Your unsung hero of the season...

Mad Eyed Screamer said:
Abbeygoo said:
Gareth Barry and Pablo Zabaleta.

For me, Barry is an integral part of our team and the most under-rated player. He binds together the attack and defence so well and he was brilliant against United in the derby.

All season he breaks up play and then lets the others get on with it. He covers the full backs when they bomb forward and he protects the centre halves. Anyone who doesn't see the benefit he adds to the team doesn't really understand football, in my humble opinion.

The ''problem'' with Barry is he had a poor World Cup in South Africa - BUT WHO DIDN'T?
But Barry was one of the fall guys for that 4th German goal when he simply had no pace at all and that has stuck in people's memories.
So the London media will still masterbate over their darling Scott Parker, while ignoring the fantastic contribution Barry has made this season
People forget Barry very nearly didn't make the World Cup at all with a bad ankle injury, and with the benefit of hindsight he was still clearly unfit.
Meanwhile, Pubehead once again flopped at a major tournament, slagged off the fans on camera and yet is still worshipped by media sycophants.
Barry is a far, far better player than Scott Parker, who often flatters to deceive by diving around into last ditch tackles that Barry doesn't need to make due to his superior football brain and understanding of position and shape on the field. Managers from Sven and Mancini to Capello know his value.
Barry, Lescott, Zaba, Clichy are all grossly underrated outside this club.
However, one who I think is often is undervalued internally is Adam Johnson.
Scored some vital goals for us this year yet seems to be slagged off routinely by many fans, and is possibly heading four the exit
Johnsonontheleft said:
While I would agree Lescott has been a rock this season, I don't feel his distribution has improved and he has had me tearing my hair out at times.

in the derby, lescott made a few passes that scared the shit out of me...but, i can't argue with results. none were intercepted, and all's well that ends well. but they sure looked dangerous at the time.
gazbaz the barometer of the team. Simple, he plays well, we play well.

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Clichy, Lescott, Barry. All class acts that are criminaly underapreciated outside of us Blues. But for Me Zabba is incredible. He can do a bit of everything and he never let's the side down. He's top class.

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