Your worst personal moment this season

If it has to be something you actually were at, then last saturday undoubtedly. Someone came up trumps with a ticket for me (you know who you are!), and I then spent the thick end of £300 travelling and staying over. To witness a bunch of overpaid prima donnas put in a half-arsed (at best) performance against a relegation haunted side who ran City all over that Wembley pitch. Fucking sickening.

If it can be any particular moment, there are unfortunately a few. Our overall CL campaign (derisory), the annual defeats at Everton and Sunderland, the farce at St Mary's, that last minute winner for the vermin (thanks Samir), last summer's (non) transfer window, Mario's continuing flattering to deceive. They'll do for starters.
The summer signings - had a feeling we were screwed after what we bought and them getting RVP

Also Balotelli leaving - felt like we lost that x factor when he left followed by the Southampton game when it was obvious something was seriously wrong with the team
jimharri said:
If it has to be something you actually were at, then last saturday undoubtedly. Someone came up trumps with a ticket for me (you know who you are!), and I then spent the thick end of £300 travelling and staying over. To witness a bunch of overpaid prima donnas put in a half-arsed (at best) performance against a relegation haunted side who ran City all over that Wembley pitch. Fucking sickening.

That for me. The effort and expense of going to Wembley to watch City last weekend. Defeat is not so bad to handle when you can see 100% was put in. Watching a bunch of moody players who for whatever reason didn't bother to break a sweat infuriated me.

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