Zabaleta Appreciation Thread

Great preformance, class!

Shows Zab is willing to fight to keep his place, even when we're linked with the likes of Kaka and other big namers.

Just the kind of player I love!
Great performance from Zab indeed.

Also Nedum looked very solid again, liking him more for each game. Whoever says we don't give academy players a chance has no idea what they're talking about.
Top notch, MH tried Micah as defensive midfield and that certainly didn't work this switch seems to have done the trick. I am just hoping all about options and versatile players being able to do more than one job. Up to date all of MHs signings have come good. So those calling for Jo s head, give him the time and I am sure he will turn it around. For the first time we don't need Gelson, Hamman, Vassell, Ball, Benji and hopefully in the summer along with D Mills these players will be leaving.
keep him @ DM! fantastic performance, and gives him alot more room to explore his attack minded play.

much credit to todays back 4 as well, or 3 of them anyhow, micah was great on the right again, vince as expected in his true position, and wayne bridge WOW he had the presence on the left that we've needed all season.

credit to mr. hart also who looked much more confident along side a solid back 4

February brings:

Micah-Albiol-Big Vince-Bridge
-----Zabba---De Jong-------


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