£56 for home games

Hamann Pineapple said:
All the "I'm alright Jack" people won't be saying the same in a couple of years time when you're surrounded by toffee nose cunts who don't know the first thing about City. Fans that have City in their blood are being priced out. They don't have phone contracts like you young 'uns, they may smoke (God Forbid) and they may drink (What is the world coming to) but they do not all have a disposable income that some may think. They have commitments and so will you one day. I'm glad I went in a day when football was for the common man and his family. Enjoy your sterile football experience. I know which I prefer.

I've already got this where I sit. Last season I had a bloke who kept asking me the rules, 2 women who talked about eastenders all game and in the last game a couple with their kid who just stood and clapped when aguero scored and almost looked at me like I was some kind of sewer rat for jumping around like a madman. This will just make it worse!
Forzacitizens said:
Is it worth adding the match day priority thing to your membership card?
I think so. It basically grants you first grab at the tickets when they go on sale. Can't remember what I paid for the priority add on (cue Sean Bean!), something like £15. If you don't have it, you have to wait in line until they go on general online sale on saturday morning. Just looked up the available tickets left and most of them seem to be up in the gods in the CB & East stands. When I got mine just after nine this morning, I got one in level 2 (block 202) 4 rows back. Worth the bit extra in my opinion. Wasn't expecting £56 though!
I guess it was inevitable, but it's disheartening.

The first league game of the season would have marked 25 years since me and the old man fisrt saw city live together. And to see us come out as Champions would have been special, espcially as I misssed the last day of the season as I was in Germany. But at £51 for top tier, we just can't go. I've got a young family to think of first and foremost, and he's just had notice of redundancy.

Not much more I can say really. I'll always be a City fan, but the way things are going a visit to see them play live will be a rare occasion in future for us, after quarter of a century of watching them live.

Personally I think it's bloody disgraceful, especially as the contry is hardly booming anyway, but inevitably people will pay it - if not me then somebody else, who will go and enjoy the footy and have all the great experiences I have had with City. It's just a shame that in some cases, as the poster above says, some people will miss out after years and years of following City like a religion.

I hate the fact that I'm now going to have to watch the game in a pub or at a mate's who has Sky, but that' just the way things will be I guess.

The price of success, too much for some of us.

Now, I guess the real question to ask in a year or so will be: Did I actually get more enjoyment from watching a poorer city team, but being actually there in the crowd and living the experience, than I do from watching City competing for all the trophies with mega superstars, but on the telly?

As I say, I'll always be a City fan, but I do like my live footy. If some smart local lower division clubs were to lower their prices to a sensible level they may get a few City fans coming to watch them, purely because they can't or won't pay these prices.
jimharri said:
Forzacitizens said:
Is it worth adding the match day priority thing to your membership card?
I think so. It basically grants you first grab at the tickets when they go on sale. Can't remember what I paid for the priority add on (cue Sean Bean!), something like £15. If you don't have it, you have to wait in line until they go on general online sale on saturday morning. Just looked up the available tickets left and most of them seem to be up in the gods in the CB & East stands. When I got mine just after nine this morning, I got one in level 2 (block 202) 4 rows back. Worth the bit extra in my opinion. Wasn't expecting £56 though!

Cheers mate. Yeh I see what you're saying. I guess they realise they'll be even higher demand this year so another way of making money.
Forzacitizens said:
Is it worth adding the match day priority thing to your membership card?

Yeah I reckon it's definitely worth getting mate, If you have Match Priority you get first go at tickets when there on sale, Without it you have to wait until it gets to general sale.
For the unhappy people I would suggest emailing the club. It might not have an effect but what has been proven over the last few years is that our club listens to its supporters (all the surveys, etc.) and doesn't just disregard fan feedback like our neighbours do (Glazer protests, Green & Gold, etc.).
Hamann Pineapple said:
All the "I'm alright Jack" people won't be saying the same in a couple of years time when you're surrounded by toffee nose cunts who don't know the first thing about City. Fans that have City in their blood are being priced out. They don't have phone contracts like you young 'uns, they may smoke (God Forbid) and they may drink (What is the world coming to) but they do not all have a disposable income that some may think. They have commitments and so will you one day. I'm glad I went in a day when football was for the common man and his family. Enjoy your sterile football experience. I know which I prefer.
Not when you're in a group of nearly 30 mates who all know each other ;-)

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