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    Music Association Game

    Breakaway - Kelly Clarkson
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    He's looked quite decent however I'd much rather have Van Persie.
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    Royal Rumble Tonight

    I heard rumours of a christian return so i was hoping it was tonight, and no idea about del rio haha. Lets hope so eh, And with regards to old wrestlers - Bring back the likes of Big Boss Man, Mr Ass, Mick Foley and the NWO! haha
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    Royal Rumble Tonight

    My final four I think would have to be The Miz, Wade Barrett, Christian and Alberto Del Rio.
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    Music Association Game

    Toploader - Dancing in the moonlight
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    Royal Rumble Tonight

    Ricky Steamboats good enough for me then! Fingers crossed. Who do you reckon is gonna win it this year?
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    Redknapp and Rooney set to meet in chess battle!

    Aww damn! I really wanted to go watch that as well! Just put a downer on my day :(
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    What would be your mastermind specialised subject ?

    It'd have to be MMA or I'd give college level biology a go if they'd let me :P
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    Redknapp and Rooney set to meet in chess battle!

    I find it really hard to imagine Wayne Rooney even comprehending a chess board. He'd probably just think the pawns were something to eat. He's not exactly the brightest spark.
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    Super Mario beer bottle song.

    Gotta say though, it is pure quality.
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    free live stream | Royal Rumble 2012 (30/01/12) @ 1am

    Not watched the wrestling in a while like, but think I might watch this for the Royal Rumble match. Cheers for the link bud.
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    The MMA Thread

    To be honest, with his Muay Thai and the experience that Silva has got (Assuming your talking about Anderson Silva) it'd be over in 2 rounds, 3 at the most. Jon Jones has got potential but I honestly think Silva would wipe the floor with him.
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    Royal Rumble Tonight

    Wouldn't mind seeing Ric Flair or Ricky Steamboat again.
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    Aguero or Tevez, who is better?

    Aguero hands down. More skillful, more control on the ball, never played for the rags and he's got a much better work ethic and doesn't woman if he's on the bench. Got a lot more potential as well.
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    Are we the new scousers?

    In all fairness though mate, when haven't the media had it out for city? Man up and stop getting everyone riled up.
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    Joke thread

    I asked a pretty, young, homeless woman if I could take her home, and she said yes with a big smile. The look on her face soon changed when I walked off with her cardboard box.
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    Manchester City Fans Are From?

    I'm from Heywood, currently living in Alnwick (Northumberland), which is unfortunately filled with a lot of sour Newcastle and Sunderland fans... Few good laughs when I walk around with a City shirt on that's for sure :P
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    Last person post gets £20!!

    This is gonna be one of them really long threads...
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    If you could live your life in a different era...

    Think for me it would have been the 80s, so I could properly appreciate everything I couldn't properly do in the 90's. Such as smoking in pubs, and a time when kids weren't such little bastards like they are now.
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    Always been a big fan of nirvana, gutted that I missed it. Don't think you can really compare them with R.E.M, both brilliant bands, completely different genres though.

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