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  1. D

    Stoke post match

    Ok, so as an Irishman, I've got to tell you, Manchester United are THE MOST LOATHED SPORTING ORGANISATION IN IRELAND, BAR NONE. They are HATED in this country. With VENOM. Time the myth was buried - WE HATE THEM.
  2. D

    Match Thread | Steaua Bucharest vs Manchester City (16/08/16)

    Nolito's a serious bargain.
  3. D

    Match Thread | Steaua Bucharest vs Manchester City (16/08/16)

    Much better than last Saturday. Dangerous every time we come forward. Very impressed with Nolito. And KdB looks a lot sharper.
  4. D

    Sunderland post match thread

    These two look like they've got a bit of a bond. Augurs well for what Pep is trying to do to foster team spirit and 'soul'. Maybe that's the most important thing about today's game: no one was standing with their hands on their hips, looking fed up with their colleagues or waving with...
  5. D

    Sunderland post match thread

    Agreed. The optimism here after a narrow win against a very poor side is puzzling. There were some good signs, esp. Raheem, JS, Dinho as usual. And Gundogan will obviously be an important addition. On the other hand, David, Sergio, and most worryingly, KDB, were poor. Things may very well get...
  6. D

    Sunderland post match thread

    Well, very few positives today. Sterling the obvious one. Given how early it is into the Pep revolution, and the players missing today, maybe we should be just glad of the 3 points. But I think a lot of us were expecting something a bit better than that.
  7. D

    Match Thread | Manchester City Vs Sunderland (13/08/16)

    No Karen. Just stating the obvious. The football is ponderous and lacking invention.
  8. D

    Match Thread | Manchester City Vs Sunderland (13/08/16)

    Almost from ko, this has been poor.
  9. D

    Match Thread | Manchester City Vs Sunderland (13/08/16)

    It's impossible to argue that this has been a good performance. That's not negativity, just a realistic assessment of what we're looking at.
  10. D

    Match Thread | Manchester City Vs Sunderland (13/08/16)

    What chances were they?
  11. D

    Match Thread | Manchester City Vs Sunderland (13/08/16)

    By anyone's standards, Pep's, Pellegrini's, Mancini's - this is poor.
  12. D

    Match Thread | Manchester City Vs Sunderland (13/08/16)

    The second goal is needed here, else we're in for a very nervy finish.
  13. D

    Match Thread | Manchester City Vs Sunderland (13/08/16)

    Great stuff from Raheem again.
  14. D

    Match Thread | Manchester City Vs Sunderland (13/08/16)

    It's easy, and lazy, to assume Sunderland will tire. This is the first time our players will have played Pep's pressing game for 90 mins. It may be our legs that get heavy early.
  15. D

    Match Thread | Manchester City Vs Sunderland (13/08/16)

    That's fair enough. I'm not complaining, just an observation. There are things we can be pleased with, Stones in particular. Raheem has also looked bright. But we've been very easy to defend against. Early days.
  16. D

    Match Thread | Manchester City Vs Sunderland (13/08/16)

    This is boring, and ineffective.
  17. D

    S/T demand 2016/17 season

    Ah kool. I just wish City fans in England knew how hated United are in Ireland. They are the most reviled sporting institution this country knows - just as it should be.
  18. D

    S/T demand 2016/17 season

    'Day trippers from Ireland' have been filling seats for over 50 years. Bit more respect for our long-distance fans, please.

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