PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

Was away over the weekend and saw a red i know. Decent enough bloke, good job, seemingly a sensible man

Told him of the rumours that charges have been dropped, told him what the city lawyer told me. His reply …

“Well youve obviously bribed someone”.

I laughed as i thought he was joking but no, he was deadly serious. I asked what he means and he said , “youve bribed the FA”.

The FA? What we have drove to london with a bag of cash to bribe ‘The FA’. Couldnt be arsed going into it as regards what the fuck the FA have to do with all this, nor how he thinks the bribe went down.

He then said “if you get away with it then forest and everton should sue”

Thats what we are up against. Idiots
Response to that nonsense would be, if the owners were to do that, and it was that straightforward to simply bribe someone to end all this over a year on from the charges why wouldn't they have done that before it was it even announced. At the end of the day it's a business and the charges are bad for it
He is allowed to talk about the situation tho I mean there are facts to report he is a sort of journalist I use the term very loosely so surely he has to know what we are accusing him of and what he can and cannot say
He can say what he likes about City if he can prove it is true. He will have to stop his baseless lies.
He can say what he likes about City if he can prove it is true. He will have to stop his baseless lies.
It’s a bit more complicated than that tho. He might have to prepare a case for his defense so he will need to know what he is accused of doing wrong. He is also entitled to tell anyone he wants and sort of journalist or even a private citizen what we are accused of doing that’s wrong even if it turns out none the allegations are true. He doesn’t have to prove we did any of the 115 charges to be not guilty of libel
Not a chance any letter will be shown.
Why some are getting so excited by a narcissistic tit saying he's going to show a piece of paper?
Hardly Neville Chamberlain - but just as pointless.
I don’t understand why anyone would believe someone’s word when that person’s whole job is based on continuous lies

His job is to lie on a daily basis & I’m pretty certain he’ll have fuck all to show on Tuesday
They didn't though. People are using body language, and the fact he talks slightly less shit as 'proof'.
Like all at the moment there is a little bit of self doubt regarding City.
No harm for them to moderate their tone in fact they may find more clicks as people watch how they say things.. Everyone happy including the usual suspects.

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