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  1. C

    Kaizer Chiefs vs City

    Kelvin Etuhu is absolute shite...makes me not wanna watch the match...impressed with Barry tho!
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    John Terry [Merged]

    haha rent boys...they got a full strength team plus sturridge?
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    John Terry [Merged]

    God knows..just sayin what my mate said and cant see him lying...maybe it was just a really "high up" guy then but he had security with him...
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    John Terry [Merged]

    Yeha im pretty sure umbro sponsor him, and if thats the case id of thought terry would probably know this umbro chief guy thats bought these shirts...maybe im just thinkin too much in to it though!
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    John Terry [Merged]

    Yeah he said when all the staff were asking him why he was getting that he just refused to comment....isnt Terry sponsored by Umbro aswell?
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    John Terry [Merged]

    Just asked him n he said the umbro guy got terry and number 6 on the back...johnsons number?
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    John Terry [Merged]

    Not claiming to be ITK or anything but my mate who works at they city store text me sayin the head of Umbro was in yesterday n got 2 shirts with terry printed on them....hmmm
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    Adebyor at COMS! [Merged]

    Re: Adebyor. At big screen at 5 pm anyone see that crazy african guy then slicin his throat? with his thumb i mean...
  9. C

    Manchester city vs the Orlando Pirates Thread

    hahaha not bad...not had that one before chrisi
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    Manchester city vs the Orlando Pirates Thread

    Just watchin this match and theres defo somethin quality about weiss...could turn out to be somethin else this kid
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    Spursmad give us a wave

    i didnt get the pm...just been sittin here pressin f5 waiting in suspense ha P to the LEASEEE
  12. C

    Spursmad give us a wave

    Errmmmm please can someone send us this pm? Feel left out
  13. C

    Unsourced Transfer Gossip [Merged]

    Re: Monday Take that as it was a pile of shite then
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    Unsourced Transfer Gossip [Merged]

    Re: Monday No way...anything decent come of it at all?
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    Unsourced Transfer Gossip [Merged]

    Re: Monday Just a quick random this press conference on sky sports news and if so does anybody have a live link at all? :S Cheers
  16. C

    Going for the biggest names too early?

    true true, thats what i mean by rufflin a few will get people like barry who are genuinely realising that we have something good and are gonna be goin places...i just think there will be a few too many players tryin to use it for their own advantages...just ave to wait n see though...
  17. C

    Going for the biggest names too early?

    Ok fair point...i'd rather just not give anyone more of a reason to have a dig at us...hopefully it wont be like this but id just rather other inmature fans don't have more ammo...
  18. C

    Going for the biggest names too early?

    i agree mate..biggest worry for me though is the club looking stupid when we get turned down! its good thought for the intent were showing i suppose! ruffle a few feathers
  19. C

    Celtic confirmed for August 8th friendly at COMS

    cheers for up at half 9 thinking it was then to find out that was chelseas haha desperate times!
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    Celtic confirmed for August 8th friendly at COMS

    sorry lads random as anything but what time is this apparent press conference? not got a clue and dont fancy missing it!

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