All Time Top 1100 Albums (Aerosmith - Big Ones) P265

Well this is something different!

I think this album is another contender for him making the list too long!

Funnily enough though, in the early to mid 90s I was mainly an indie kid but I did sometimes venture into metal for something a bit different. For some reason, I seemed to go "full metal" and Paintera were my go to band. I never liked any metal really unless it was practically thrash! I honestly don't know why but I never liked anything like Guns n Roses, Van Halen, Megadeth etc - it had to be hard and fast. Pantera, Slayer and Motorhead as well as Disorder from the Judgement Night soundtrack were pretty much the only metal I liked

I LOVED Walk, F**cking Hostile and This Love haha! I still know all the words to Walk and F**king Hostile to this day!! I spent most of my time listening to 60s and 70s classic rock, Beck, Bjork, Portishead, Underworld, Goldie and of course Britpop....but sometimes you need to make your head bleed and that's what Pantera do. It's full on, edge of your seat raw, vicious power which is designed to make you feel fired up. If I was going into a boxing ring, I would smash the opponent's head in if I walked out to F**king Hostile haha!

So, as I've got older I've not heard this for a long time so I'm kind of coming to it with fresh ears. And it's dated. And a bit panto and slightly childish in parts! The production is good, but it's a bit too clean too.

All that said, the 4 songs I loved still sound pretty raw and powerful. It's a testament to them that 30 years later it's still like a hammer to your ears! The rest of the album is fine, for it's genre, and it's not a genre I like. But I liked getting punched in the face from the music - the album cover sums this album up. That's exactly what it sounds like.

Overall, it's Friday afternoon and it was nice to hear it again.

Ok, well, I can find plenty of hammers with melody, humo(u)r, hooks and a message that makes me think. If I have to do without these, I can find certain punk artists where the songs are only 45 seconds long and the subculture doesn’t focus on how much crank I can do before I head to the parlor for my 37th head tattoo.

But to each his own. In some cultures people bathe in goat piss. :)

But I do completely get how old music you loved once stays with you (e.g. my Permanent Waves review).
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it’s what makes Music great though

some people ‘get’a certain genre of Music. Others don’t.

I watched a few of Pantera’s concerts whilst studying this Album - their fans absolutely love them - rocking away, know every lyric and having the time of their lives.

that’s why I feel slightly uncomfortable when someone dismisses a artist/band on a first listen - a lot of these acts mean the world to people during their heyday.

first listen I was like ‘what on earth is this’ but more and more chances, I knew when the riffs and solos were coming and it just grows on you.
I can’t ever think of a time when I heard a record once, dismissed it, and later liked it. I’ve heard records I thought we’re mildly interesting once and later grew to love them. But never the ones I know straight off don’t work. Ask me about the time my college roommate tried to repeatedly get me to like Altered Images and I’ll tell you precisely how far his cassette tape dropped when I threw it out the window.
I can’t ever think of a time when I heard a record once, dismissed it, and later liked it. I’ve heard records I thought we’re mildly interesting once and later grew to love them. But never the ones I know straight off don’t work. Ask me about the time my college roommate tried to repeatedly get me to like Altered Images and I’ll tell you precisely how far his cassette tape dropped when I threw it out the window.
Not a happy birthday Then?
Yes, I get that. If somebody were to say they liked Leo Sayer (random example) fair enough. Not my cup of tea, not my kind of music. But he can sing, knock out a nice tune, I get it. Let's take another example - Suede - can't stand them myself and Brett Anderson has got to be in with a shout as one of the 10 singers I'd put on my personal excruciating voices list. But again, I can understand why somebody might like their music.

But with a band like Pantera, it's music that is set up to disturb your ears. It's aggressive and unpleasant and I'd have a hard time listening to that kind of music for longer than a few songs.

I like a bit of aggression in the vocals sometimes and some heavy guitars, but surely it's got to be backed up with a bit of melody somewhere, otherwise what's the point?

I'm not having a go at Mr Goater, who's a thoughtful poster, just trying to understand the attraction, that's all.
He’s a great poster. I completely get the attraction to others, but even reading his thoughtful review, it’s a narrow, specific attraction. And therein lies the problem.

See, to me, this is exploitation. They aren’t articulating their OWN rage, they’re supporting that of their followers, for whatever that reason is. That’s galvanizing. Their fans love them because they’re galvanizing. And it brings me right back to the point that the reason they’re popular is that there’s safety in numbers — hordes of angry young men looking to express an inarticulate anger. Safer together than apart.

It’s not that it’s inherently a bad thing to provide that horde mentality a soundtrack. But — and this is important — that doesn’t make them ARTISTS.
I can’t ever think of a time when I heard a record once, dismissed it, and later liked it. I’ve heard records I thought we’re mildly interesting once and later grew to love them. But never the ones I know straight off don’t work. Ask me about the time my college roommate tried to repeatedly get me to like Altered Images and I’ll tell you precisely how far his cassette tape dropped when I threw it out the window.
Early altered images.

Had quite a distinctive sound, not unlike joy division, with a female singer. John peel played this to death.
They succumbed to fame and top of the pops, hence, I think, your hatred.
They weren't quite the band you think you know, and they certainly weren't the band ms grogan had in mind when she left.
Early altered images.

Had quite a distinctive sound, not unlike joy division, with a female singer. John peel played this to death.
They succumbed to fame and top of the pops, hence, I think, your hatred.
They weren't quite the band you think you know, and they certainly weren't the band ms grogan had in mind when she left.

Oh yes. It was “Bite” that, well, bit. This is a pretty decent tune. All I knew of them was the pop side.

It wasn’t Grogan’s voice that I recall being the issue. As I keep saying, I like Sleater-Kinney!!
Oh yes. It was “Bite” that, well, bit. This is a pretty decent tune. All I knew of them was the pop side.

It wasn’t Grogan’s voice that I recall being the issue. As I keep saying, I like Sleater-Kinney!!
If you're familiar with John peel, this track was in his top 50. But so was Abba's "supertrooper" (fair enough) and the undertones "teenage kicks"
Well guys, like a few of you I couldnt get through this album. Its not music I admire.
I wont knock it though, music means such a lot to many people, they obviously have a big following so there are people who really admire this kind of music.
I struggle to decide whether I SHOULD vote on it.
Its easy to say "its shite" and give it 1/10, but thats not really fair.
This stuff appeals to those who love it, who am I to say its shite ? Am I suddenly the arbiter of taste ?


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