Unexplained Crap in Your Life

Three times stand out for me although they're may be more that I've forgotten. I posted then before in a thread last year.

1) Went down into the basement of an old school to fetch some building supplies. Heard footsteps on the stairs behind me and sensed someone was almost breathing on me. Turned quickly and no-one there but I could smell something ( not my arse) like a combination of hessian and burning. When I got the supplies and went back the smell had gone. I was later told the school was built on the site of an old Mental Hospital and many people had seen/heard things.

2) Whilst walking my brothers dog in the countryside at night, got to a field which I had passed through with the dog many times. Their was a pulsating hum from the middle of the field and it looked much darker than the darkness around it. I went to get a closer look but the dog wouldn't go and it was an insane dog that wasn't scared of anything. I went back first light and there was nothing there and the dog was quite happy to go into the field .

3) In the late 1980's I was driving with some friends and we got lost just North of Sheffield. We were on a dual carriageway but there was no duel carriageway marked on the map. We all looked at the map and agreed we were on a road that shouldn't be there. We carried on and about a minute later we all felt the car go cold, icy cold, and this was a warm day. We all looked at each other as if to say "what the hell is this?". We later worked out watching "Strange but true" that this road was the newly built by pass and others had experienced far worse than we had.
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I've just remembered one that had completely slipped my mind.

Did a ouija board in the early 90's. I was the focus of the communications and I assumed it was my mates being dicks, but I played along. One major part was a warning about a car crash and telling me to be aware of an XJS.

About a year later I was driving up Kingsway, Cheadle towards Wilmslow when an XJS pulled out from one of the side roads and after attempts to avoid it I crashed into it. I also had one of the guys who was involved in the ouija board in the passenger seat. Neither of us were badly injured, although fuck knows how.

The guys who were involved in the ouija board swear it wasn't a wind up, but I don't believe in the supernatural so it's the only logical explanation to me - or at least one or two of them were at it. The crash was just one of those weird coincidences. Nothing more imo.
The guys who were involved in the ouija board swear it wasn't a wind up, but I don't believe in the supernatural so it's the only logical explanation to me - or at least one or two of them were at it. The crash was just one of those weird coincidences. Nothing more imo.

Wow - the fact that the accident was predicted and something/someone was trying to warn you about it a year previously in that way must have been more frightening than being in the actual crash itself?
Wow - the fact that the accident was predicted and something/someone was trying to warn you about it a year previously in that way must have been more frightening than being in the actual crash itself?
Funnily enough, it was only when my mate, the passenger, who I'm still very close to, pointed it out a couple of days later that I joined the dots up. Yeah, it did feel a bit weird at that point. Made me reflect quite a bit. I also remember feeling completely unfazed after the crash - unnaturally so. If he'd pulled out a second later we'd both (me and my mate) have been toast, I reckon. I vividly remember the guy in the XJS too. Completely accepted responsibly on the spot, which would be much less likely today, I reckon.
Funnily enough, it was only when my mate, the passenger, who I'm still very close to, pointed it out a couple of days later that I joined the dots up. Yeah, it did feel a bit weird at that point. Made me reflect quite a bit. I also remember feeling completely unfazed after the crash - unnaturally so. If he'd pulled out a second later we'd both (me and my mate) have been toast, I reckon. I vividly remember the guy in the XJS too. Completely accepted responsibly on the spot, which would be much less likely today, I reckon.

Not sure if you can answer but as you look back do you think the "warning" altered the course of events in any way?
That's annoying. You should reconvene and give whoever it was a bollocking and ask that next time they just help you to avoid the drama altogether! :-)
I should qualify that previous unequivocal statement by saying that everything we do impacts on the course our lives take, to some extent. None of us would be here if our parents hadn't met by chance, for example. When I think of the weird, unpredictable events that have led me to where I am today, it's both fascinating and mental, at least to me. So in that sense, it did, but otherwise, or in terms of any extraneous, unseen inexplicable force, I'd say no - but I'm not always correct, hard as it must be to believe ;-)
Funny one that, my wife can tell the time I get in even when she is fast asleep. Doesn't even stir yet knows to the fucking minute what time it was. Funny though, if I'm in before midnight she doesn't seem to know as she never mentions that one.

It's a strange one. I can tell the time to within a few minutes without looking at a clock.

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