Coronavirus (2021) thread

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If it's plateauing at this level, that is something we could learn to live with quite easily. With typical deaths from all causes at around 9000 per week for this time of year the proportion that are Covid related will be quite a way down the list and well into the noise of typical week to week variations. In fact, from the graph below, the third wave hasn't noticeably registered at all on the UK death rate thanks to the vaccination programme.
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IF is the big word there.

These NW deaths are coming still from weeks ago when cases were more than double what they are now in the NW. And NW was far and away the place with the most admitted daily, people in hospital and those on ventilators.

THAT only shifted a week or so ago as other regions climbed and started to take over. So now NW is below three other large regions on all of those measures:-

London, MIdlands and NE & Yorkshire

The deaths from these three regions are yet to climb enough to be over NW day after day given the 2/3 weeks lag.

But that will surely happen soon and even if NW numbers continue to go down these will for a week or two overtake were we were.

So I would not be confident we ARE at the peak of deaths for that reason,

The rest yes. And the low time the other regions seem to have stayed high suggests it will be a short peak over 100 a day if we get there.

I predicted a peak of around 100 deaths a day in England hospitals weeks ago and have had little confidence in what was by no means more than a (mildly!) educated guess. But it seems it was less far off the mark than some of the experts,

So guessing might be the right approach and I hope mine proves as wrong as some of them were.
And UK scientists who recommended under forties be offered an alternative to the AZ vaccine. The ‘EU scientists’, ie the EMA, imposed no such caveats. And they say irony is dead.

Not to mention the US which has still not authorised the use of AZ.

That said, the handling of the AZ vaccine has been a tragedy. Starting with AZ and the way it conducted the trials and the data, then agreeing to the UK demand for priority (contrary to Johnson’s commitment not to do this) which left the EU procurement in a temporary bind and in turn led to European leaders, ie Macron, putting the boot in and the EU effectively shutting AZ out going forward.

The AZ vaccine could have been the one leading the way. Instead short sighted leadership at company level and at national level (UK, France, US) led it down a cul-de-sac. For those behind the vaccine it must make them weep.
The numbers are now clear.
The lobbying power of big pharma is immense and Oxford using AZ rather than a German pharma firm clearly rankled.
AZ was a convenient target to hide their initial virus fuck up.
German officials did. Macron gave it a kicking. The EU via the EMA did none of those things. The UK agency also imposed caveats on the AZ vaccine. The EMA did not. The US has refused to give the AZ vaccine authorisation.

Is it a scandal? Yes, especially the US decision. Is it a scandal of AZ and the UK’s making with its loud attempts to link AZ vaccine with Brexit? To a large extent, yes. The Brexit claim, the unbalanced contracts which went against UK’s previous commitments, and AZ’s trial data and production difficulties invited retaliation. Result? The unnecessary trashing of the AZ vaccine in part for political purposes. But if the UK hadn’t trumpeted it for political purposes to begin with and worked with Europe, then maybe a lot of this could have been avoided.

We keep picking fights we can’t win. It’s fucking dumb.

Right now, the EU is happily pointing out that the EU has a higher vaccination rate than the US. Countries like Ireland, Belgium, Spain have caught up and jumped ahead of the UK. Others will as well. Meanwhile, the rest of the world is lagging behind and that is the real scandal making all this faux boasting between the richer countries somewhat depressing, if predictable.
They have yet to reach the reluctant youth and anti government anti everything brigade for vaccination which they will do soon.
When it comes to matters of the EU, Europe or Brexit anything in The Express is guaranteed to be a lie, or at least a half-truth spun so far as to make it basically a lie.
I've seen as many half truths from pro Remainer sources. It kind of depends which side of the fence you're on to start with.
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