Zaba - worth an appeal?

red sun said:
mike channon´s windmill said:
Very sorry my friend but that is the biggest load of tosh I´ve ever had the misfortune of turning my eyelids up at - ffs GO AND LOOK AT THE VIDEO!

Why did zabaletta turn around and go towards Sagna? He was running in the opposite direction wasn't he? why did he turn? what did he turn to say or do? why did he not continue running in the direction he was facing? sorry my friend, but he isn't innocent.

Basically to tell him he wasn't too thrilled at being hacked down from behind when the ball was going nowhere but out of play.

You would do the same yourself , most would do something "worse" like shove them in the shoulders but Zab thought better of it.
Hamann Pineapple said:
red sun said:
Do you have a clip for this. Seen a lot of this allegation here but didn't see it in the game. I thought Vinny landed awkwardly on RVP. Where did the elbow come from? stop exaggerating stuff mate.

You have such one-eyed views, I'm beginning to think you are a penis

Only people with a low IQ, or people lacking the mental capacity to hold an objective argument resort to insults when they can't counter a compulsive argument. The stories of an elbow are exaggerated. I am willing to withdraw my claim should I watch it again and see RVP throw an elbow because that would be just wrong.
red sun said:
Hamann Pineapple said:
You have such one-eyed views, I'm beginning to think you are a penis

Only people with a low IQ, or people lacking the mental capacity to hold an objective argument resort to insults when they can't counter a compulsive argument. The stories of an elbow are exaggerated. I am willing to withdraw my claim should I watch it again and see RVP throw an elbow because that would be just wrong.

Rumour has it Kompany said 'no' to 'Robin' and got an elbow in the face. I've sent Big Vin a text message to let him know it could have been much worse. Allegedly.
I listened to it on 5 live and they said it was a disgrace then I watched last night and as far as I'm concerned Zab just stood his ground HE didn't once make a threatening move, Sanga was doing the head pushing. City SHOULD appeal against this and use video evidence, get off and the league extend Sanga's ban to six games.
nobby_31 said:
I listened to it on 5 live and they said it was a disgrace then I watched last night and as far as I'm concerned Zab just stood his ground HE didn't once make a threatening move, Sanga was doing the head pushing. City SHOULD appeal against this and use video evidence, get off and the league extend Sanga's ban to six games.

Zabba is guilty of not being a soft woman and nothing else.
nobby_31 said:
I listened to it on 5 live and they said it was a disgrace then I watched last night and as far as I'm concerned Zab just stood his ground HE didn't once make a threatening move, Sanga was doing the head pushing. City SHOULD appeal against this and use video evidence, get off and the league extend Sanga's ban to six games.
If I had my way, neither of them would have been sent off. It's embarrassing that shit like this gets classed as violent conduct in football. What was violent about it? Nothing but handbags. However, Sagna clearly broke the rules and his 3-game ban will stand. Zaba did nothing, literally nothing, so I really can't see how it won't be rescinded. Surely it's as open and shut a case as you can get.
Dubai Blue said:
nobby_31 said:
I listened to it on 5 live and they said it was a disgrace then I watched last night and as far as I'm concerned Zab just stood his ground HE didn't once make a threatening move, Sanga was doing the head pushing. City SHOULD appeal against this and use video evidence, get off and the league extend Sanga's ban to six games.
If I had my way, neither of them would have been sent off. It's embarrassing that shit like this gets classed as violent conduct in football. What was violent about it? Nothing but handbags. However, Sagna clearly broke the rules and his 3-game ban will stand. Zaba did nothing, literally nothing, so I really can't see how it won't be rescinded. Surely it's as open and shut a case as you can get.

It should be but the FA like to stick by the refs decision and I would much rather the ref do the right thing and withdraw the card before it goes to appeal.
red sun said:
Hamann Pineapple said:
You have such one-eyed views, I'm beginning to think you are a penis

Only people with a low IQ, or people lacking the mental capacity to hold an objective argument resort to insults when they can't counter a compulsive argument. The stories of an elbow are exaggerated. I am willing to withdraw my claim should I watch it again and see RVP throw an elbow because that would be just wrong.

You don't know our Mr Pineapple do you red?
We like him on here for his witticisms, some a little blunt I grant you, but a sense of humour has never been a rag trait, has it?
I dont think either deserved to be sent off...

Andy Gray said something during the match last night that is very true...there doesnt seem to be any "fouls" in the game anymore...just bookings and sendings off

No old-fashioned tough tackles
red sun said:
I am a gooner. So its possible that I see it differently.

Zabaleta got the red card first. Then Sagna. I think that usually says something, don't you? He obviously says something to Sagna which riles him up and the assistant ref hears it and that's what he tells the ref when he goes over to inquire, who sends off the aggressor first,then 'reactor' later. He sort of even wanted to explain to Sagna why he has to send him off but offered non to Zaba.
Sagna was so annoyed he kept pointing at his temple which usually implies 'brainless guy this Zabaleta'.
Obviously at first glance Sagna is the aggressor and Zaba shouldn't be sent off. But I'm convinced he said something bad to Sagna to get such a reaction. Maybe even racist. Because Sagna is usually a cool headed guy. Bowyer even stamped on him in our game before yours and got no reaction.

Someone says zaba tried to put his hand over sagna's shoulder and sagna would have none of it. Think about it. Would zidane have let materrazzi put his hand around his shoulder after he calls zidane's mom a hoe? In fact that tells me Zaba is smart enough to know he said something so bad that if he does that funny gimmick, sagna would just toss away his hand...making Zaba look the better guy!! Why would you try to put your hand around a guy who has got you sent off? (if you believe it's sagna who got Zaba sent off).

Not trying to annoy anyone here...just giving an alternative hypothesis.

IF Zaba said something racist, then that's obviously unforgiveable. But the problem with your theory is that there is no evidence that he said anything racist to Sagna at all. Zaba has no track record whatsoever of any sort of racist behaviour. There is just nothing in his history which would suggest he would do such a thing.

There isn't actually any evidence to suggest that Zaba said anything at all to Sagna, whetehr untoward or otherwise. But even if - IF - Zaba had said to Sagna 'you're a c##t, your mum's a hoe, Van Persie raped his sister and your manager takes it up the shitter' (or words to that effect), that simply doesn't justify the reaction. You can't go round doing what Sagna did no matter what someone said to you.

Sagna's red card might have been harsh, but he was clearly the agressor from the TV replays. I wouldn't have thought Arsenal will appeal for that reason. Zaba however seems to have done nothing more than stand his ground.

What you say might be the reason for Sagna aggression, in the same way that we might all be microbes living in a dewdrop at the end of a giant's nose (in the 'you prove we're not' sense). But there is just no evidence that what you suggest happened at all.

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