police racism

dazdon said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
dazdon said:
The solution is to get more minorities in the police force to stop more white people because of their skin colour.

Then there might be a fuss made about it.

No - the solution is to get the very best folk possible for the job, regardless of ethnicity, but that won't be possible if the police continue to employ and recruit considerable amounts of racist idiots with the intelligence of a clothes prop.

I've not got a lot of faith in the rozzers and I have never been arrested for anything other than a drunk and completely irresponsible disorderly when I was in my late teens.

Apart from the racism allegations aimed at them they seem to be in an exclusive out of touch club where the general population are seen as an inconvenience.

Maybe it's 'The Job' that changes them from being polite people into mini Hitlers?

Give folk with limited intelligence, low self-esteem and no friends a uniform, a radio, a car and unlimited power to arrest folk, and to act without any real repercussions and what could possibly go wrong mate?
I too have never been charged with any offence, but I have seen the police act like utter vermin on more occasions than I care to remember, and have precious little time for them.
In my opinion, they are invariably obstructive, incompetent, lazy or corrupt, or a combination of all four.
Re the Theresa May quotes, I would suggest those were said for her own political gain. She was talking about instances from decades ago, raised again for selfish motives.

There are no doubt bad apples in the job but I've never heard a hint of racism in my career- it wouldn't be tolerated and rightly so
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
Give folk with limited intelligence, low self-esteem and no friends a uniform, a radio, a car and unlimited power to arrest folk, and to act without any real repercussions and what could possibly go wrong mate?
I too have never been charged with any offence, but I have seen the police act like utter vermin on more occasions than I care to remember, and have precious little time for them.
In my opinion, they are invariably obstructive, incompetent, lazy or corrupt, or a combination of all four.

You should join pal,show em how its done.
mickfinn said:
Re the Theresa May quotes, I would suggest those were said for her own political gain. She was talking about instances from decades ago, raised again for selfish motives.

There are no doubt bad apples in the job but I've never heard a hint of racism in my career- it wouldn't be tolerated and rightly so

If you're just going to dismiss the completely unprecedented nature of a Home Secretary of any party delivering a speech like that to the Police Federation as being just for personal gain, there's absolutely no point whatsoever in referencing any comment, by anyone, at any time. As for being decades ago, that's nonsense. Cover ups have continued recently, and then there's the case of the deliberate attempt to fit up a cabinet minister, and the blatant lying to try to and get out of it. Few had sympathy for that minister as a person, but a hell of a lot thought that if they're prepared to do it to him, what hope do the rest of us have.
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
dazdon said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
No - the solution is to get the very best folk possible for the job, regardless of ethnicity, but that won't be possible if the police continue to employ and recruit considerable amounts of racist idiots with the intelligence of a clothes prop.

I've not got a lot of faith in the rozzers and I have never been arrested for anything other than a drunk and completely irresponsible disorderly when I was in my late teens.

Apart from the racism allegations aimed at them they seem to be in an exclusive out of touch club where the general population are seen as an inconvenience.

Maybe it's 'The Job' that changes them from being polite people into mini Hitlers?

Give folk with limited intelligence, low self-esteem and no friends a uniform, a radio, a car and unlimited power to arrest folk, and to act without any real repercussions and what could possibly go wrong mate?
I too have never been charged with any offence, but I have seen the police act like utter vermin on more occasions than I care to remember, and have precious little time for them.
In my opinion, they are invariably obstructive, incompetent, lazy or corrupt, or a combination of all four.

Easy to criticise the job they do sitting behind your computer screen safe in your house isn't it? Pisses me off you see people always criticising the difficult job the police do yet they don't have the stones to do the job themselves.
I didn't choose a career in the police force.
Mainly because I didn't fancy undergoing a lobotomy.
That doesn't mean I shouldn't be able to expect those who do choose it to be competent and do the job well.
The current crop of police officers are largely inept racist cretins.
But well done to the usual apologists for even trying to defend these utter buffoons.
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
I didn't choose a career in the police force.
Mainly because I didn't fancy undergoing a lobotomy.
That doesn't mean I shouldn't be able to expect those who do choose it to be competent and do the job well.
The current crop of police officers are largely inept racist cretins.
But well done to the usual apologists for even trying to defend these utter buffoons.

A lot of coppers I know are ex squaddies.........does this make our army rascist cretins?
hedkandi said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
I didn't choose a career in the police force.
Mainly because I didn't fancy undergoing a lobotomy.
That doesn't mean I shouldn't be able to expect those who do choose it to be competent and do the job well.
The current crop of police officers are largely inept racist cretins.
But well done to the usual apologists for even trying to defend these utter buffoons.

A lot of coppers I know are ex squaddies.........does this make our army rascist cretins?

No, although it does have it's fair share.
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
hedkandi said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
I didn't choose a career in the police force.
Mainly because I didn't fancy undergoing a lobotomy.
That doesn't mean I shouldn't be able to expect those who do choose it to be competent and do the job well.
The current crop of police officers are largely inept racist cretins.
But well done to the usual apologists for even trying to defend these utter buffoons.

A lot of coppers I know are ex squaddies.........does this make our army rascist cretins?

No, although it does have it's fair share.

Really? Source?
I had the good fortune to spend 25 years working within Education, Social Services and Policing.

In my experience there are no more racists in the Police than there are within the Education or Social Service sectors and there are probably proportionately less than there are in society as a whole.

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