Scarblu - Colin Martin

Re: Colin Martin (Scarblu)

Rascal said:
Welsh_Blue said:
The funniest poster bluemoon has ever had. RIP.

By an absolute mile, the guy was a comic genius.

I met him with Mackenzie and a lots of others for home games, he came from Scarborough on the train and we got updates where he was but he always bought the last round.

I loved him, he was a proper blue, he lived City and his family and especially his girls. You meet a very few people in life who you consider it a privelige to know, Scar was one of those

Myself, Scar and Trueblueaussie were Rics first mods, we were honoured of course but times were different then, we had 1500 members and rag cafe invaded us every week. Scar was brilliant then, laughing at the rags as we couldnt ban like the mods today.

The day he died will live with me for ever, he was a fit active postie, a special constable in his past, he died playing football in his teams 5-a side game. Fuck me it hurt us here, Bluemoon lost its soul that day

Myself, Ric, BBH, Macca, Ciderj, Blue2112 went to his funeral in Scarborough, we had a wreath with MCFC on it paid for by bluemoon members and it was the only wreath in the church.

At the funeral they played this


Afterwards we went to the beach and threw a badge into the sea, it eant a lot to us

RIP my friend.....i will never ever forget you

Fuck me, I'm not normally given to getting emotional about stuff like that but I could see that really came from the heart.

Only been on here a little under two years but I hear his name mentioned quite frequently in dispatches which is testament to someone who clearly touched a lot of lives in a positive way.
Re: Colin Martin (Scarblu)

gordondaviesmoustache said:
Fuck me, I'm not normally given to getting emotional about stuff like that but I could see that really came from the heart.

Only been on here a little under two years but I hear his name mentioned quite frequently in dispatches which is testament to someone who clearly touched a lot of lives in a positive way.

Joanne, Scars wife looks in using the Scarblu username and occasionaly posts i think but Macca will know more.

Joanne and the girls came over to a game, maybe been to more, but the one i was there was special, I cant remember the result, how we played or the result as it was not important.
Re: Colin Martin (Scarblu)

I had the pleasure of hosting Joanne at the last Xmas do in December, she's a delight, me and Jess tried to get her mate to join us at the casino afterwards, they were too knackered blem em.
Joanne we loved Colin, as has been said it was a privilege to have known him and more to be called a friend.

We will never see the likes of him again.
Re: Colin Martin (Scarblu)

will always remember that day in scarborough.
especially the txt he sent ,from heaven.
RIP colin you star!
Colin Martin (Scarblu)

Never met the man in person, but had lots of fun chatting with him on here. The shell vase thread (he convinced a new poster he was a shell vase salesman and she totally fell for it. Comedy genius. His thread lamenting the lack of brown leather satchels was brilliant too for those who remember.

The first time I met the old Waldorf crew was when we all met up after his death. A sad day, but from that I've made some fantastic friends and he'd have loved that.

RIP fella.
Re: Colin Martin (Scarblu)

sounds like a great guy and that video almost brought me to tears!

I'm sure he is still following us from upstairs
Re: Colin Martin (Scarblu)

Colin - legend and a top bloke that i had the pleasure of meeting several times. We had some cracking chats on P.M.'s too. The sad thing that haunt's me though was the last p.m. i got from him below.

'Don't get mancity1 into an argument,I've only got so long to live! :@)'

This was on 22nd March 2006. So sad.

Rest in peace mate.
Re: Colin Martin (Scarblu)

It's lovely to see Colin being remembered on here. He spent many happy hours chatting on Bluemoon and I know he always enjoyed his trips over to the matches and to meet his mates. You were like a second family to him and he always came home on a high whether you'd won or lost - he always had some humorous tale to tell about the events of the day.

I shall never forget the overwhelming support I recieved from here after he died. I never imagined I would still be here 6 years later! You were important to him and I'm grateful to those who have kept in touch. It means a lot.

He is still very much loved and missed.

Joanne x

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