Zaba - worth an appeal?

BTH said:
No question. Ref should be on Hough End next weekend.

I've seen better refs on Hough End in me time! How this pillock gets an appointment is beyond me. Could not have seen what actually went on, and if he did, he should know that there was no violent conduct. Two players standing their ground and Zab growing fed up of dog breath in his face so a gentle push backward.

The big question is whether the ref has now set himself a standard for sending off players or did he just see it as an opportunity to show that he knows where his red card is. That must be the most shocking double sending off ever.

Does it go down as 'aggressive standing'?
Definition of violent conduct: A player is guilty of violent conduct if he uses excessive force or brutality against an opponent when not challenging for the ball.

No definition of "Excessive force" or "brutality" in this context, so the appeal is presumably based on asking what the referee (or linesman) saw that constituted "excessive force" or "brutality".

Even if the appeal succeeds (which costs £1500) Zab (and City) still get points on their disciplinary record.

(a) A Player and his Club may seek to limit the disciplinary consequences of the dismissal of a Player from the Field of Play by demonstrating to The Association that the dismissal was wrongful.
(b) A claim of wrongful dismissal may be lodged only for on-field offences which result in a sending off, except for two cautions leading to a dismissal.
(c) The Regulatory Commission that considers a claim of wrongful dismissal is concerned with only the question of whether any sanction of a suspension from play is one which should be imposed in view of the facts of the case. This role is not to usurp the role of the Referee and the dismissal from the Field of Play will remain on the record of the Club and the Player, will remain the subject of the administration fee and will accrue the appropriate number of penalty points for a first team sending off.
(d) technical stuff on timescales
(e) The Claim will be determined based on video and/or DVD and written evidence only. None of the Match Officials nor the Club or Player are entitled to be present or represented at the Regulatory Commission.
(f) technical
(g) Once the claim is lodged with The Association it will confirm that the video and/or DVD shows the incident as reported by the Referee / Assistant Referee and the claim has conformed with the criteria.
(h) Prior to the commencement of the suspension, a Regulatory Commission will be convened to decide the matter on any relevant documentary and video and/or DVD evidence submitted. The following procedures will be used at a Commission unless the Commission thinks it appropriate to amend them:
The Commission Secretary will produce:
I. (i) The Referee’s report, reports from any other Match Official and any other
evidence supporting the Referee’s action.
(ii) All statements and video and other evidence provided in support of the
claim, including details of the Player;
II. After considering the evidence, the Commission will decide whether the claim
should be rejected or successful.
III. If the Commission’s decision is to reject the claim, it will, in every case, go on to consider whether or not the player’s punishment should be increased. If the Commission considers that the rejected claim had no prospect of success
and / or amounts to an abuse of process, the Commission shall have the
discretion to increase the penalty up to twice the standard punishment set out in
this Memorandum.
Dont know when refs write their reports but they should be done before they get a chance to see a tv replay otherwise what is to stop them altering what they origanally thought to what replays show hence a lot of reds stand when ordinary fans know they should not.
Just to clarify, I've heard from a very high up source in Arsenal, that Sagna was angry because Zabaleta did insult him, quite strongly in fact. As the foul occured, Zaba said...I can't quite believe I'm going to type this and make it common knowledge...he said:

"Your hair's a bit daft mate"

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