Jude Bellingham

He's riding the hype wave at the moment. Undoubtedly had a great spell with Dortmund considering his age. Has performed for England too. And then gone to Real over joining an English club and kicked on. As you say, one game doesn't change the fact he's a very good player. He's 3 years younger than Foden so you do have to give him credit.

The key thing for him is that it isn't always going to be this good. Real Madrid are the most fickle fans out there. If he doesn't perform in the 2nd leg then regardless of what he's done so far questions start being asked. They expect players to deliver consistently in the CL and unless you do they want the next shiny toy to play with. Can he cope when he inevitably has a bad spell, as all youngsters do.
He’s having a relatively bad spell now and hasn’t coped well based on his attitude over the last six or seven weeks, with the last few games being particularly bad.

My OP in this thread wasn’t just about yesterday’s game. Take a look at the ESPN discussion video I posted—they all feel similarly about his recent petulant behaviour in La Liga and the CL.
'prick', '****' 'wanker'

Young English lad who is playing at the highest level, not sure i get the hate to be honest. He's a class act and the interviews i've seen him off the pitch he comes across well.
'prick', '****' 'wanker'

Young English lad who is playing at the highest level, not sure i get the hate to be honest. He's a class act and the interviews i've seen him off the pitch he comes across well.
It's on the pitch where his attitude is letting him down.
Came across a real prima donna last night.
Great player but the hype around him has gone to his head. Hopefully he’ll grow out of that attitude, realise it’s not all about him and become more valuable to the national team. If he’s still behaving the way he is in a couple of years, that’s when I’ll be calling him a ****. Until then his youth excuses him to some extent.
It's on the pitch where his attitude is letting him down.
Came across a real prima donna last night.

Yeh fair enough, for England though I genuinely think we’ve lacked a certain bastard on the pitch and we’ve always just been too ‘nice’ - at international level I hope he can replicate what he’s doing come the Euros.
'prick', '****' 'wanker'

Young English lad who is playing at the highest level, not sure i get the hate to be honest. He's a class act and the interviews i've seen him off the pitch he comes across well.
Wait till your lot are playing against real and you’ll see why.

Oh wait…
People on here had a go at me last year when I said I didn't think he was all that, that he seems clumsy and gangly on the ball.

Compare Rodri to him. The control, the movement, passing, switching play, Bellingham hasn't really got any of them.

What he has got is a presence and an eye for goal and that's about it. Yes he is young and still has years ahead of him before he peeks but the word overhyped fits perfectly for him.

Yes he might notch next week but we might be out of sight by then, I'm sure some of the Madrid players must look at him a go WTF, he just looks like a square peg in a round hole at the minute.

Me too. Said he was good but nowhere near the level some were making out. I said I didn't want him at £125 million as (Jack aside) that isn't how we operate. No egos and dig out some gems. Pretty much everybody was biting my head off. If I'd known Rice would later go for £105 million that pricetag actually now looks quite reasonable. Definitely had a purple patch at the start of his move to Madrid but seems to be plateuing somewhat.

Apart from the Senegal game at the World Cup he was anonymous in France. Good yes, had to be to be captaining Dortmund at his age but top, top drawer... let's wait and see. As somebody else has mentioned Phil's the generational talent in this English team. Team should be built around him, not sticking him out left just so Bellingham can be '10'. Annoys me enough when Pep does it, never mind waistcoat.
'prick', '****' 'wanker'

Young English lad who is playing at the highest level, not sure i get the hate to be honest. He's a class act and the interviews i've seen him off the pitch he comes across well.
Did you even read the OP of the thread?

Or watch our match yesterday?

Yeh fair enough, for England though I genuinely think we’ve lacked a certain bastard on the pitch and we’ve always just been too ‘nice’ - at international level I hope he can replicate what he’s doing come the Euros.
He’s not a “bastard” on the pitch, he’s a petulant child at present.

Not sure trying to act like he’s had his leg broken and trying to get a player carded with nearly every challenge he is on the end of (with the replays showing there was minimal or no contact at all) and spending most of the time on his arse remonstrating with the ref about perceived injustices whenever an opposition player has the temerity to get near him, whilst simultaneously diving in late every third challenge, throwing his elbow in to the back of opposition defenders, and giving away the ball trying to beat the entire defence himself every other time he gains possession is going to help England at the Euros.

And last night was just the worst of it as of late. He’s been on the slow slide to shitehouse egotist for nearly two months. It was just so bad last night even the ESPN pundits were having a go post-match.
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Yeh fair enough, for England though I genuinely think we’ve lacked a certain bastard on the pitch and we’ve always just been too ‘nice’ - at international level I hope he can replicate what he’s doing come the Euros.
I agree. But the last thing he was doing last night was sorting things out. Just the opposite. Saying that he will probably have the game of his life against us next Wednesday.

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