£56 for home games

bluetonium said:
I guess it was inevitable, but it's disheartening.

The first league game of the season would have marked 25 years since me and the old man fisrt saw city live together. And to see us come out as Champions would have been special, espcially as I misssed the last day of the season as I was in Germany. But at £51 for top tier, we just can't go. I've got a young family to think of first and foremost, and he's just had notice of redundancy.

Not much more I can say really. I'll always be a City fan, but the way things are going a visit to see them play live will be a rare occasion in future for us, after quarter of a century of watching them live.

Personally I think it's bloody disgraceful, especially as the contry is hardly booming anyway, but inevitably people will pay it - if not me then somebody else, who will go and enjoy the footy and have all the great experiences I have had with City. It's just a shame that in some cases, as the poster above says, some people will miss out after years and years of following City like a religion.

I hate the fact that I'm now going to have to watch the game in a pub or at a mate's who has Sky, but that' just the way things will be I guess.

The price of success, too much for some of us.

Now, I guess the real question to ask in a year or so will be: Did I actually get more enjoyment from watching a poorer city team, but being actually there in the crowd and living the experience, than I do from watching City competing for all the trophies with mega superstars, but on the telly?

As I say, I'll always be a City fan, but I do like my live footy. If some smart local lower division clubs were to lower their prices to a sensible level they may get a few City fans coming to watch them, purely because they can't or won't pay these prices.

I agree with your post apart from the statement about it being the 'price of success'.

When you see how little we affect the club's finances next to the wages of the players, it seems to me to be just heartless management.
I fear this is the beginning of the end for the City we all once knew and loved. Don't get me wrong I don't want us to be in Div 2 again but I think we had a lot more soul and real support. Now were just gonna turn into a tourist attraction where real fans are priced out.<br /><br />-- July 25th, 2012, 8:02 pm --<br /><br />I fear this is the beginning of the end for the City we all once knew and loved. Don't get me wrong I don't want us to be in Div 2 again but I think we had a lot more soul and real support. Now were just gonna turn into a tourist attraction where real fans are priced out.
£112 for 2 adult tickets for one City home match is plain wrong. If I didn't have my Seasoncard (paid for by a tax rebate) then I wouldn't pay it. End of.
libertine said:
I fear this is the beginning of the end for the City we all once knew and loved. Don't get me wrong I don't want us to be in Div 2 again but I think we had a lot more soul and real support. Now were just gonna turn into a tourist attraction where real fans are priced out.

As long as season tickets remain as reasonable as they are (#1 value in the entire league for what we are getting) this won't happen as we'll have near enough 36,000 diehard fans at every game.

If we see a giant ST price hike in the next few years then trouble really could be on the horizon as far as our "matchday experience" goes!
It was coming anyway.

The income from matchday things is very low at City compared to our rivals.

From tha datas of 2010-2011 season Deloitte says City had income of 26m.

Liverpool had 41m with smaller stadium, Spurs 43m with even smaller stadium, Chelsea 67m smaller stadium.

Arsenal (93m) and United (108m) of course have lot bigger stadiums and sell out most of the times too.

This the income area where we are the weakest compared to our rivals. Commercial delas are improving fast, media income also very good with TV revenue from PL and CL prize money (part of it is TV-money from Uefa).

This is business, and they are trying to get the most out of it just like other teams do. We are talking about the current champions, not a 5th or 7th placed team.

Prices will be even higher if we are becoming an even better club in Europe, with some serious CL performance.

That's the reality.
I've still got change from 2 matches with my Seasoncard in 216 (2nd tier behind the goal) than what some poor sod is paying for a match against a newly promoted side.
Damanino said:
Prices will be even higher if we are becoming an even better club in Europe, with some serious CL performance.

That's the reality.

Yes but this isn't really the answer and adds a relatively small amount to the coffers. The answer is specialist areas for corporates/premium seats which are sold at a fortune. Earlier in the thread someone posted about Arsenal's 9,000 premium seats that make up 35% of their entire matchday revenue in a 60,000+ stadium.
Roll me down the kippax steps then rodger me sideways with a white hot poker! Just paid £51 for Southampton Level 3. Same price as Rags, Chelski, Dippers and Arse. FFS, I know we are English Champions but C'mon City.

What's the difference between Wigan, Everton, Rags and Norwich?


They are all Premier League opposition whom we will play. So why the price difference? Same with Arse. Why Mackems will only pay £25.50 when they visit Emirates while we will pay a reported £62.

One premier league game is no different from another. One game, one price.

Last season, Cup v Rags, I paid £40 and the guys around me paid £10.

I think I'm right that clubs like Liverpool have very little differential in season ticket prices against match day prices compared to us.

There has been an increase of 6.25% - 12% rise in match day prices this season. If this is the price of success then, if we have more winning seasons, what price will that be? I will really have to cut back on games this season.
So on a day when it is announced that Britain is going deeper and deeper into recession. This football club has killed any chance of any loyal local supporter of attending any games.

Well done City, hope they are proud of themselves.

I don't know about anyone else but for 30 odd years going to City was not about results or being successful even though that is what we all want. It was about going to the games with your family or friends, supporting the club through thick and thin as a large turnover of players, managers and owners came and went, basically being part of something that you were proud off.

Who the fuck can afford £56 plus the rest for a game of football when every single game of ours in now on TV and will be for the rest of our lives?

Sly fuckers as well announcing these price bands after people have spent £10 for a blue membership card and an extra £15 for ticket priority. They will have got £25 for a card that the majority won't be using at all now these prices have come out.

A sad day in our history, said it 3 years ago but every season we are becoming a clone of the rags, sad to see.

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