Evidence for religion

Obviously we aren't going to go anywhere on this and I don't want to disrespect your or anyones religion but I can only go against everything you have said.

I can see that you have tried to make religion somehow compatible with science but that is ironic because not so long ago scientists were persecuted and killed in the name of religion. To believe in science in any form at all classed you as a heretic not so long ago because apparently religion had all the answers without science.

Your last statement just sums it up: "... and that does not happen by chance". This is incorrect because we can irrefutably prove that every single thing that has ever happened has happened by chance.

The universe is a cruel place and as you have said we are not biologically unique however we can prove that we are only alive because of biological evolution which is the sole reason that we are here at all. That is why humans have existed for barely 0.01% of the Earth's history.

A similar fact is that 99.9% of every species that has ever existed on Earth are extinct due to a biological sequence of events that led to extinction. Human civilization one day will definitely be destroyed by something be it the sun exploding or something else.

For what purpose does the existence of a god explain these events? In fact, why do we need a god at all to explain them? The cold hard truth is that nature does not respect life and our luck one day will run out and the wasteful idea of religion will die with us.

"I can see that you have tried to make religion somehow compatible with science but that is ironic because not so long ago scientists were persecuted and killed in the name of religion. To believe in science in any form at all classed you as a heretic not so long ago because apparently religion had all the answers without science."

Yes! And yet, if this thread is anything to go by, then it has flipped to its opposite. Those that call themselves scientists are trying to kill the arguments of those that speak of religion. What if NEITHER of these are right? And the truth os found in that space between them? A truth that can bring a union of seemingly opposite viewpoints. A harmony that is beyond a war of science vs religion.
So, evolution proceeds by chance? If that's the case how come "evolution" progress and not regress? Say, like me evoluing toward four eyes and you to one eye???
They won't friend, ignorantly insulting others is just a bit of the disrespectful cyber entertainment package that so often comes with their chosen meaningless view of reality.
George, I don't see any insults being thrown here, certainly not from myself anyway. He did make the claim that science is the biggest believer in god, which is a load of garbage, but beyond that, i don't see anything. And as for reality being meaningless, I could not disagree more, I just don't feel the urge to believe in a providential god who gets annoyed if I don't follow whichever one of his/hers/its rituals I'm supposed to be following. It is entirely possible to be grateful for your existence without believing in a god.

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