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  1. S

    Manchester City Developments Limited

    Thanks Dubai Blue. Have you seen the Dallas Cowboys' new stadium by chance. Wow! what a stadium. It cost $1 billion but it is awesome. Can't remember how long it too to build though. Wasn't there talk as well as to increasing the capacity of the COMS? Wouldn't a remodel of the COMS be doable in...
  2. S

    Manchester City Developments Limited

    Yeah on that American TV show, Extreme Makeover. They sent the family on vacation for a week and built the house from scratch. All pre-fabricated walls etc, so its doable.
  3. S

    Manchester City Developments Limited

    How long does it take to build a stadium? Does it look feasible that construction starts at the end of this season and building open next season? I don't think so, but I don't know much about these things either. I've seen house built in a week so what do I know :)
  4. S

    How is ...

    What's the point? To get attention?
  5. S

    How is ...

    "How is Carrick starting over Barry"? is short enough to fit in the Thread Subject. Does everyone really have to click on your thread just to see what "How is" means?
  6. S

    Sticking up for City on

    Some people just have it out for us! Shel (57) I came back for a peek to see if the­ intellect had improved, and thankfully saw your­ comment. (You seem to be the intelligent one amongst­ many idiots) To your argument,.. (it's plain to see­ you're an ardent MC fan) MU have bought all...
  7. S

    Sticking up for City on

    Man those guys get on my nerves so I had to jump in. They are going on about transfer speculation with us and Ribery, and how much he cost and just about everyone making a comment is having a shot at us. My comment: "Its ridiculous that anytime fans or journos or­ commentators talk about City...
  8. S

    Can someone tell me what "L" means on BBC Live text?

    lol! Thanks for that, I've been raking my brain with that for so long now.
  9. S

    Can someone tell me what "L" means on BBC Live text?

    For the past couple years I have been trying to Figure out what the "L" means on the Live score during a game on the BBC etc. The smarties don't even have a damn legend to use, so you have to figure it our on your own I guess but for the life of me I can't see anything relative to "L" to mean a...
  10. S


    That's the best you can do? Those were very good goals he scored and he seems to have a good awareness for where to put the ball when shooting, rather than just shoot and hope. Your 'opinion' seems more BIASED than anything else against the fact that he's from UAE. You're crap!
  11. S

    Funny Cartoon video by Spurs about Man City and the Sheik :)

    Bellamy: "ahhhhhhh I hate you, I hate you! I'm gonna hit you! ahhhhhhhhh" I just can't look at Bellers the same after video. Every time I see him I'm going to think of him running around the pitch swinging a golf club. PMSL! :D
  12. S

    Funny Cartoon video by Spurs about Man City and the Sheik :)

    I thought it was good humor :) They didn't take a shot at us or try to be disrespectful, it was all a bit of fun. Its quite clever actually.
  13. S

    Funny Cartoon video by Spurs about Man City and the Sheik :)

    The part with Bellamy complaining is classic LOL!
  14. S

    City / Arsenal want Puyol.

    Funny to say this, but it would depend on which one of us is in the Champions League :)
  15. S

    Petrov Interview (Merged)

    Double standard? Hughes sells Elano for talking. Petrov? Hmmm. Seems like there is a potential double standard here with Elano being dropped and later sold when he spoke out about being on the bench. Now Petrov is doing just the same. We should then expect to see see him out soon as well, if...
  16. S

    Latest Sky games annouced

    They want to see us lose. Based on our season last year, they know away game are our Achilles heel. Showing our away games gives them a better chance for the 'sensational' result.
  17. S

    Robinho has to be in our 1st 11

    be prepared for it. The "we don't need" Robbie posts are coming

    LOL! You have to wonder whose job is it to update or who is the project leader for the site? Someone is not doing an effective job. The focus seems to be uploading video and news causing everything else to be ignored. What City need is a daily check list in order to maintain the...

    07.10.09 Fixtures page show tickets "On sale" for the Wigan away game. Ticket office says they are "sold out" Some people have gone to the ticket office because the website says they are on sale only to the told there that they are sold out. ' please...
  20. S's Villa video looks like it was done by Villa

    Not much of any City attacks in it. Its mostly Villa's shots on goal more than anything else. Even the commentary is for Villa "...and Villa despite their dominance..." Should be more pro city.

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