New breed of away fan

Actually what you said was: "not all but a large percentage", but funny how you left the large percentage bit off your post eh? So let's strip that down and try to define what a large percentage is - I'd say using that term would definitely imply 50% or more which is one fucking big accusation to level at a single age group, given that there would probably be hundreds of that age group over there for that game and you're wildly exaggerating your figures based on the behaviour of perhaps half a dozen or so young fans. That's bang out of order whichever way you look at it and I suggest you might want to retract the wording of your post.
Well it certainly isn't small minority either.
I think there are two parallel arguments, and we need to distinguish between the general behaviour of the younger generation at away matches, and specifically what happened in Gelsenkirchen

Firstly, there’s a fine line where atmosphere morphs into rowdiness or nastiness, and regardless of age or generation gap, the line appears mistier, once you’ve supped or sniffed through the pre match period.

For example, prior to the first CL game, in Munich, I was stone cold sober and totally embarrassed by the general aggressive ambience. However, for the 3-2 victory, I was arguably the most drunken supporter in the stadium. I’m not a fighter, but I’m perfectly capable of being the drunk who thinks he’s funny.

In contrast, Schake was my 100th European fixture, and what I personally witnessed was disgusting bordering on criminal.

I was in a couple of pubs in the Schalke Buer region, and both were closed prematurely, after a number of aggressively drunk City fans refused to climb down from the tables. One of them stood next to me in the stadium, and his conduct was frighteningly manic.

Our Seats were in the S1 section (the first block outside the official away section, but 100% blues) and there was a near riot at Half Time, when a gang of City idiots (all of them in the 18-25 age group) attacked the match stewards, (who served as human segregation barriers)

The bloke in front was hit by a coin thrown from the upper tier of City fan, and to combat the beer throwers, I spent the last 20 minutes with my hood-up,

Just after Schalke’s first penalty, a full pint was thrown into the home end, (and to loud cheers) hit an unsuspecting Schalke fan.

I’ve been to Schalke 6 times, and I’m well aware that they have a small hooligan following. However, this was 100% drunken English mayhem.

I was in the same section, and I think you're giving a bit of a lob-sided view there, mate.

Firstly, I didn't see any pints thrown at Schalke fans until one of theirs threw one at KDB. I'm not saying retaliating is right, I'm just saying painting the picture that it was down to City fans alone is not a true reflection.

I saw at least 2 Schalke fans giving Nazi salutes to the City end when they went 2-1 up. Appalling behaviour, which I would have pulled any City fan near me up on if they'd done it.

Thirdly, there was a lad in there end giving it the absolute big un, far more than any City fan I saw. He was walking up the stairs, goading the City fans any pointed directly and shouted directly at numerous City fans, offering them to come upstairs. He didn't make it back to his seat for the 2nd half.

I'm not condoning violence, or condoning violence at football. I'm not even condoning retaliation, or reaction to goading. I'm just saying the picture being painted of Schalke fans as poor innocent bystanders who were bullied by a bunch of loutish City fans is simply not true.

There were people on both sides who took it too far. They are equally to blame.

The sad thing is, most fans liked the option of being able to drink in the stands. But unfortunately, this will no doubt be suspended for games involving English teams in the future. Short sighted sillyness.
Actually what you said was: "not all but a large percentage", but funny how you left the large percentage bit off your post eh? So let's strip that down and try to define what a large percentage is - I'd say using that term would definitely imply 50% or more which is one fucking big accusation to level at a single age group, given that there would probably be hundreds of that age group over there for that game and you're wildly exaggerating your figures based on the behaviour of perhaps half a dozen or so young fans. That's bang out of order whichever way you look at it and I suggest you might want to retract the wording of your post.
So I didn’t say all as you implied. No I won’t retract the wording of my post , it’s how I see it if others see it different then they are entitled to there opinion the same as I am to mine.
The sad thing is, most fans liked the option of being able to drink in the stands. But unfortunately, this will no doubt be suspended for games involving English teams in the future. Short sighted sillyness.
I really enjoyed the throwback to the old days, standing watching a game with a pint in your hand.
Shame that some have to ruin it by throwing beer around.
A couple of domestic grounds have stopped serving beer to City because of this behaviour
Actually what you said was: "not all but a large percentage", but funny how you left the large percentage bit off your post eh? So let's strip that down and try to define what a large percentage is - I'd say using that term would definitely imply 50% or more which is one fucking big accusation to level at a single age group, given that there would probably be hundreds of that age group over there for that game and you're wildly exaggerating your figures based on the behaviour of perhaps half a dozen or so young fans. That's bang out of order whichever way you look at it and I suggest you might want to retract the wording of your post.

So are you seriously suggesting that it's not lads (16-29) who cause most of the trouble?
As we don’t seem to have a thread about this I thought I’d start one
The conduct of our younger support is pathetic at the moment , not all but a large percentage. In Germany these last couple of days all they wanted to do was get pissed and goad others either fellow blues or Germans. The songs on the bus back to the train station after the game were all Munich this and Munich that , are they actually aware of who died that day ??
At the ground well at least in our section anyway all they were interested in was getting even more drunk and throwing beer over everyone. When challenged they then tried goading us into a fight all very brave picking on some who is disabled .At one point the idiot behind deliberately poured his beer over one of our party then kept on at him to F**k off if he didn’t like it. One of them even fell asleep during the game .
I can see this happening yet again in the pubs around Wembley again on Sunday and the reason we won’t venture down that way until near ko time. But we are lucky as these are the fans the club want to get on board as they bring atmosphere to the games and intend giving them a separate allocation .
But then maybe it isn’t them at all and it’s just our fault for being as we were called on Wednesday ‘f**king old c**nts’!!
Mate, annoying as they may be, they're not a patch on the same type who attended City matches in the mid to late eighties . Infact they don't even compare.
Whilst agreeing with 99%, I think "Good natured", "Loud and proud", and "they weren't doing anyone harm" is open to interpretation.

I was in a pub that was closed prematurely, mainly because a group of city fans refused to climb down from the tables.
Strictly speaking, they weren't doing any harm, but the diners in the restaurant room of the same pub might disagree.
Absolutely, we’ve seen over the years what groups of good natured pissed football fans create, especially overseas, and that’s antagonism of the locals and violence. Been a city fan for 40+ years but would do all I could to make sure I or my family didn’t have a target on our backs at a game.
That probably makes me a shithouse in some eyes, however the poor innocent fan in the coma is a clear example of where this leads. Good natured, pissed, football fans and foreign ‘turf’ is a bad mix.

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