season. when he gave up the ball that led to the napoli goal in the CL, i was VERY low on him. i never would have thought that he'd make my top 11 by the end of the season. his defensive composure and distribution has been absolutely vital to our recent success. he's far from flashy, but he gets it done...same with clichy and joleon. they deserve all the same praises that the attackers get.

agree, but when a defender gets column inches it generally means he's made a massive mistake so i for one am glad that ours escape the attentions of the press
fooked off early doors to spurs and so didnt knaker team spirit
lescott - constantly brilliant and for me has cemented his place (we only need another cb for rotation).

clichy - despite the arse fans telling us he was useless, it seems they were wrong, he's been the answer to our long period of left back problems, brilliant signing for 7m or whatever it was.

nasri - as silvas form has dipped, nasri has got stronger and stronger has he's grown into his new team, he seems to have found the ability to skip past players again and looks very good.

barry - does the simple stuff in midfield to great effect, we look 10x better when he's on the pitch, sometimes he's prone to the bad game i feel but he's been brilliant in midfield this season.

zabs - well what can you say, fantastic right back, guts, determination, drive, bottle, skill, courage, passion. biggest bollocks in the PL and i love the guy.

de jong - last season people were saying we couldn't win without him, well this seasons different and this squad doesn't always need him, but in certain games and situations he comes in and makes sure we win games. he's the ultimate protection for the defence. i don't think he's a 100% game starter, more of a player that needs to used in the corrrect situations.

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